To kill Ri, you need to kill everyone

The Land of Rebirth will always send 1 million people here, no more, no less, regardless where they came from as long as they died. It happens every month and if left unchecked, this land could easily reach a population of 12 million each year. Assuming they don't kill each other off due to severe discrimination and the demon wave that happens every 3 months that is.

Also, every year, a saint comes to the Land and offer the people here a citizen status to take them into their city. Decreasing their already decreasing population by half.

Now Goran was here with a Mecha and a rifle brandished. The crowd thought he was a probably a Saint who came here to take them as citizens. Thus, they welcomed him with cheerful smiles, flowers and opened arms as they greeted him. Some were cautious ones who hid in houses and took a peek at him from their windows. While others were staring at him with dazzling eyes as they witnessed a true, mobile Mecha for the first time.

However, Goran wasn't a Saint. In fact, he came here to kill a Saint level being. And to complete his objective, he pointed the muzzles at the dumbfounded crowd. And pulled the trigger.



" " "AAAHHH!!!" " "

Violent screams erupted from the crowd as he fired a barrage of bullets. Killing tens of people per second. Spraying blood everywhere like a fountain. Piling up damaged corpses into a mountain. Goran kept killing like at this pace as quickly as he could.

It didn't matter if the people chose to retaliate, hide or run away, their resistance was futile against an armed Mecha of advanced technology. So, they all died rather quickly.

To Goran, each mission he took had to throw his morals out of the window. Morals mixing with his missions doesn't fix things for him as a mercenary. But living life without principles is tasteless too. And to kill thousands of people just to kill one person was no different than merciless genocide. However, those where is orders. His opinions didn't matter when it came to missions that don't pose a threat.

That's why, before he came here, he came up with the proper excuse to kill thousands of people.


His excuse was to blame it on insanity!

Indeed, by blaming it on insanity and the target he came to kill, he could kill on senselessly with a pang of guilt. He shouted curses, rephrase the rumors about him and even framing him for killing his teammates. He shouted all that with loud speakers reverberating so that everyone could hear his excuse.

He acted like the lunatic of the world as he murdered everyone and when he was done and there were others still alive, they can only blame this Ri lad for sending this lunatic at them.

It was the perfect false accusation!


Goran's killing spree went on for 5 minutes. He shot everyone that was targeted in his monitors. He burned every house down with the flamethrower. Burning anyone hiding inside into ashes. He combed through the community and had killed more than 60,000 people.

At this point, he realized that there was probably no point acting like a lunatic and framing Ri in all this since he just killed almost to everyone in the population.

Checking his status, his Mana energy was 80% capacity. His ammunition was almost out but most of his mechanical components were fine from overheating.

There was no one around anymore. Only burning buildings, mountains of corpses and rivers of blood were showing in his view. Goran heaved an exhausted sigh at this ugly sight and was about to contact his team through the radio when suddenly...


His magnetic barrier protecting him abruptly activated from its passive state and repelled an attack that was launched to kill him.

Cold sweat ran through his spine as he encountered this. It came out of nowhere and even his magnetic barrier activated on its own to fend off that attack. One must know that this Mecha had been programmed to constantly analyze its pilot's constitution and evaluate his limits. Optimizing its defense system to protect any threat that comes. So meaning, when that silent attack came, it was all it would take to kill him!

Checking through his monitors, he zoomed in on the object that had been shot at him and discovered that it was a needle. Or a needle-shaped dagger as the Mecha corrected him.




It happened again. This time, he saw it coming straight for his left eyeball!

He saw coming from his right. So, he pointed his rifle there and was ready to fire but he saw nothing targeted in his monitors. All he sees however, is a narrow path heading down somewhere where sunlight can hardly reach.

"Fuck, what was that?" He used his scanners to scan the perimeter and saw that their no signs of life. He refreshed it three times but his scanners still didn't detect anything in his perimeter.

Then he switched to infrared scanners but even that couldn't detect any heat signature within his view.

Goran became alarmed and wary of his surroundings. It was dead quiet and only the sounds of wood burning resonated. He saw nothing but death everywhere and was instantly frightened by it.

As an experienced mercenary, he had dealt with many kinds of chaotic battles before and survived with scars. Almost nothing could make his steeled heart panic but he had never dealt with a dead silent battlefield before. It gave him the suspense that he could die anytime with him being none the wiser.

Goran snorted coldly and pressed some buttons. Then, a hatched open at the shoulder of his Mech and a small Quadcopter flew out.

This Quadcopter was a surveillance scout design to check uncharted perimeters and update the map display as it flies up in the air. It can be controlled remotely and was equipped with a 360° surveillance camera and sonar modules.

He controlled the Quadcopter to scout the area ahead but just before it could pass 60 meters.

Ting! Boom!

His Quadcopter was abruptly shot down!


His scanners suddenly alarmed him a movement at his left-side!

"Damn you!"

Panicked, he sprayed his firing rifle right to left and devastated his surroundings. Bullets sparked in incandescence as they hit nothing but solid rocks but Goran refused to stop spraying bullets until he ran out.

Tiririt ti Tiririt!

"Shit, I'm out!" Goran cursed as he saw the numbers gone zero. Back when he had locked and loaded, he was equipped with 30,000 rounds of armor piercing bullets. That excessive amount could last him days in the battlefield but because he had to kill so many cornered pigs, it was inevitable that he had too waste so much ammo.

Now, he ran out, but Goran was not afraid yet. Pressing some buttons, his put his rifle at his back and switched to the flamethrowers attached on the wrists.

With this, he could burn anything to ash with a 15-meter radius. But just to be safe, he charges up a trump card ready to prepare a high-voltage discharge field.

Goran moved his Mech to advance. Making wengo wengo sounds constantly. Constantly checking his scanners but saw nothing as of yet.

The suspense from a horror film had been going on for 2 minutes and all he could see was the damages he had done.

Tititi! Wengo!

Suddenly, his scanner picked up something at his right side and assumed battle stance. Only to find a stuffed doll was sitting by the window under the darkness. The doll was messed with blood, clearly someone had picked it up and put it there for him to witness. But he was creep out because the doll had a string cord mechanism that will play a song if pulled.

Creep out by it, he sprayed flames and burned it to ashes.

But while he was doing so, a dagger was shot straight towards him and cut the black hoses linked with the flamethrower hand!

The chopped hose sure out flammable fuel and drenched his arm with its fluids.

'Shit!?' Goran had no time to react all as the fuel abruptly caught on fire, half of his Mech burst into flames!