
Roll the Dice of luck.

In the huge mansion of the Ye clan; The lady was weak and sick as she sat next to the opened window watching the rain hailing down and thunderclaps in the sky.

When she heard knock on the door; Sophia Alikard was really taken back from her dream; she looked at the door for a brief moment before turning her eyes back to the unfolding rain and thunder as she said; " Come in...".

The door was opened hastily as a young maid came in hurriedly and knelt before the madam; "Mi'Lady!. The young lord Carriage was intercepted by barbarians in the road to our domain..."

The lady in red which was called Sophia Alikard; suddenly stood up as her pale face showed worry and asked; "What did you say .?"

The sudden shout made the young maid tremble as she shivered from fear and said;" I received a message from Lord Duan which tells..."

The Lady in red face changed when she heard this name; Duan Pai was the current Lord of the Duan clan and the leader of the whole stone domain of the Duan clan. He had made many tries to get close to the Madam without success. she always rejected him. And he hated Ye Xiao as well as his dead father, and She Sophia Alikard suspect he may have a hand in killing her husband.

Sophia Alikard snatched the golden letter which was decorated with red threads on it. when she opened it she couldn't help but fiercely glare at a line>That dog son was intercepted a moment ago; he might be dead now; anyway! If you dare move an inch from your mansion then don't blame me; for I will bring forth my knights and take the whole domain from you clan...<

Her eyes moistened as she destroyed the letter and wailed; "You bastard..." and she then looked at the kneeling maid and shouted; "Call Knight Salim here. I want to see him..."

The trembling maid nodded her head as she woke up from her scared state. and she left hurriedly.

Not too long after a few guards came along with a knight clad in metal. This Old knight was none other than Salim the Only knight in the entire Ye clan.

Salim and the other guards knelt down as he greeted; "Mi'Lady; Give your command."

"Mi'Lady; Give your command." the other guards followed behind him as they all waited for her orders.

One can not blame her actions of not going out to save her child, all she can do right now is to send her biggest trump card; which is Knight Salim, all the other noble clans knew thought Knight Salim died along with the previous clan patriarch Ye.

But what they don't know was that he was alive as he returned at that exact day the ambush happened in; he told Sophia Alikard everything; that's was one of the reasons the Lady didn't accept any visitors and only longed for revenge. but with such a trash of a son how could she gain her revenge.?


Back in the Duan clan residence; Patriarch Duan Pai was standing together with a few men; his third son was one of the people who were next to Duan Pai.

"Haha...That piece of shit kept losing every day; How much did you gain from him little Duan.?" Duan Pai laughed as he looked at his third son with a carefree look.

"hehe...Lord father! This kid is too much stupid. Until now he lost to me in total around 100. 000 Silver coins; This time he gambled with me with only 500 silver coins. he even told me his mother won't give him any more allowance for the next three years..." Even though the kid was about 17 or 18 he was such as sly as his father. Really! Like father Like son.

"Great!...Great!...Anyway, he won't live to see the next day sun anyway."Duan Pai laughed as he looked at someone and asked; "Did you send the letter.?"

"Yes! Mi'lord..." the servant said hastily.

"Father! You promised me after the matter is done you will help me to join the Imperial Academy; I want to train to be a knight." The third son; asked in a cute way. however, his fat all over his body moved like the ripple of water.

Looking at how fat his third son was; Duan Pai was angered as he bellowed; "Why can't you stop fucking eating! If you don't lose at least half your weight before the Academy Recruitment event. then forget about joining it..." being already angered he threatened his third son.

"NO DAD..."

Letting out a cry of despair the fatty left the hall hurriedly.


Over the half-destroyed carriage of the Ye clan; Ye Xiao laid down there with closed eyes; anyone who sees him will instantly think he is already dead.

[Old spirit! Can't you hurry up?]

[Master needs to draw the dice before this old spirit helps you heal and cure this injured body...]

[Alright! Alright! This Monarch won't take it against you...Then what are the items I would draw my Dice on it...?]

The same voice sounded again in Ye Xiao soul ; [ If you draw number 1 in the dice; then you will get the Heavenly Ice fire, Draw the number 2 in the dice and you will get nothing, Draw number 3 in the dice and you will get the Eternal System, Draw number 4 in the dice and you will get the soul of a perished god, Draw number 5 in the dice and you will get one drop of the ultimate bloodline, Draw number 6 in the dice and you will get nothing.]

Hearing the old spirit voice; Ye Xiao eyes lit up as he already eyed the so-called Ultimate-bloodline. He doesn't care about some perished god soul.? nor does he care about Heavenly Ice fire, and he is sure to hate anything related to earth; He hated having any relations with that prison-like place again. so he doesn't plan in getting that Eternal shit system...

[Alrght! Old spirit; DRAW!!]

[Congratulations for master; you successfully draw number 3 on the dice; please confirm!]

[WTF!...Are you joking with me?... Confirm your ass; Why the fucking bad luck...]

[Please confirm!]


[Automaticaly confirmed; Linking The Eternal System with Master's Soul...]


Ye Xiao cried loudly and cursed the old spirit; this old spirit messed with him too many times already!.

[Starting the Healing progress...]







[Everything is complete! The master soul can now freely move and control the new body...]

[Eternal System is now linked;...]

[Have Fun!]


"Congratulations for the Host; you successfully linked with the system; Reward shall be given...]


"The host received; One hundred golden coins"


"The host received; an intermediate book of Medicine"


"Congratulations on successfully receive the rewards; all the rewards were stored in the System Independent space; Please reach Level 2 to have the ability to access the Independent space..."


"The host list of available orders; State; This order allow the host the ability to view his own state. Scan; This order allows the host the ability to scan other people state. Please level up to open more Available orders.."


Ye Xiao woke up from his shock. Wasn't this system thing the same as the systems in the games on earth or something.?

[Maybe...Just maybe; this system thing would be useful! at least it should help me in getting more powerful.]

As this thought flashed in his mind. Ye Xiao already started standing up as he looked at the dark sky above him; All the previous memories of the old Ye Xiao successfully merged together with Ye Xiao.

Right now he had a vague view on this world, but it was better than nothing. at least he learned a few things; such as the Nobility system is still working here. there are two different paths for human and beasts here and these paths led to the Knight Path and the Magus path.

Most of the Low-level nobles clans send their juniors to the Knight Academies all around the Kingdom; this Kingdom was called the Rosen Kingdom. it was ruled by one Royal clan.

The Knight path allows their practitioner to reach different five levels of power; Knight Practineor, Intermediate Knight, Pinnacle Knight, High Knight.

As for the Magus Path; the old Ye Xiao only heard about it; he only heard there are some powerful mages called Acolytes; these mages were respected even in the Royal clan.

As for their small domain he never heard nor saw any mages; their existence was shrouded with darkness as they were feard and respected in the entire Kingdom.

Going through these memories and information; Ye Xiao let out a sigh as he smiled; "Ai!... What a good reincarnation indeed! this could be my second best reincarnation I ever had for a long time..."

When he roamed through the previous soul memories he found out about how Ye Xiao lost a whole one hundred thousands of silver to the so-called Third young master in gambling.

Looking at these memories, Ye Xiao felt his blood boil as he could easily see that, the so-called third young master cheated to win all the best.

"Good! Good!... I don't know why but I had a feeling that tells me This ambush isn't a simple one...there must be someone behind this attack."

Ye Xiao smirked as he shook his head and said; " All aside for now!, first let's go back to the mansion; I'm sure she already received the news of this attack; Hope She doesn't rush here..."

Just as he was organizing his clothes he heard a sudden loud horses neighs as he saw five horses with few guards on the back of these horses.

He doesn't know who that old man who led the team of guards here; but he can feel from his aura. that this old man isn't normal. at least he must be a hidden knight. at first, he was on guard but then he saw the Ye Clan seal on the guard's chest.


"The Lord is fine!!"

"What a miracle!..."

Each and every guard let out a cry of surprise when they saw their lord standing without the slightest injury. from what they heard he was attacked by the barbarian Beast men, and these fellows were;t kindhearted enough to let him without the slightest injury.

"Shut up!" even though Knight Salim was surprised but he still furrowed his eyebrow a little when he heard the guards words.



The horses stopped in front of Ye Xiao as Knight Salim dismounted from his horse with the rest of the guards and went on his knees and asked; " We heard Lord was ambushed and we rushed over here by the Lady orders...is Mi'Lord fine.?"

Looking at this unfamiliar old man, Ye Xiao was shocked how could such a powerful man kneel like this in front of a kid.?

[Anyway! I'm the lord; let's do it]

"Ahem!...Nothing big. The beast men attacked only to rob; when they didn't find any valuable items they left in a hurry in fearsome guards would come and attack them. I'm fine but they killed all the other three guards together with the Carriage driver." Ye Xiao shamelessly made up this story as if saying; 'if you don't believe it then fuck off this master has no time to waste on your stupid head'.

Looking at the bloody scene in front of his eyes; the old knight Salim couldn't help but feel something is wrong, but again after looking at his lord uninjured body he thought; [ Maybe it's just as what Mi'Lord is saying...]

"As long as you are safe all is acceptable Mi'Lord"

"Mi'Lord; The Lady ordered us to bring you safely to the mansion.."

Having said this he looked at Ye Xiao; Seeing him nodding his head he let out a sigh and started moving.


Hello; Author Rakkitchu is here. did you like the chapter.? do you like the story so long.? please comment your thoughts in the comment sections; I only upload chapters for Living readers, not dead ones. Have a fun read.