
Store! Store! Store!

When Ye Xiao woke up after who knows how long he saw the Stone ceiling of the room, He was quite pleased, even so, he was just tortured and was in such huge pain, he still thinks all was for something. it all paid off.


"Congratulations for successfully merging with the treasure book; Rewards will be given"


"The Host received 50 golden coins as a reward."


"The host received a whole level up"

"Congratulations for Host completing the second quest, rewards will be given."


"Host received +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Speed, +1. This is a bonus for completing a Compo quest. Congratulations."


"Changes happened in the stats; Please check out the changes..."




Name; Ye Xiao

Level; 3

Title; Baron / Master of the Eternal System.

Age; 16

Wealth; 200 Golden coins / 10.000 Silver coins

Height; 1.69 C.M

Weight; 63 K.G


Strength; 2.8

Agility; 3

Vitality; 11

speed; 8.1


Overall power; Weak.

Harem; none

Children; none


[So The bonus points were added into my strength and speed and vitality, also my agility increased, but this is not enough. At least I need strength compared to these guards; For now, I need to find a Manual to study knights Inner energy training. or if by luck I could find some Magus Scripts to study...]

Letting out a smile Ye Xiao took a deep breath she strode out of his room. to see both the guards were still standing on guard; Ye Hong eyes looked at him as Ye Taishi also looked at him; they both paid respect"Lord!"

Nodding his head slightly; Ye Xiao walked forward he was followed by both the guards. Ye Hong asked;" Lord!. Where are we going to.?"

Ye Xiao looked at them as he replied; " To the clan treasury. I need to see how many herbs we have collected and see if there are any Knight manuals in the clan treasury..."

Ye Hong was a little taken back; 'Lord must have really changed his ways...' Ye Hong hesitated slightly as he said; " There is an incomplete Manual for knight training in the Treasury. both me and Ye Taishi studied it; the previous lord trained us using it. but we are unable to level up any more because we have at least 1/3 of the Manual..."

Ye Xiao nodded his head slightly he asked another question; " Do you think we have any Magus Scripts or something related to these figures.?"

Even though he was the lord of this clan; he was prohibited from entering the Treasury by his mother in fear he might cause a crisis.

Ye Hong smiled bitterly as he said; " Lord!. Anything related to these powerful mages could only be found in the capital auctions and it would sell for a huge number. I once heard the previous lord say he competed with someone to buy one page of a script related to these people; he said he spent 90 golden coins only to purchase one page. at the end of the day he brought it back but since then I don't know anything about where he stored this page really..."

"Mhm...How much do you think I need to pay to get one complete Knight Training Manual." Asked Ye Xiao while looked forward.

"Lord!. Knight training manuals aren't all equal; there is a stage for each manual; A manual which can help someone reach the Intermediate Knight is a one-star stage manual. And if it can be used until the Pinnacle Knight it is a three star stage manual. but if it can be used until High Knight then it is a nine star stage manual. With each one having its own stage that's the difference; I mean to buy a one-star manual is a little hard as it will price at best to 7 or 9 golden coins; as for the three-star manuals, it'll price to 30 to 40 golden coins. but for a nine-star manual, I'm not sure..." Ye Hong smiled wryly as he said the last part.

[If everything can be bought with money then it would be too easy!. I remember my mother always said; ' Remember your father died because he was weak. grow stronger so you can avenge him' which means if you have money but can't protect it then you can only die...]

Ye Xiao thought as he walked; seeing the solemn look on their lord's face, both Ye Taishi and Ye Hong were solemn as well.

Not too long they reached the Treasury room which was guarded by one guard; which was an old man.

Seeing the newcomer Ye Xiao and the other guards the old man stood up from his seat as he paid respect to Ye Xiao at first before asking"What brings Lord here.?"

Even though his question might seem to be without respect but Ye Xiao still remembers this old man; this old man was called Grandpa by even his mother. and the previous Ye Xiao, it means he must have high stats in the clan.

"Grandpa; I intend to check the treasury as to count the Herbs and Treasures our clan has at the moment."Ye Xiao showed respect as he talked to this old man.

The old man eyes shined as he looked when Ye Xiao, he didn't know why but he felt something strange; Did Ye Xiao really change his way.?!

[Ai! Young ones will surely beat us old men in every aspect!] letting out a sigh, The old man then looked at Ye Xiao as he nodded his head slightly and answered "Mhm...Go on, but both of them aren't permitted entry..." he pointed at the two guards, Ye Hong wasn't angered at all nor Ye Taishi as they both nodded their head and sat next to the old man.


[So many treasures yet they are all trashy...?]

Ye Xiao was stunned as he entered the treasury; once in he found many items but they were all useless for him. as his goal right now was to find Herbs.

After a while of walking Ye Xiao eyes suddenly shone with a radiance as he founded what he needed. then he piqued from the herbs shelf three bottles; though he looked casual when taking these bottles, he knew what are these herbs. his aim was to experiment on these herbs.


"The host found a plant. do you want the system to analyse it for possible pill formula.? yes/no"


Ye Xiao heard this phrase and felt numb, what does it mean to get a free Pill formula for only finding a herb which may be concluded in it...

[This Eternal system is too heaven-defying; I myself know some alchemy but they are all useless in this world; none of the herbs nor the formula I know would work here; this system provided me first with a book of medicine and now it even wants to help me concoct pills. (Author's note; I don't think Ye Xiao would think so when he reached level 20 xD. Wait and see what will happen.)




Herb; Meteor petal - Low grade

Price; 70 golden coins.

Usage; Can be concocted with another different herb for different usages - A multi-usage herb.

Pill Formula; This plant can be used in three different formulas - 1* Inner circulating Pill - 2* Blood Strengthen Pill - 3* Fire Shower Elemental Pill.



"The Host can sell the Herb to the System for an exchange of 65 Golden Coins. Yes/No"


Ye Xiao never once imagined there was such a way to earn money, however, he soon regained his composure as his mind was focused on the Pill Formula.



"Do you want to get the three pills formula.Yes/No"


Whoever said Ye Xiao was a dome righteous dumb ass person was wrong. he is cheating at the first chance he got.

[Maybe after studying these pills formula I would be able to link the Immortals Dan pill formula with these medicine pills. Who knows?]

He accepted the cheat without patting an Eye, and he even made up a reason for his actions. this was how the Heavenly Monarch Ye Xiao acted in his three past lives.

"The Host can store the herb inside the storage inner space; Yes/no"

[Huh I can store right now.? Well. I don't see any reason to not do so.]

However, Ye Xiao suddenly showed a brilliant light as he asked [ Can I store everything inside the treasury in the space .?]

"The host can store unlimited items inside the space..."

Ye Xiao ran to the Herbs shelf then scanned every herb bottle as the system's voice rang times and times.


"The host found a strange plant, do you want to study it or store it inside the storage space. "



"The host..."



"The host..."


It went like this for almost one hour, Ye Xiao stored all the items which were stored inside the treasury. he completely emptied it.

[AM I ruthless.?]

Ye Xiao showed a satisfied grin, his gains weren't big but the considerable amount of herbs in the treasury made him feel slightly happy.


Out of the treasury, where the sitting Ye Taishi and Ye Hong with the old man were waiting for Ye Xao! their lord to come out.

Ye Xiao finally came out while holding nothing at all which surprised everyone outside the treasury; they all knew if you want to get in the treasury then at least come out with something.

But Ye Xiao entered and came out empty handed, which amazed Grandpa and the others; While they only saw his empty hand they didn't see his Storage space in his System which almost contained everything in the treasury he emptied everything every sword, every silver coin as well as every herb which were on the shelf. nothing remained inside but empty hall.

A cough! A cough!

The old man coughed twice to wake up the two other guards from their dazzled state, he was to a little amazed at what happened; he himself didn't understand anything.

"Lord! did you find what you wanted.?" Ye Hong suddenly asked, which made the old man and Ye Taishi nodded their heads in puzzlement.

[Didn't the Lord say he wanted to find something inside the treasury.?]

[Why did he come out empty hands.?]

[I don't see anything in our lord hands. at all]

"Ahemn...Well, I searched everywhere but I didn't find anything. I have a new order for you, grandpa."

The old man felt a little tinge of emotions hearing the solemn and strict tone Ye Xiao used, it reminded him of the previous clan lord. looking at Ye Xiao face he suddenly smiled as he nodded his head and asked; "Please order me. Lord!"

" From today onward, no one is allowed entry to the Treasure Vault of our clans; if any necessary money needed then you can come and ask it from me personally! Are my orders clear.?" Ye Xiao intentionally raised his voice a little as to show how strict and solemn was he.

"huh.?" When the old man received this shocking news he almost passed out. Ask you for payment personally.? are you sure.? the clan would need a few gold coins a year to spend on these guards and workers and servants payment.

Ye Hong and Ye Taishi were both amazed, instantly their eyes glimmered with hope; [ maybe our Lord really changed his lazy and bad self into a good and responsible person.]

"Yes.yes...your orders shall be enacted personally by me, let's see if anyone dares intrude to the treasury from now on..." The old man caught up as he answered full heartily he decided to give the youth a chance to prove himself and to face the real life alone.