Chapter 16: Yukari Uchiha, Consolation, Lineage

## Previously ## Then he stepped off the cliff, and got ready to plunge to his death in the abyss below.

## Now ## The moment Senshi stepped off, he regretted it. With hands raised above his head, he thought, "Why did I do that?" He suddenly felt someone grab his wrist and keep him from falling, though it was just annoying. He looked up and saw a girl who, unbeknownst to him, had been stalking him and wanted to save him from death. For a moment he thought it was Rin who saved him, and he asked, "Rin!?", but he realized it was someone else. He then pulled out a kunai and stabbed it into the cliff, then used it as leverage to get back up on the cliff. He shrugged off the girl's hold and asked, "Who are you?", in a pissed off voice, then the Uchiha girl just turned around, showing the Uchiha crest on her back. And after she turned back around and faced Senshi, Senshi asked, less pissed off and more annoyed, "Who are you, really?", then she said, in a peppy, happy-go-lucky voice, "I'm Yukari Uchiha, your savior! By the way, why did you jump?", then Senshi said, just to get her off his back, "It's a long story, so sit down if you want to hear it.", then Yukari sat down. Senshi said, "Okay, then.", then Senshi sat down and began telling his whole story. It took a long-ass time, and at the end, he had tears in his eyes from remembering it so soon, like rubbing salt into his gaping wound and Yukari was moved and shocked by his story. Senshi then activated his Mangekyo and finished his story, saying, "And I attained these eyes with my friend's death. These are both my gift and my curse. They're powerful, but I wish Obito didn't have to die for them.", then Yukari said, "That's.. really sad. I know how you feel.", then she activated her Sharingan and suddenly, the tomoe began spinning, and when they stopped, a new pattern emerged. The pattern was three wiggling curves forming a pinwheel around the pupil. Senshi stood up in shock before sitting back down and asking, "You have a Mangekyo?!", then, with more concern mixed with curiosity, he asked, "What.. happened?", implying that he was asking about how she got her Mangekyo. She looked away for a moment and wiped her eyes, but Senshi swore for a moment that she was crying. She turned back to him and said, "It's.. also a long story.", then Senshi said, "Tell me then.", then Yukari inhaled and began talking. She gained her Mangekyo on an A-Rank mission after she had become jonin, similar to Senshi's mission where he got his Mangekyo. Her friend was injured and disabled, then her friend told her to kill them as there were enemy ninja pursuing them and her friend knew that if they interrogated them, the enemy ninja would learn about their mission. Yukari tried to refuse but the friend used the kunai in her hand to commit suicide, making Yukari awaken her Mangekyo as she felt that she was the one who killed her friend, as she had been the one to hold the kunai that killed her friend. She had gained the power in her right eye, which was Mahi (Paralyze in English), which allowed her to, once she made eye contact, freeze her opponents in place by using her Mangekyo's chakra to freeze the foe's skeletal muscles. She had not yet unlocked her other power. After hearing all of this, Senshi smiled and said, "Well, Yukari, looks like we have a lot in common. Nice to meet you.", then they shook hands. Senshi then said, "Sorry, I have to head home now. See you!", and as he left, he waved back at Yukari, who did the same. Senshi arrived home and flopped on his bed. His parents were away on a mission, leaving only Kenji and Senshi in the house. Kenji came into the room and asked, "Nii-san, what's wrong?", then Senshi got up, pat his 11 year old younger brother who had his forehead protector and chunin flak jacket (Kenji was promoted to chunin at 10) on, and Senshi said, "Nothing's wrong, otouto. No need to worry." Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door, and Kenji asked, "Nii-san, who is that?", then Senshi replied, "Let me check.", then Senshi walked to the door, opened it and found Kakashi and Rin standing there. Senshi asked, "Umm.. guys, what're you doing at my house?", then Kakashi said, "We wanna talk to you.", then Rin added, "It's about your attempt to-", but Senshi cut her off, saying, "Shh! My younger brother is here, okay? Let's talk about this in the backyard, okay?", and they agreed, then Senshi led them into the house. Kenji approached Senshi, saw Kakashi and Rin and asked, "Nii-san, who are they?", pointing at Kakashi and Rin. Senshi replied, "They're my friends. We're just going to talk outside in the backyard, okay, otouto?", then Kenji said, "Okay.." Senshi then led his friends to the backyard, and Kakashi immediately asked, "Why did you try to commit suicide?", causing Senshi to look away and Rin to whack Kakashi before shouting, "Why are you so blunt about it, Bakashi!? Can you not see he's suffering!? Why-?!", but her ranting was cut off by Senshi saying, "

After Senshi's teammates left, Senshi wandered around the house and, once he entered his father's room, he stepped on a floorboard, which creaked and made a hollow sound. Intrigued, Senshi pulled out the board and found a scroll. He unfurled it and began reading the parchment. It was a scroll of his lineage, and once he hit the great-grandfather generation, he saw an erased name. He thought, "Someone must have not wanted this name to be known to the younger generation.", but he could still see three letters, and he said out loud, "M.. D.. R..? Huh? What does that mean?", then he thought, "Hang on. So this guy is my grandfather. But who is he? Wait a minute.. MDR. There's only one person in the world with a name like that and the Uchiha last name, and he was.. Madara Uchiha, Konoha's co-founder!" Senshi clutched his head in disbelief as he thought, "No.. NO! This can't be!", then he let go of his head, breathed slowly, and thought, "I should.. just accept. Heh, I actually am a bit similar, what with my Mangekyo pattern.", then he said to no one in particular, "Well, I'll follow my lineage as Senshi Uchiha, great-grandson of Madara Uchiha.", then he looked up to the heavens and said, "You'll see, great-granddad. One day.. I'll surpass you!"