
Medicine Lord

So in this small Snowy domain, there is such powerhouses and powerful groups!?. No wonder it was impossible for these nobles clans and families to intellect their rules on their titled lands without the Imperial decree.

What Ye Xiao got from this information was; the names of the widely known groups were important to him, Yet. he didn't get any pieces of information about those groups power structure and formation.

One could say that in the entire snowy domain; only the Imperial decree is invincible. that means only the Princess is untouchable; if that's the case then everything is easy. as long as he has enough power he will certainly aim his eyes on each powerful group. Ye Xiao strategy was something else!

Ye Xiao was planning to control every group and stay low as he could; once he is powerful enough then...

[Hehe...This planet brings me much joy. and excitement, with each challenge I face my will shall get stronger and stronger...]

Seeing how deep in thought was their Lord, both Ye Taishi and Ye Hong were amazed and remained silent respectively; since the day they were born, they were brought up by the previous clan lord which raised them to their current stage.

Ye Xiao finally stopped smiling as he looked seriously at the two guards and asked; " How can I recruit a knight into our household.?" He asked this question out of nowhere; hearing this sudden question as well as the serious look on their lord both Ye Hong and Ye Taishi were stunned.


Ye Hong was the first to awaken from his stunned state as he started stuttering around.

Ye Xiao glared at him with a meaningful glare, to which Ye Hong immediately answered him without stuttering any more.

"Lord, right now it's impossible to find a knight who would join our household..." Ye Hong seemed to be hesitating.

Seeing him hesitate Ye Xiao said; " You want to say they won't join our household because we are weak and quite poor.?" Ye Xiao straight words made Ye Hong kneel down as he begged for forgiveness.

Patting the kneeling knight head Ye Xiao made him stand up as he waved his hand indicating that nothing big!

Ye Taishi who was like a silent onlooker stood there without saying a word.

[Mhm...Ye Taishi seemed to be the quiet guy...I like his character]

Ye Xiao just nodded at Ye Taishi as he continued asking; " I'm sure there is another way to recruit knights into our household. don't hide anything from me. or else..." Hearing his words as well as his cold tone; Ye Hong felt cold sweat drenched his back as he nodded.

"Lord!. One must know that; Knights are the Imperial Family sword and they are very cared of by the Emperor; However. some knights may do something wrong which break the Imperial Rules. those who do such a crime won't be forgiven and they might face the horrible fate of being sold as Slaves.."

Ye Xiao understood each word; The only thing an Emperor can't forgive is if anyone stepped on his dignity. and the Emperor dignity is represented in his Decree and the Imperial Law.

However, Right now Ye Xiao has no designs on offending such figure; his first priority is to safeguard his domain. right now he needs to spend some time studying the Intermediate Medicine book; once he is finished a lot of this will change.

"Mhm...How much would it cost me to buy a knight as powerful as Knight Salim who left with my mother...?" Ye Xiao asked as he was indeed tempted to buy one if not few knights.

Shooking his head slightly with a bitter smile; " Lord, I fear one Intermediate Knight would cost at least 50 golden coins; if he was a little skilled as well as young his price might be a little over 70 golden coins..." Ye Hong told Ye Xiao what he knew about such thing. one must know this price was sky high price for their clan one golden coin is equal to Ten thousand silver coins.

Ye Hong told Ye Xiao this information only to help his lord awake from his dream; buying an Intermediate Knight would at least cost them half of their domain wealth. However, he didn't see Ye Xiao shrike nor seemed surprised as if this price was nothing to him. which made his eyeballs poop out and his mouth to be a little gaping.

Looking at how stupid did this Ye Hong looked when he was surprised. Ye Xiao grinned and asked; "Then what is the base price of Knight Apprentice.?" Ye Xiao eyed Ye Hong from up to down as if checking something.

Seeing his lord checking him like this while asking about the base price of Knight Apprentice he gulped down as his mood turned grim and he felt frail all of a sudden. he hurriedly knelt down as he cried loudly; " Please...Have mercy Lord; Please don't sell me"

Seeing Ye Hong kneeling like this Ye Taishi finally felt something wrong when he saw his Lord eyes roaming his body. he felt shiver all over his body as he knelt down as well but he said something which surprised Ye Hong and Ye Xiao.

"Mercy!. Please don't bloom my flower...Mercy"

He was crying as well; few tears rolled down on his face to the ground.

Hearing his words Ye Hong was speechless as he felt quite funny; this guy misunderstood lord's intentions what a prick!.

Hearing what Ye Taishi said while crying. at first, Ye Xiao was confused but when he heard the part about the flower bloom. his face turned dark instantly as he kicked Ye Taishi ass and shouted "Screw you!... This lord is not interested in you!"

Even though he received a harsh kick from Ye Xiao. Ye Taishi face turned better for a moment before looking at Ye Xiao with hopeful eyes; " Really.!?"

Ye Xiao just glared at the stupid man with icy eyes. to which Ye Taishi laughed as he straightened his back and stood again silently next to Ye Hong.

"I don't have any intentions of seeling you; I want o know the base price of Knight Apprentice warrior..."

Gulping down his fears Ye Hong replied honestly; " Knights Apprentice is quite normal in the Slave street...Their prices are different as there are Lv1 and Lv2 also Lv3 Warriors; I heard the last time that the base price for Lv3 Warrior was around 3 to 6 golden coins..."

Ye Xiao eyes flashed with a strange light as he was elated. with such base price, he will start his own power in no time...

"However; Lord!, These knights and Apprentice knights are all criminals and hard to control. only powerful groups buy these criminals to be cannon fooders in any situation..."

Ye Hong words were quite sincere as he gave his all to inform his lord. such information wasn't a secret anyway. and if he didn't answer and help his lord solve his misgivings then who would .?

"Mhm..you are right!" Ye Xiao pondered for a few breaths of time before saying; " Where is the Slave street you spoke of is placed.?"

Ye Hong smiled bitterly as he shook his head; " Lord! this Ye Hong is useless; I'm quite weak I cannot go to such places. I only heard rumours and some flying information from there and here.."

After ending their conversation Ye Xiao returned back to his room as the two guards stood out on guard.


[For now. I have quite useful information. related to the powerful groups and clans in this domain...]

[I suspect the last ambush had something to do with the Dark hand or something! but such powerful hidden group would stoop down to my level.? to kill a kid.?...well anyway this matter is to be worried about later...]

[Rght now I need to first organize my thoughts as well as to take out the Medicine book to understand more about this world Herbs.]

Ye Xiao Thought in his mind [ Take...]

"You have one hundred and fifty golden coins stored in the Space as well as 1x Intermediate Medicine book."

"Clarify your order!"

[ Intermediate Medicine book....]


As Ye Xiao clarified his order; A book appeared out of nowhere as it was placed in front of Ye Xiao eyes floating in the air.

Ye Xiao Was amused by this actions but he still took the book, the book cover was quite old as there were a few words on the cover.

ـــــــــــ Intermediate Medicne book.Part1ــــــــــــ

This is my Heritage to the Mo clan, I once was known as the Medicine Lord; Leave this Inheritance to my Mo clan in Hope someone with talent would rise.

Just when Ye Xiao was about to open the book he heard a voice in his mind!


"Congratulation on founding a treasure; The Host received Quest; Merge the Book to your memory using the System; Quest Rewards; 1 Level up + 50 Golden Coins. Would you like to merge together with the Book.? Yes/No"

Ye Xiao stayed silent for a moment before he shouted; "Is this even possible.?"Understanding a book without reading it at least once.?"

This quest will bring him benefits as he will Level up as well as he will extra richer with the addition of 50 golden coins. so why the heck would he say no.?



"Starting Merging the information stored in the Book to the host memories; please hold on it will be painful! If the host faint then The merge would fail as well as the book would disappear..."

[I was messed up!...]

Just as he thought this up, he felt a wave of pain coming crashing down on him as the world turned dark all of a sudden. his face turned pale as body started sweating as he started shivering and tears started falling from his already red eyes.

"Urgh." Ye Xiao held his head as he kneeled and cried lowly in fear the guards might come in if they hear him...

His current appearance resembled a monster, His face changed from pale to green and then Yellow and then Blue before being close to turning dark did it stop as it started changing back to White and then pale.

His lips turned white as if all the blood in his body was sucked up; Ye Xiao coughed a dry and low cough from pain.

Do you think death is painful or this state he was currently in.?

If Ye Xiao was able to talk he would have long cussed at us for being nosy :D (Author note.)

The book in his hands started shining as it scattered and entered from between Ye Xiao eyebrow.


Finally couldn't take the torture Ye Xiao let out a low Shout, but he stopped himself in the last moment.

After some time passed, Ye Xiao was sleeping on the carpet inside his room as his face was full of sweat as well as his clothes and hair. his face turned to normal and he stopped shivering.

He was in a state between Sleep and awake.

His eyes were opened yet they were seeing different things; what he saw was herbs images and Inourmuse Informations about each and every herb. In total, he gained the knowledge about Three hundred herbs. this was quite a vast wave of information. Three hundred herbs with their images and speciality and the places they could be found as well as some other information.

[I was messed up!... But I like it...]

Ye Xiao smiled looking at these floating words in his mind.


Today's chapter is finally released; Chapter 4 is now open for you all to read; thanks for your support. And please comment if you like our story or if you want to encourage me to write more chapter.