
Ye Xiao, Weak.

A hurried Voice came into the main room of Sophia Alikard; "Mi'Lady! Mi'Lady!...Great news..."

As this voice was heard by Sophia Alikard she jumped and met the owner of the voice in the middle of the mansion; " What.? did that bastard Duan Pai send another letter .?"

The hurried maid only jumped from joy while she tried her best to be the first who send this good news to the madam; after all such a good news could get her a good reward from the madam.

"No!. Mi'Lady. Lord Ye Xiao came back with the guards. he is fine as well as all the guards came without facing any troubles..."

"What.?" Sophia Alikard eyes flickered with tears as she nodded her head and awoke from the shock. she looked at the keen maid and ordered; " Give her 100 silver coins as a reward; you lead me to where they are now staying..." she said this as she looked at the excited maid.


"WHAT.?" Duan Pai stood up from his chair when he heard that Ye Xiao who was supposed to die was fine and kicking; this news brought him a great shock as well as troubled him.

"Patriarch! we received news that the current Ye clan lord; Ye Xiao was back at home safe and sound; he didn't show any injury!" The shadow said while kneeling waiting for Duan Pai next orders.

[How can that be.? This is Impossible I gave them what they asked for; could it be he offered them higher benefits.? no that can't be! I shall head to the Upper mountain; I will personally talk with their tribe chief.]

Seeing Duan Pai deep in his thoughts the shadow remained silent while kneeling, after a while, Duan Pai looked at him as he ordered; " Sophia gave way to this news to kill few rats. she must be waiting for your return! from now on you are no more A man of Ye you are one of my Duan clan men. I will arrange everything for you..."

"Go and meet Duan Kaitian he will arrange all the things for you..."

The shadow was filled with joy; he nodded his head and paid respect before leaving; "by your order."

"Although I don't know how you kept your petty life. but don't celebrate too early kid; I for once killed your father, so killing a small and like you are nothing to me..."

A wild laughter ranged inside the hall as Duan Pai started laughing.


Azura Continent, The Human Domain, Rosen Kingdom, Petal Region, Ye Clan.

"Lord, the Lady has asked me to tell you; from now on you won't be in touch with any maid at least not until you agree to join A knight Academy or at least change your old way; that's right. she also told me that from tomorrow she will be returning back to her Alikard Clan in the Hard Stone City; she might not be able to come back. so you are on your own; if you want to mear the reputation your father made by sitting idle and only create havoc then you will absolutely die in your enemies hands...best regards.."

When he heard that voice, it promptly broke Ye Xiao's train of thought. The person who spoke was a servant girl of the Ye Clan. However, she did not look at Ye Xiao, who was sitting on the bed. When she finished saying her piece, she hurriedly left.

The servants and maids of the Ye Clan were people with talents. The talent of the maid girl who spoke earlier was not high, but she was piqued by the madam when she was twelve years old. She is stronger than Ye Xiao, the trash who could not lift a sword, even when he was already sixteen years old. Furthermore, Ye Xiao would normally rely on his status and flirted and harassed with these girls, which had tarnished his reputation, so how could anyone possibly end up respecting him?

"So..This is a test for me?... To see if I really changed my ways.? but why do you need to take all the female servants and even the treasury with you; you almost left me with only 10.000 silver coins...All is good...haha no problem since when did I need someone to lend me money...I will full your treasury to surprise you when you are back" After the girl had relayed her message, he laughed. He moved from the bed as he stood next to the window.

Looking at his mother leaving with almost twenty maids as well as few guards in the carriages; he let out a smile as he thought; [ it's time for me to run wild.]

Once Ye Xiao made sure She left with the maids he hurried to the room door as he opened it and was about to leave when he was stopped by one guard who said; " Lord, Lady ordered us to follow you anywhere. please allow us to follow you."

Ye Xiao was really taken back! he didn't think that His mother Sophia would be this thoughtful [ seems like I misjudged her! Anyway, she is under my protection. I don't care if it was Duan or Alikard or shit anyone or any clan that put their eyes on her must first pass me...]

Looking at the two guards Ye Xiao suddenly smiled as he said in his mind [ Scan]



Name; Ye Taishi

Title; Guard

Age; 27

Wealth; 7500 silver coins

Height; 1.79 C.M

Weight; 79 K.G


Strength; 2.7

Agility; 1.8

Vitality; 6.5

speed; 4.9


Overall power; Knight Apprentice Lv1

Harem; none married.

Children; none.




Name; Ye Hong

Title; Guard

Age; 26

Wealth; 4.502 silver coins

Height; 1.67 C.M

Weight; 67 K.G


Strength; 2.3

Agility; 2.0

Vitality; 5.2

speed; 7.5


Overall power; Knight Apprentice Lv1

Harem; Married

Children; five


[OMG!; this system thing is too cool; I could just look at anyone and ask for their personal information even some secrets could be shown on the state; this is too heaven-defying...]

Ye Xiao was quite elated with this option; he wanted to scan all around the world. he won't get tired of scanning people.

The two guards were somehow good to be able to reach LV1 Knight Apprentice; however, comparing them with the other guards from other more powerful clans they were quite weak.

After all, their work was only to guard the mansion and the Region under the Ye clan; the needn't fight in wars nor defence any powerful enemies.

When Ye Xiao was lost in his thoughts he heard a sound ranging in his mind as he received a message.


"The Host received his first quest; Use the order; State to see your own state; Quest rewards are; 1 Level up, 50 golden coins, the user will have the option to store or take out anything inside the space. only dead objects can be stored."


Ye Xiao felt quite amazing inside when he tried the scan order on these two guards, When he heard the new option he hurridly used in excitement; What does using this option indicate.? it indicate he will be able to take out some golden coins from the space, as well as the intermediate Medicine bool; he has some knowledge regards Alchemy but in this world; he doesn't know the name of a single herb. so he needed this book.

[ State..]



Name; Ye Xiao

Level; 1

Title; Baron / Master of the Eternal System.

Age; 16

Wealth; 100 Golden coins / 10.000 Silver coins

Height; 1.69 C.M

Weight; 63 K.G


Strength; 0.9

Agility; 1.0

Vitality; 9.0

speed; 6.7


Overall power; Weak.

Harem; none

Children; none


Looking at his own state Ye Xiao smiled bitterly as his face turned red from shame. the system said his overall power was merely weak!... Such a shame; he the once Heavenly Eternal Emperor had a day when he would be called weak.


"Congratulations the host; You finished the first quest successfully and the reward shall be given"


" Reward of 50 Golden coins is given"


"A whole level was added to the State of the host"


"A new option is now available, please use both orders; Store, Take."


"Congratulations the host levelled up!"


"The host's state changed please use the order; State to check the changes"

Ye Xiao mind was full of these words for a breath of time before finally turning back peacefully. Ye Xiao was smiling at the guards anyway he couldn't hide his joy as he almost hugged both of them.




Name; Ye Xiao

Level; 2

Title; Baron / Master of the Eternal System.

Age; 16

Wealth; 150 Golden coins / 10.000 Silver coins

Height; 1.69 C.M

Weight; 63 K.G



Agility; 2

Vitality; 10

Speed; 7.1


Overall power; Weak.

Harem; none

Children; none


Looking at the increase in Level as well as the increase in the State points of Vitality and Speed as well as both the Agility and Strength he was overjoyed; he doubled his strength by only saying a few words; but that Weak word didn't change and it annoyed him a little.

"Lord.? Are you alright.?" feeling something is off about their Lord silence and creepy smile; both Ye Hong and Ye Taishi asked worriedly.

"hahaha...I have never been so great; Ye Hong" Ye xiao laughed loudly as he called Ye Hong's name.

Ye Hong was shocked as he never told his name to the Lord; The Lord himself never asked about their names; he always called them you and guard or slave or something...


"I want to ask both of you something about the current powers in our domain; do you have any useful information for me.?" Ye Xiao asked as he stretched his hands and took a deep breath.


Both Ye Hong and Ye Taishi were amazed but speechless at the same time; is this truly our Lord.? who always played with girls and never liked to speak such information; the idle and so-called good for nothing.?

[Good for nothing my ass] Both Ye Hong and Ye Taishi exclaimed in their minds; seems like everyone was deceived by their Lord as they all truly underestimated him. or maybe he suddenly decided to change ways.?

[Who knows?]

They both nodded at Ye Xiao question, Ye Hong said; " My lord; This small domain is ruled under the Royal Princess decree; the small regions is ruled under each and every family and noble clans. this Whole domain contains whole eleven noble clans as well as a three Academies for knights." Hearing Ye Hong words; Ye Xiao nodded his head and waited to hear more.

"As for other powerful groups; there are the Small Barbarian Tribes living in the Mountains. as well as a few bandit groups. there is also the Medicine guild branch which holds power comparable to the Royal Princess. and the Mercenary guild branch these are the most powerful groups in the whole domain..."

Ye Hong stayed silent as he hesitated about something, seeing him act like that Ye Xiao batted his shoulder and ordered; "Don't worry! tell me everything you know."

Feeling a little calm Ye Hong said; " There is a hidden power called the Dark Hand; this sect is a group of Assassins. they receive orders and bounty; many mercenaries, as well as Barbarians, are involved with this Group..." Taking a deep breath he said; " This group backer should at least be someone of the Pinnacle Knight Realm. or else the Rosen King would have obliterated this group of killers..."

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Hello; Author's here; Thank you all for your previous comments; you truly High up my spirit. This is a thanks chapter as well as a Bonus for all the Living readers who will comment and encourage me to continue...