To kill Ri, you need Mechs

Some tried to hide themselves under the piles of corpses to appear dead but the screen detected their presence using its Mana-detection system and Goran sprayed them with bullets. Some even tried to run as far away as possible. But it didn't even matter whether they were a hundred to a thousand meters because with the built-in targeting system, they were fish in a barrel in front of Goran's eyes. Thus, they died a dog's death in his hands.

Goran's mission was simple, kill Ri.

He received orders from his superiors just hours ago and was instantly dispirited.

He thought it was another search and destroy mission where the only thing his division had to do was keep guard up the combat squad who was going to eradicate some upstart terrorist group whose potential superpowers could threaten their mercenary organization. But to his surprise, that was not the case.

During the briefing, part of his division was selected and assigned different locations in the Land of Rebirth. The land which all those who died from earth are transported here in this hellhole and their objective was to eliminate one target.

The target's name was Ri. Male, White hair, 1.9 meters tall, slender build but is now a corrupted soul due to having crimson eyes. Which had a famous rumor that those who had those eyes had their hearts possessed by merciless devils. Granting them supernatural powers belonging to demons.

His background was veiled in mystery, but not worth taking note of. However, he was surprised when his threat level was revealed.

Threat level Saint class. It shocked him and his comrades a lot that they were up against a Saint Level being.

When mercenaries are commissioned for target elimination, they will always investigate the target's threat level. Each and every threat are classified into six levels from weakest to strongest.

Madman. Ghoul. Demon. Saint. Dragon. And God.

To make an analogy to explain this threat classifications, a Madman threat is classified as an insane individual or a war veteran with superpowers. They are very hard to deal with even with a mercenary team equipped with advance tech weaponry.

A Ghoul threat is equal to 10 Madman threats. mercenary teams die every time dealing with them.

A Demon threat is equal to 50 madman threats. Even a whole battalion can't stop them.

A Saint threat is equal to 100 Madman threats. The use of long ranged, ballistic missiles and rail gun cannons are necessary to deal with them.

Also, Saint class people are legendary characters governing the City Guilds of Saints. Revered and loved by their citizens.

A Dragon threat is equal to 200 Madman threats. Only Saint class characters can subdue them.

And as for the strongest threat God class, no one can destroy them. Not even Dragon class beings. All the people can do is hope this God Class character is merciful enough to spare them. Also, the only Gods known in Heaven are actually the 12 Existences. Other than them, no one knows if they are more.

He was surprised, and even afraid. The whole division was also complaining that this job was too risky. But the complaints died down as they received new reports that the target has been weakened to threat level Madman class.

It got Goran and his division excited that they couldn't wait to kill him. After all, killing a Saint class being will give them tremendous Experience points and boost their level up their systems.

Not to mention that there were rumors that killing a Saint class being will give you superpowers! True or not, the benefits and even the bounty rewarding 1 million Law credits is enough to entice them!

They were dismissed. One hour later, they rode into the skies. Approaching towards the Land of Rebirth.

As they rode in the cargo plane, his teammates were having a chat drinking vodka.

"I heard this rumor long time ago about some lad called Ri who's been terrorizing the Demonic Sea. Could it be him?"

"Not sure, mate. After all, Saint Class Beings are always mysterious. Bunch of haughty pricks too in their little kingdoms in City Guilds."

"Are we really going to kill a Saint? What did the other Saints said when we got commissioned? Are they really just going to let us kill one of them?"

"Don't make it sound like they're all the same, mate. In fact, each one of them don't exactly regard each other as mates. So, they're not in actual alliance despite building cities near each other. And I don't think this Ri lad is actually one of them.

That's because I heard from higher-ups that he's actually a threat to them. They're trying to tie up loose ends after sending us cannon fodders."

"A Saint class that can kill a Saint class. Ain't that stuff a legend?"

"That ain't a legend, mate. It's a possibility. After all, it's said that this whole possibility to kill a Saint started with Ri actually killing a Saint!"

"Rumor this, rumor that, enough already. See those dolls we got loaded in the back?" he pointed with his thumb at the large Mechas being hauled with them for the mission. "X-series 700 infantry Mech. Equipped with a 1.5-meter dual minigun anti-army rifle. Programmed with the latest Power actions systems with assaultive and defensive measures enough to subdue Madman Threats easily. Not to mention it had a cup holder in it! That, that beauty we're goanna ride in there is goanna get us to kill a Saint!" he said so cheerfully as he raised his vodka.

Goran shook his head and chortled. Just then, captain stepped in and said they're almost 5 clicks out from their destination so they quickly geared up.

Checking their bodies, equipment, and system for any problems, everyone was good to pilot their Mecha. Goran strapped himself in the cockpit and turned the systems on. The user interface lit up with its screens, buttons and switches and the control gears moved mechanically to his reach.

Piloting the Mecha was just like riding a bicycle. Only it had big arms and legs equipped with an arsenal and was powered by a Mana Reactor Core. But because it could be controlled by moving left and right by pushing the handle bars, it definitely felt like riding a bike.

One by one, all the Mechas began to from their capsules. They did a test run by moving its limbs and stretching the joints to see any problems but none saw problems displayed in their monitors after the systems check.

They then moved their Mechs and approached the ramp doors that opened. Letting the strong winds of the sky enter the interiors. Blowing little things out of the plane.

Suddenly, the lights went red to green, indicating it was good to go. Thus, without hesitation, the team drove their Mechs to jump out of the plane.

700 feet in the air, the team formed a formation in the sky as they drop fast towards the ground. Passing 500 feet mark, the team then scatters from the formation towards their assigned locations. Goran pushed some switches in his interface and activated the built-in thrusters of his Mech.

Controlling the thrusters, Goran separated himself from the formation and headed southwest. Passing 200 feet mark, he adjusts all thrusters to point at the ground and slow his falling. Eventually, he landed with a crash and rolled his Mech to lessen the impact before standing up and pointing his rifle ahead in defensive stance.

In his monitors, there were hundreds of crowds ahead being detected and marked by HUD. Some of them looked Western, European, Northern, Middle Eastern, Asian, and even African.

All these people are a congregated mass of groups from different parts of the world, sent into Heaven after their deaths.

For some reason, the Land of Rebirth would always send 1 million people here in this realm and divide them into 8 where they're settled in 8 different locations.

125,000 people grouped together regardless of their country are settled in 8 directions 500 miles away. 500 miles away from each other, they were transported here confused by what's going on and panicked. Went to kill to survive and eventually they settled down in communities.