Chapter 11: Chunin Exams Part 2

## Four Days Later ##

Senshi and Team Minato had been waiting for the next stage, which would be one-on-one tournament battles. Now they would be able to fight each other. And it turns out that Senshi had set a record by making it in 53 minutes. Now they were assembled in the arena with the proctor in front of them and a screen above and behind the proctor. The proctor said, "Alright, all of you will be pitted against each other in one-on-one battles. The screen above me will decide who goes against who.", then he turned toward the screen, which began jumbling names in versus matchups. The proctor read through the bracket and began saying names but Senshi wasn't listening. When he started to listen, the proctor was saying, "Uchiha Obito vs. Might Guy! Kakashi vs. Katto Kūki! And Uchiha Senshi vs. Kenka Tenohira!" They all went up to the bleachers except for the people who had to fight. As the spars went on, Senshi observed. When Obito went up against Might Guy, Obito gave a good fight, but eventually lost thanks to Guy using the 1st Gate to beat the ever-living s*** out of Obito. Kakashi then went up against Katto, who was an Iwagakure shinobi, and won, thanks to his jutsu and Sabre. Then Senshi had his turn, and jumped off the bleachers and into the arena. He looked at the enemy in front of him, Kenka Tenohira. He seemed to be a master of taijutsu, and so Senshi knew he had to take Kenka down quick. Kenka also had a katana on his belt, and was wearing a Kumogakure forehead protector, so Senshi inferred he was also a kenjutsu master. Senshi thought, "Perfect. I can goad him into a battle of swords, which I can finish quickly with speed." Then Senshi told Kenka, "How about this? A battle with swords only.", to which Kenka replied, "You'll lose anyway, so okay.", then Kenka and Senshi drew their swords. Thy circled around each other probing for openings, until Senshi feinted stepping forward, and Kenka lunged, ready to spear Senshi like a shish-kebab. Senshi simply moved to the side, then Kenka swung the sword in Senshi's direction, but Senshi just ducked, and once the blade had passed over his head, pushed off the ground using his fingertips, and once Senshi was in the air, he swung, and Kenka blocked. Senshi said, "Bad move.", and Kenka asked, "Why?", and Senshi replied, "Time for me to shock you!", before performing a half Ram seal and shouted, "Lightning Style: Burēdo Erekutorikku Kondakutā (Blade Electric Conductor)!" Kenka got 5,000 volts sent through his body, paralyzing him in place. Senshi moved back, threw a Hiraishin kunai, before teleporting to it and shouting, "Hiraishingiri (Flying Raijin Slash)!", while slashing at Kenka's side at extremely high speeds. The result was a big gash in Kenka's side, which was spraying blood everywhere. As Senshi turned around, Kenka fell to his knees and began coughing up blood. Kenka then asked, "How strong.. are... you..?", and Senshi replied, "As strong as I need to be." Kenka then fell unconscious, as Senshi made sure to cut deep enough to disable him, but not to kill him. Senshi went over to Kenka and healed his wound, so that Kenka wouldn't bleed out. Senshi then turned around and raised his hand in the air in victory facing Hiruzen as the proctor announced, "Uchiha Senshi wins!", and some of the crowd cheered, while others just gaped. Hiruzen said, "Uchiha Senshi, by observing your fight, I know that every move was tactical, and that you could've beaten Kenka in one move. And your fight was extremely impressive. So you may skip the rest of the fights, for you are now... Chunin!" The crowd went wild with cheers, including Senshi's friends, as a jonin who was beside Hiruzen went down from the Kage Box with a chunin vest in hand, which he gave to Senshi, who took off his jacket and put on the vest, and the jonin said, "Good job, Senshi.", and the jonin was actually Minato. Senshi smiled, and so did Minato, then Minato went back beside Hiruzen, and Senshi went back to the bleachers where he was welcomed with applause and cheers from everyone. He sat back down beside Rin, Obito and Kakashi, and they congratulated him. As the rest of the spars occurred, Kakashi was promoted to Chunin after beating Might Guy, who in turn beat Obito. In the end, they all left the arena. They all met up with Minato at the Third Training Ground, and he congratulated them about eveything, and they all went home happy. When Senshi went home, he celebrated with Kenji and his parents, and afterwards, he flopped asleep on the bed, tired but happy.