Chapter 13: Mission of Kannabi Bridge - Part 1

## 3 Years Later ##

Since the first C-Rank mission Team Minato ever had, they had grown even more. Obito is now 13 years old and has learned more Fire Style jutsu. Kakashi is now 12 and was recently promoted to jonin, and lerned even more kenjutsu attacks from Senshi. Senshi, meanwhile, has become 14 years old. He is now 5 feet and 3.5 inches tall and weighs 112 pounds. He still wears his Senju armor and outfit and has learned more jutsu, both elemental and non-elemental. He had made a name for himself when the Third Shinobi War broke out. He was now a high B-Rank ninja in the Bingo Book, nicknamed Kuro Senko/Burakkufurasshu, or the Black Flash, and had a bounty on his head equaling to 750,000 ryo. Now they were going to do a special mission: to destroy the Kannabi bridge in order to keep Iwa from sending more soldiers. However, this mission, unbeknownst to the team, would end in tragedy, grief and loss.

## Day ##

Senshi was with Kakashi, Rin and Minato, and he was meditating in lotus position. Kakashi was asking, "Where's Obito? He's late!", and right on cue, Obito landed in front of Kakashi on the ground, and he asked, "Did I make it?", but Kakashi said, "You're late, Obito." Obito began making excuses, then the two began arguing, but Senshi got up, went to them, pushed them away from each other and said, "Goodness, just stop already! Jeez.." Kakashi replied, "Senshi, you and Rin go too easy on Obito. Remember, today's also my special day..", then Rin said, "Ur... Right...", then Obito asked, "What was it again?" Senshi facepalmed as Minato said, "As of today... Kakashi is jonin, like me and Senshi. For this mission, Senshi and I will break off into two teams. That makes us more efficient. Every bit counts. As you know, Konoha is at the weakest it's ever been.", then Obito asked, "Split up? You mean...", then Minato replied, "That's right. Obito, Rin and Kakashi, you'll form a four-man cell, led by Senshi, because he has the most experience, and became jonin first. And me.. I'll be on my own.", then Rin turned to the others, except for Kakashi, and reminded them, "Remember, we talked about this the other day. This is where we each give Kakashi a gift.", then Obito replied, "Sorry... I must have tuned out." Minato pulled out one of his triple-pronged Hiraishin kunai and said, "This is my present. A custom-made kunai knife.", then he gave it, saying, "It's a bit awkward.. But it's easy to handle, once you're used to it. It'll be a good tool for this mission.", and Kakashi said, "Thanks." Rin then pulled out a pouch from her bag and said, "And this is from me. Here.", before giving it to Kakashi and explaining, "It's a personalized special medkit. I adjusted things a little, to make it easier to use.", then Kakashi again said, "Thanks.", then he held out his palm to Obito, as if hoping for a gift, then Obito, flustered, asked, "Wha.. what's that for!?", before shouting, "I've got nothing to give you! Not a thing!", then Kakashi snarkily replied, "Well... That's all right. You'd just give me some garbage anyway. Better nothing, than a useless burden.", then they started arguing, until Senshi stopped the argument, saying, "Just stop already!", before realizing his sudden outburst and saying, "Sorry.", then saying, "Oh yeah, I have a gift, which will be really useful.", before unzipping and opening his backpack, rummaging through it and pulling out something in a sheath. He then gave it to Kakashi and explained, "This is one of my swords. It's a chokuto (straight-bladed sword), which I made.", then Kakashi replied, "Why would I need this when I already have my sabre?", then Senshi replied, "It has a longer reach than your sabre, and is just as light if not lighter. Try using it.", then Kakashi drew the chokuto from the sheath and swung it around, before putting it back in the sheath then saying, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks a lot!" Minato then said, "Now that we're done, can I explain the mission now? We're already pretty close to the border." Minato then put down a map on the ground and explained that they would have to destroy a supply bridge known as the Kannabi Bridge in order to cut off Iwagakure's reinforcement supply. After Minato told them everything, including the fact that Senshi was in charge and that Minato himself would be in the battlefield. They agreed that they would stick together until the border and then split up there to do their seperate missions. As they were heading to the border through a forest with Senshi in front, Senshi sensed other chakra signatures near them, then he put up a palm, telling them to stop. They all did, then hid behind a rock mound. Senshi said, "There's around twenty of them, but they're all the same chakra signature, so they're probably Shadow Clones.", and everyone agreed, then Senshi said, "Alright. Kakashi, Obito, do either of you have wide-range jutsu, like the ones that can defeat multiple foes at once?", then Obito said, "Yeah, I have the Gōkakyū (Great Fireball), and I also learned the Gōka Messhitsu (Great Fire Destruction).", Senshi then said, "That's perfect, Obito! How about you, Kakashi?", then Kakashi replied, "I don't, but I could channel my Chidori through water." Senshi said, "Good enough.", then Minato asked, "Why are you asking about this?", then Senshi replied, "We need to take out all the clones before going after the original or we'll have a problem.", then he turned to Kakashi and said, "When I spray water on the ground, channel your Chidori through it, understood?", and Kakashi nodded. Then Senshi jumped out into the open and shouted, "Come out, come out wherever you are!", then 19 clones, not counting the original, surrounded Senshi in a circle and one of them asked, "You think you could beat us? We have the numbers advantage.", then Senshi replied, "But we.. have the power advantage." The clone was about to ask what the boy meant by 'we', but before he could, Senshi weaved some hand seals and slammed both hands into the ground while shouting, "Rat -> Dog -> Boar! Water Style: Sotomizu Supure (Outward Water Spray)!", and water burst from the ground all around Senshi and sprayed all the clones and the ground, turning both of these things soaking wet. After the clones wiped their faces, the leader asked, "Really? Water? Is that how you meant to beat us?", then Senshi shouted, "Kakashi, NOW!!", then a voice sounded out, "Ox -> Hare -> Monkey! Lightning Style: Chidori (Thousand Birds)!", then an incredibly loud chirping sound came from the hiding spot, causing the clones nearest to there to look there, then Kakashi suddenly jumped out into the open, dodged the attacks of the clones while entering the circle, then went beside Senshi and slammed his Chidori into the wet grass. The lightning spread throughout the wet grass and electrified the water on the clones, shocking the clones and causing them to poof in smoke. In all the mayhem, Senshi and Kakashi went back to their hiding spot and Minato said, "Good thinking, Senshi.", then Senshi said, "Thanks.", before planning out their next strategy. He told Obito, "When I tell you to, fire your Great Fire Destruction right there.", then he pointed to the tree where the original was hiding. Obito nodded in understanding, then Senshi turned to Kakashi and said, "When the guy comes out of his hiding spot, charge at him with your Chidori. I'll back you up if anything goes wrong.", then Kakashi nodded and Senshi put a Hiraishin seal on him. Senshi then told Obito, "Shoot that tree now!", then Obito weaved multiple seals and shouted, "Rat -> Ox -> Dog -> Horse -> Monkey -> Boar -> Tiger! Fire Style: Goka Messhitsu (Great Fire Destruction)!", then he spewed a giant torrent of flame at the tree, burning through it and forcing the original to get out of there, then in the literal blink of an eye, Kakashi was about 3 feet from the original and about to straight up impale the original with a Chidori. The original prepared to attack by slicing Kakashi, and Minato pointed and shouted, "Senshi-!", but Senshi had already teleported, saved Kakashi, who only got a minor slash on his shoulder and left a Hiraishin seal on the original. Senshi teleported Kakashi back to his team, then as Kakashi was being healed by Rin, Senshi said, "I marked him. Time to finish this.", then he teleported to the original. The original was peeking from the tree and looking for them when he felt a hand on his shoulder which pulled him to look at a fourteen year old boy, and as he thought, "What the...!?", Senshi pulled out a triple-pronged kunai, grabbed the guy's arm and nailed the original's hand to the tree, causing the guy to scream in pain and blood to spurt from his hand. The guy, coughing blood and sweating profusely, asked, "Wh-who.. a-are.. y-you..?", then Senshi replied, "I am the Black Flash.", then the guy was stunned and then mumbled, just loud enough for Senshi to hear, "They told us.. to flee on sight from you.. and.. the Yellow Flash. Now.. I know why.", then Senshi charged electricity through his fist and knuckles, causing them to be coated in blue electricity, then he shouted, "Ikazuchiken (Lightning Fist)!",, then he punched the guy in the chest, breaking, no, shattering his sternum into shrapnel and emitting an electric discharge so strong, it stopped the guy's heart, killing him before the shattered sternum's bone shrapnel did. Birds scattered because of the sound, the guy went limp and Senshi checked the guy's pulse to make sure he was dead, then Senshi went back to his team, and Obito asked, "What happened?", and Senshi coldly replied, "The guy's dead. I think he was a scout. I killed him.", then Obito left to puke, Rin was discomforted and Minato was shocked at Senshi's ruthlessness. Minato understood, however, that war changes people, and knew that even extremely cheerful and optimistic people could grow cold and harsh from the trauma and experiences of war. Only Kakashi wasn't affected, and he then said, "Good. Let's continue." The team then set up camp, and Minato and Senshi sat on a boulder near a tree, looking up at the night sky. Behind them, Obito was approaching them. He asked, "Master..", then Minato asked, "Hm? What's up?", and Senshi asked, "Yo, Obito. What's up?" He climbed up and sat on the boulder in between Senshi and Minato and began to speak. He talked about his relationship with Kakashi, and to alleviate his worries, Minato and Senshi agreed to tell Obito the story about Kakashi's father, the White Fang. Senshi said, "Kakashi told me about his father once in a while, when he let his emotional guard down. His father was Sakumo Hatake, the ninja who was feared as Konoha's White Fang. That sabre that Kakashi has, that was Sakumo's. That's all I know." Minato continued, "When Sakumo was alive, the 'Three Sannin' paled beside him. Growing up beside a man like that... It's hardly a surprise that Kakashi's standards for others are unnaturally high.", then Obito said, "The White Fang... Come to think of it, I'm sure I've heard of him. He's some hero who saved the village, and died in the line of duty... Funny, I've never heard Kakashi say a word about him...", then Minato said, "He was a great man, revered by everyone... Including, of course, Kakashi. That is, until the incident..", then Obito asked, "Incident?", then Senshi said, "Since I became Kakashi's friend, he confided this in me. Maybe this isn't my business to tell you, but to understand, you have to know. On a top secret mission behind enemy lines, Kakashi's father chose to save his teammates instead of completing the mission. Because of this, he was ashamed and dishonored. Even the people he saved slandered him. In the end, Kakashi's father killed himself. And Kakashi decided to never make his father's mistake. Just understand, Obito. Kakashi means well."

## Next Day ##

All of them packed up their supplies and Minato said, "Okay! Let's get going.", and they all shouted, "YES SIR!" The team stayed together until the border, where they stopped and Minato began to talk. He said, "We'll divide here. Do your best, all of you. The enemy we met yesterday was a lone scout. But from now on, we must expect team conflict. So be on your guard...", then Senshi turned to his team and said, "Let's go!", then Minato and his team parted and the team arrived to a pool of water surrounded by rocks in the middle of a bamboo forest. Senshi suddenly sensed something and raised his palm, telling his team to stop. Suddenly, bamboo spears came at them, and both Senshi and Obito weaved seals for their Fire Style jutsu while shouting. Senshi shouted, "Tiger -> Hare -> Boar -> Horse! Fire Style: Gōka Mekkyaku (Great Fire Annihilation)!", and Obito shouted, "Rat -> Ox -> Dog -> Horse -> Monkey -> Boar -> Tiger! Fire Style: Goka Messhitsu (Great Fire Destruction)!" They both spewed giant torrents of flame toward the bamboo, incinerating all of it and leaving only ash. Suddenly, a man with two blades in his sleeves came down from the bamboo, and Senshi said, "Kakashi!", then Kakashi nodded and boh of them began to clash. As they were clashing, Rin screamed, "AYAAHHH!!", and all of them turned around and Kakashi landed. The man who had kidnapped Rin said, "She has found a new master.", then both ninja disappeared in a poof of smoke. Obito tried to chase them, but Kakashi told him not to. They both began arguing about whether to save Rin or complete the mission, then Senshi got up and told them, "We're rescuing Rin, understood?!", then Kakashi said, "Are you crazy? Don't you know what happens to those who break the rules?", then Senshi was about to reply, but Obito did for him, saying, "We know. That's why the White Fang was a true hero.", and this shocked Kakashi. Obito continued, "Sure, in a ninja's world, those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders are lower than garbage. However... Those who do not care for and support their fellow shinobi.. are even lower than that! If I'm scum.. the rules are no good to me. And if breaking them makes me the wrong kind of shinobi... I'll crush all the so-called shinobi!", then Kakashi broke out of his shock, turned to Senshi and asked, "Are you going to follow him?", and Senshi replied, "Sorry Kakashi, but yes. I won't leave a friend behind. So if you want to finish the mission yourself, go ahead. So I guess this is where our friendship ends, then. Goodbye, Kakashi. But think about this. Is this what your father would have wanted you to do?", and Kakashi's eyes widened in shock and he stumbled backward as if he had been stabbed in the heart, then without saying a word, Senshi joined Obito and they left to go rescue Rin, leaving Kakashi to reflect.