Chapter 12: Bell Exercise, Raikiri, C-Rank, Steam Ninja and Ruthless

## 3 Years Later ##

After 3 years, Team Minato has done more missions and has grown along the way, and so have Senshi, Obito, Rin and Kakashi. Rin is now 11 years old and has learned some medical ninjutsu and become chunin. Obito is now 10 years old, and has also become a chunin. Kakashi is now 9 years old and has learned more jutsu. Senshi, meanwhile, has grown way more than the others. He is now 11 years old and is 4 feet and 9 inches tall while weighing 80 pounds. He was now wearing lightweight modified steel Senju armor which he had gained from Hiruzen. He had made into his size so he could wear it and had made the front and back plate extensions into 2 plates long, and had also removed the Senju symbol on the front and replaced it with an Uchiha crest, but he still wore his gauntlets, pants and boots, along with fingerless gloves that had metal plates on the knuckles and on the back of the hands. He had learned even more jutsu, mostly of his elemental affinities, and for his affinities, he had made and learned even stronger jutsu, such as Fire Style: Gōka Mekkyaku (Great Fire Annihilation). Now they would do another bell test with Minato to prove their teamwork hasn't dulled for the past years.

## Third Training Ground ##

Senshi, Kakashi, Obito and Rin were waiting for Minato, and when he arrived, they snapped to attention. Minato told them, "We'll be doing another teamwork exercise.", then Senhi asked, "What is it?", then Minato replied, "Another bell test.", before hanging two bells in front of them before putting the bells on his belt. He then said, "I'll let you strategize.", then he leapt into the forest. Senshi told the team, "You guys hide with my clones. When I throw a kunai, pull out your weapon and prepare to be teleported." They nodded, then Senshi created clones, which brought them to hiding spots. Senshi called out for Minato-sensei who came again a few feet away, and asked, "Same strategy as last time?", then Senshi replied, "No.", before throwing a kunai, but as Minato was about to block the kunai, Kakashi appeared in its place with Senshi's clone holding his shoulder, and he swung at Minato who blocked, then the clone pushed off Kakashi with his fingertips, forcing Kakashi to stand, then the clone flipped over Minato using the push off, then as the clone landed, it threw up a Hiraishin kunai, leaving it spinning in the air, and then dispelling. Obito appeared there, with another clone holding Obito's shoulder. Obito stabbed with his kunai, but Minato blocked that as well, and began holding both attacks back, one from Kakashi and the other from Obito. The clone let go of Obito's shoulder and tossed two more Hiraishin kunai at Minato's other sides, before dispelling as well. Rin wih a Senshi clone holding her shoulder and the original Senshi appeared at the kunai in front and at the back of Minato, then Rin put a kunai at Minato's back and Senshi put his sword at Minato's throat. Minato smiled and said, "Well, looks like you guys win. Senshi, that was a good strategy and good job, the rest of you, for perfectly executing it." They removed their weapons from Minato, then Senshi asked Kakashi, "I heard you were making your own jutsu. Mind if you show me?", then Kakashi replied, "Okay.", before performing a few seals while saying, "Ox -> Hare -> Monkey. Lightning Style: Chidori (Thousand Birds)!", then Kakashi held out his palm and lightning chakra formed in his palm with the sound of a thousand chirping birds, then he drove it into a tree, leaving a hole in it. Senshi told Kakashi, "I think I can improve it.", then he formed a hand seal with everyone watching, then he shouted, "Ox! Lightning Style: Raikiri (Lightning Cutter/Blade)!", then held out his hand and formed lightning chakra in it in the shape of a blade, with . It looked like a blade, but it went 5 feet past his hand and was colored light blue, and it also had the same chirping sound as Kakashi's Chidori. He then turned and blindly swung at a bunch of trees, and when he turned back to them, all the trees he swung at were cut in half, and one fell toward Senshi. The rest of the team looked at him in horror as he was about to be crushed, but he just turned and cut the tree in half with his Raikiri. As they all wiped their foreheads in relief, a woman with fiery red hair, violet eyes and fair skin arrived behind Obito who didn't notice, while wearing a black clip that parted her hair to the left. She had a slender, but feminine build and was wearing a high-collared, sleeveless blouse under a long, loose-fitting dress with a wristband on her left wrist and standard shinobi sandals. The woman put a basket covered with a white cloth on Obito's head, who didn't expect that, and said, "Nice timing, right?", and Obito, confused, turned and came face-to-face with the woman, and Rin shouted, "Kushina!", before running to her while cheering. Senshi said, "Kushina-san! Is that food?", and Kushina replied, "Yes, it's food. You all doing your best?" During training exercises, Kushina would observe. When Senshi had engaged in conversation with her, she revealed that she was Minato's wife, and an Uzumaki, a clan known for their vitality and fūinjutsu prowess, along wih other powers. She also revealed that she was the Nine Tails jinchuriki, a vessel for the Kyuubi. She was shocked when Senshi revealed that he could see and sense the Kyuubi chakra in her gut, along with the seal. Senshi treated her with respect, for he understood how it felt to have glares boring into you. She then said, "Here's your order. It's Kushina's Special!" Rin got the basket of food and said, "Alright! I love the food you make, Kushina! Thanks!", then Senshi said, "I have to agree with Rin. Your food is amazing!" Kushina smiled, then they all sat down for lunch, then Kushina asked them how the training exercise was. Senshi told her, "It went well. We beat Minato-sensei with his own jutsu and won, man this food is good! That exercise left me starving!" Kushina smiled and after they finished eating, they went their seperate ways, but not before Minato reminded them that they had a mission for that night.

## During Night - Konoha Gate ##

Minato was standing in front of Senshi, Kakashi and Rin, as Kushina was having a conversation with Obito. When it was done, they all said goodbye to Kushina, and Kushina said farewell to all of them before they left. As they were moving toward the rendezvous point, Minato informed, "Alright, team. This is our first C-Rank mission." Senshi immediately asked, "What do we have to do, sensei?", and Minato said, "We'll be escorting a group of Hidden Steam shinobi who are carrying a missive. Don't mess this up."

## Day ##

They then met with the group, and they began escorting the group. As they went on, Minato told the team, "We're being pursued. Obito, Senshi, stay behind with me so we can hold them back.", then Senshi replied, "Minato-sensei, I'll do both, protecting the group and holding back the pursuers.", then he made a Shadow Clone who went with the convoy. They stayed in their spot until the pursuers arrived. Their leader said, "Hand over the missive, and we might let you live.", but before Minato could reply, Senshi drew his sword, stepped forward and said, "Like hell, I'll ever trust you.", and the group leader sneered and said, "You rash boy, you'll never win.", before kunai came out of nowhere, but as Obito weaved the signs to a Fire Style: Gōkakyū (Great Fireball) Jutsu, Senshi moved faster than sound and cut every single kunai out of the air in a few seconds. As Obito was about to fire the fireball, he realized they had all been cut out of the air by Senshi. Both Obito and Minato gaped at Senshi until the leader went straight for Senshi. Senshi just turned around and started engaging the leader, parrying all of the leader's kunai attacks with his sword using one hand with a bored expression on his face. Obito and Minato were dealing with the other pursuers, as the leader parried Senshi's final swing and prepared to kill Senshi, unil Senshi held out his palm toward the leader and shouted, "Earth Style: Pāmu Shinko Āsusupaiku (Palm Emerging Earth Spike)!", then a spike of rock came straight from Senshi's hand and speared the leader straight through the heart. The leader coughed up blood, then Senshi cut his head straight off, and the head went flying. The pursuers looked at Senshi in fear, as Senshi was now covered in their leader's blood. Senshi took out his spear from the headless body, and the spear went back into his palm. The pursuers who were scared tried to flee, but Minato dealt with them no problem. Senshi began looking at his palms which were smeared with blood, and he shivered and began sobbing, for he knew he had to kill the leader or he would die, but he still didn't like hurting others. Minato began comforting him until Senshi calmed down, and then Senshi said, "We need to get back to Kakashi and Rin. There was another group of pursuers. Come on!", then all of a sudden, an even bigger group surrounded them, and they got ready to fight.

## With Kakashi and Rin ##

Senshi's clone was beside Kakashi who was behind the group being escorted, then they boh saw a barrage of kunai headed right for them. They both turned and began knocking the kunai out of the air, but one got past them and got a guy in the shoulder, and that guy fell off the bridge. Rin began arguing that they had to go inform Minato-sensei, but Kakashi said that they had to complete the mission, and Senshi agreed, so they did just that. Once across the bridge, Rin asked how Obito was, Kakashi said he was okay because Sensei and the original Senshi were with him, and the clone told them that they had just defeated two groups of pursuers, with Senshi killing multiple people. Then one of the Steam ninja complimented them, but then the other two behind him revealed they were traitors, then killed the complimenting man right in front of them, shocking them They were ready to kill Rin and Kakashi, but Senshi the clone jumped in front, disarmed them both, and cut one of their heads off. The other tried to flee, but Senshi speared him through the chest like a shish-kebab, killing them. The clone, covered in blood, turned to Rin and Kakashi, who were shocked at the two suddenly becoming traitors, and horrified at how brutally Senshi had executed the two traitors. They bgan healing the wounded man, then Minato, Obito and the original Senshi arrived. As soon as clone and original made eye contact, the clone dispelled sending all the memories and fatigue into Senshi. He began shaking because of the guilt he felt at his actions. Kakashi then explained the situation to Minato and Obito, who were surprised at this turn of events. The dying man then gave the missive to Minato, but it was actually fake, and Minato asked, "I remember four people in the convoy, but where's the fourth one?", then Senshi said, "He fell off the bridge, and is likely at the bottom of the pit. We have to get that scroll!" Everyone agreed and headed toward the bridge again. They scoured the pit, but Senshi's keen eyesight spotted the man, who was about to be killed by a barrage of kunai from pursuers and traitors who were on the cliffs. Senshi cut all of them out of the air again. The group then went down to the river, and Senshi said, "Rin, Obito! Contact Minato-sensei! Me and Kakashi will hold them off!", before preparing to fight. Obito sounded the signal, a kunai with a smoke tag attached which detonated in mid-air and created a cloud of black smoke, alerting Minato.

Suddenly, the man realized the scroll was missing, then one of the group members got it while it was floating downstream, and told the rest to withdraw. Kakashi told Obito and Rin, "Obito! Rin! Guard him! I'll get the scroll!", then Senshi said, "I'll go with you." They both left them and headed towrd the group. They stopped in a forest, then the leader asked the duo, "You bastards, do think you can take us all on by yourselves? You're chunin! And we're jonin!", then Senshi replied, "Chunin only in name.", then the group charged, but Senshi began forming hand seals, then he shouted, "Tiger -> Hare -> Boar -> Horse! Fire Style: Gōka Mekkyaku (Great Fire Annihilation), before inhaling, kneading chakra in his lungs and shooting out a sea of flame, badly burning some of the attackers. Both Kakashi and Senshi began cutting through the other attackers, Senshi with his sword and Raikiri, Kakashi with his White Light Chakra Sabre. Soon however, the foes began overwhelming the two tired fighters. Senshi knew that he had to defeat the group of attackers preparing to kill them quickly and all at once, so he weaved a few hand seals, as Minato was arriving, then shouting, "Boar -> Hare -> Ram -> Ox! Lightning Style: Idaina Denki no Ohayari (Great Electric Outbreak)!" As the innumerable lightning tendrils came from his body, astonishing Kakashi, who marveled at the jutsu's power, Minato arrived, threw a circle of his signature triple-pronged Hiraishin kunai around the two, and shouted, "Rasen Senkō Chō Rinbukō Sanshiki (Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three)!", and a bursting flash of yellow lightning came from the circle and mixed with Senshi's blue lightning from his Lightning Style jutsu, creating a enormous burst of blue-yellow lightning which sent the whole group of attackers flying back, having paralyzed all of them and stopped their hearts and effectively killed all of them. When they all hit the ground, Senshi noticed that their clothes and skin were singed and smoking. Minato retrievd the scroll from Kakashi, who got it from the leader when Kakashi killed him. The last remaining man who they saved said, "Thank you for saving my life." Afterwards they said goodbye and left. Obito began to celebrate, but Kakashi told him that they were probably decoys to distract pursuers from the real missive. Senshi overheard this, and felt it was probably true. That day, he celebrated wih his parents by eating ramen from a shop called Ichiraku. He flopped on the bed, full and happy.