

On Earth, In the outer regions of Russia. A city called Ice Boulder city.

This place was peaceful as well as beautiful, with fewer people here and there; one could see an Ice mountain on the back of the City.

Author's Note; (Let's skip that piece of shit introduction and get straight into our story :0)

In the northern corner of the city where the newly built Metal bridge was placed, there was a youth standing at the top of the bride's middle pole base.

This boy was around the age of twenty-one. he was one of the richest people in this city. even though today was his birthday; nevertheless he didn't join the party and went out instead.

His name was Ye Xiao! his homeland was China but due to some reasons, he moved here with his mother and father. the Ye family wasn't rich at all; at least not until Ye Xiao awakened from his coma after the accident two years ago.

Since then Ye Xiao was able to get money like nothing; he already has more than Half of the Investment in the Whole of Russia; such a figure was frightening.

He was both great in all Culture and Arts as well as sports and Investment, his talent was too much that he himself met the current president of Russia in a meeting.

He was the one who invested and ordered the build of this bridge, and he named it the Xiao bridge.

Even though today was supposed to be a happy day for him and his family; he left all of the important figures inside the mansion only to take a walk around this place.

*Sigh* Letting out a sigh the youth continued his walk as he reached a very high spot on the pole; his face went pale for a moment before laughing crazily;" HAHAHA..."

"Who would have thought that my second reincarnation would in such a useless and piece of shit place..."

"I can't even cultivate any manual; not even the slightest bit of spiritual qi at all; not even any Mystical Energy..."

"Every kind of energy in this crappy planet is nothing..."

He looked at the city from afar as he laughed; " When I reincarnated here; I thought that with money I will be satisfied, never did I thought that with such frail and a weak body was I called Master by those so-called Hugemnious Businessmen all around the world..."

"Women.? I have more than thirty lovers..."

"Wealth.? I'm bored of calculating them..."


"hehe... I know! I know Why?!"

The youth took a very deep breath as he looked at the skies above him as he roared angrily; " BECAUSE YOU ARE JEALOUS OF ME AREN't YOU.?"

"Yeah, you are...Jealous of me..."

"I The Heavenly Eternal Monarch...are you so afraid of me.?"

"You piece of shit..."

He kept cursing at the cloudy sky for around ten breaths before coming back to his senses. his eyes looked heavy with sadness all around his face. a mocking grin crept into his lips as he whispered; " Make my next reincarnation better you piece of shit spirit..." Having said that he jumped down the bridge without caring for anything. he just jumped down as if his life was worthless.

All his wealth and achievements were worthless in his eyes; his only goal was to Rule above; far above the heavens.

Ye Xiao had three Reincarnations in total; his first reincarnation was known as the Heavenly Eternal Monarch!. He created the Eternal Sect; which was one of top three powerful sects in the Upper Middle realm; before being betrayed by his sworn brother the Jinx Dragon King! as he and the other most powerful woman colluded against him to get rid of him.

That woman was called Han Bai. one look and you can see how traitorous and trashy the couple were; It only took one word from Han Bai the Leader of the Yin and Yang Mountain to make his good sworn brother betray him.

What pained him the most was that at that time; he saw many familiar faces. such as his Little brother. even so, this brother wasn't the brother of the new Ye Xia. yet he still cared for him and protected him and helped him grow his own forces and sect. Another face which belonged to his Sect deputy leader Kao Long. This man was brought up by him as he taught him cultivation as well as gave him unlimited resources.

He was willing to see these faces, but in a happy occasion; not in such a dirty plot, his little brother stabbed him in the back as he said coldly; " Brother! oh, Brother!. I always wanted to govern the Northern Domain yet you didn't agree because of you afraid of me be more powerful enough to contend against you..."

At that moment Ye Xiao Screamed with Agony; " That's not it! Ye Tian! I always did these things only to protect you!..."

"Ye Xiao!. man I always was afraid of you; who could have known you would have such a weak heart..." The Dragon King Laughed manically at Ye Xiao who was already injured and was about to die.

"You..."Ye Xiao looked into these people eyes; he could only see greed and hatred as well as jealousness. adding to the heavy killing their eyes bore.

"Hahaha...I Xiao Monarch Shall always be Eternal; be it myself. or be it my name; I shall hunt you even in your dreams..." That was his last words before he ordered the Spirit in his Soul Sea to Reincarnate him after self-destruct.

In this life he was a Supreme expert; one who roamed the world unchained. and unhindered, but he ultimately falls just like this.

In his next Reincarnation; Ye Xiao was the Son of the patriarch of the Heavenly Snow Clan. which was one of the three supreme clans in the whole Martial planet, even so, this world had no Immortal Qi, still, it contained Normal Qi.

He trained very hard in every aspect just to get powerful; powerful enough to break the shackles of this Martial realm and to transfer through the realms.

However he soon lost hope; his hope for revenge started to dim slightly as time passed; at the age of 70 Ye Xiao was able to stand on top of the Whole Martial world with the Invincible name of Holy protector, his clan possed unlimited authority all around the whole planet; They great-grandfather was able to dominate the whole world with his Invincible Holy Light of origin.

This Holy Light of origin was something Ye Xiao obtained from the Spirit shackled in his Soul sea; After every Reincarnation, Ye Xiao had the old spirit would reward him with a different gift.

In his first Reincarnation, he received the Eternal Seat of Salvation, in this Reincarnation he received the Holy Light of Origin. and In his third Reincarnation, he received the Ultimate Heavenly Space; which can store anything and anyone.

In his third life, Ye Xiao decided to commit suicide; as it was much better to die than to live a life of a mortal. at least that was how he felt.

As he decided to try his luck with the fourth reincarnation. h committed suicide to allow the low spirit and to throw the Dice.


In the Rosen Kingdom Northern Terrority; in the mountain domain, Where noble clans with small titles as barons and earls resided.

This Region was called the petal Land; The lord of this small domain was the current family lady. her name was Sophia Alikard; her husband the one who died not too long was called Ye Tiao; He was a Baron with this land as his family domain.

Ye Tiao died long Ago before his child reaches fifteen; which turned all other noble clans and lords eyes at their land and domain. but what surprised those lords was that the Current Northern Domain Princess Shya Lampard decreed that the land shall remain under the baron wife care at least until his son is big enough to take on his father title and land.

This year Ye Xiao the son of the dead Ye Tiao. was a good for nothing young master; he has twelve maids, even so, this year he just received the title of a Baron yet his Arrogant self-took control of him as he bullied the citizens and raised the Tax as well as he was gambling with the nearby Duan clan Third young master Duan Kong. They both were gambling day and night; though Ye Xiao always lost the bet.

He hated the Knight Training, as well as he didn't want to join any Magus Academies; in this world. Only Mages and Knights were Truly strong; Without A knight strength or a Magus Backing, your title would be for nothing.

His mother Sophia finally lost hope in him as she fell ill and closed her room and didn't want to face him again unless he changes his ways.

Tonight was a rainy and cold night, A few Big Barbarian Beastmen attacked Ye Xiao Returning carriage, And this attack left Ye Xiao heavily injured as he was left bleeding.

In this exact moment; the Soul of the Ye Xiao from Earth entered his sea of the soul as it tried to control his body; with the old spirit help, Ye Xiao was sure to control and heal this injured body.

But what surprised him was, this kid resisted him with force as he shouted; " NO...I DONT WANT TO DIE..."

"Shut up your piece of shit..."


"Stop shouting...yes yes I'm an angel..."




Ye Xiao waved his hands towards the injured soul of the old Ye Xiao as he said.

"Shoo!. Shoo! Go away now; leave this body, you are dead..."


"You prick of a boy...Can't you just fucking leave, what is this fucking bad luck..."

"Alright, I feel weak...I will leave, but you had to promise me one thing..."

"Just say the words; this daddy here will do his utmost to help you finish it..."

Even though Ye Xiao said this he was thinking; [ Why don't you just fuck off you crap...]

"Really.?... Alright; Can You protect my mother, She is kind. I was a bad son...I only ask you to take care of her; don't let anyone bully her...and say to her sorry...MOM; I'M VERY SORRY..."

The shattered soul started dissipated but he still looked and waited for Ye Xiao agreement.

Letting out a sigh;[ For real! Kid. you truly touched my heart Alright!? I shall agree; anyway I was going to take care of her as she would be my mother anyway...right.?]

"Okay kid; This Monarch Promise...Now can you fuck off; this daddy head hearts; I just awakened after falling down from a high place..."

"Uhm...Thank you..."

Showing gratitude the shattered soul merged together with Ye Xiao soul as the memories merged together as one.

And from here one, there won't be Ye Xiao anymore; there will be Ye Xiao the Monarch. Let it be Immortal or Eternal. his name shall remain forever. As he roams the world.


Hello; Author's here. This Original work belongs to only me and no one else; Mystry stopped writing and I decided to start my own story. wait for more chapters.