Alliance Ceremony

Gu Jinxiu screamed, "Why did you hit me?!"

Xia Yingluo felt that she had a considerably good temper for having not hit her to death.

She stretched out her rounded toes, and hooked back the silk nightdress that had been torn to pieces on the ground, and wrapped her back neatly with it, disregarding the bloodstains.

Wei Lingnan didn't stop her, and his eyes moved away from her in disappointment. Just now, he could see very clearly that the wound cut from her chest by the claws was still dripping blood. She had no energy and the healing ability of the Skatana species. She was… just an ordinary human being.

What was he expecting?

Wei Lingnan thought he was crazy. Did he expect her to become Ah Luo?

How was it possible? His Ah Luo was right in front of him, it was Gu Jinxiu.

Such a perception disappointed him.