Chapter 15: Senshi's Suicide

## A Few Days Later ##

Senshi was falling into depression. There was no denying it. He couldn't let go of Obito's death, couldn't accept that Obito's death wasn't his fault, because he felt guilty, since as the leader of the team and the most experienced, he was supposed to protect his friends. His teammates started to notice this too, considering how obvious it was, and they grew worried about Senshi's mental state, how he was dealing with Obito's death. They noticed Senshi starting to grow more solitary, staying away, no longer socializing unless someone talked to him, and even then, the conversations with Senshi usually ended quickly, with Senshi shutting them out and brooding again, which was, though normal for an Uchiha, unlike Senshi. Team Minato knew that Senshi blamed himself for Obito's death and that he was psychologically scarred quite deeply, after all, wouldn't leaving your friend to die traumatize you? It got to its worst when Minato approached Senshi, only for Senshi to rebuke him and bolt faster than Minato could run or flash. Minato knew then that something was seriously wrong with Senshi's mental health. What they all didn't know was that Senshi was starting to think about suicide. At first, he pushed it back. But as the voices whispered poison in his ear, "You are the reason Obito's dead.", Senshi's will to live grew weaker. And Senshi, wanting for it all to end, wanting the voices to stop, finally acted on it.

## That Day ##

Senshi put on his normal attire, but without the sword or the Senju armor. (He wouldn't need them anymore.) He left after eating and went out to somewhere he knew (He would never come back.). He shrugged off the fangirls who pursued him everyday (Love was pointless now.), but didn't notice one girl stalking him with the Uchiha crest on her back. Along the way though, lost in his thoughts, he bumped into someone wearing black with a bo staff on his back. Senshi helped the guy get up and realized that this was the 2-year younger kid who he had sparred with before Obito had died. He said, "Sorry, Karisuma. Got lost in my thoughts.", to which Karisuma replied, "It's okay. Also why are you here?" Panicking, Senshi made up an excuse, "I'm just.. um.. sightseeing and exploring! Yeah, that's it!", and Karisuma just said, "Welp, 'kay. See ya.", before leaving. Once he was out of sight, Senshi sighed before continuing on. He eventually arrived at the cliff where Itachi Uchiha would try to commit suicide years later. How ironic. He thought about Obito, his friends, his failure to keep Obito and the team safe, the poison in his ears. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the Uchiha girl who was stalking him. He thought to himself, "Obito, I'll see you soon. Goodbye, everyone. Sorry for failing you all.", then he stepped off the cliff, and got ready to plunge to his death in the abyss below.