Chapter 25: Further Sage Training, Arranged Marriage

## Previously ##

Senshi got up, looked at his hands in astonishment, before looking at Fukasaku and asking, "What is this, Fukasaku-san?", and Fukasaku, awestruck, replied, "That is the Sage Mode.. of the Sage of Six Paths."

## Now ##

Senshi's eyes widened as he asked, "Hagoromo-sama's Sage Mode? No way..", and Fukasaku said, "Anyway, let's worry about that later. For now, let's train using your normal Sage Mode." Senshi nodded, before clapping his hands together, staying still, and his Six Paths Sage Mode reverted back to normal Sage Mode. The robes, black gloves and boots disappeared, Senshi's skin turned normal again, the horns retracted back into Senshi's forehead, the pigment reappeared and the slit in the irides disappeared. Senshi opened his eyes, turned to Fukasaku and asked, "So, what will we train?", to which Fukasaku replied, "You will be learning the taijutsu style of Toad Sages. It is called Kawazu Kumite or Frog Kata. Let me show you.", and with that, Fukasaku leapt at Senshi, fist outstretched. Senshi moved his head to the side, and the punch seemingly missed, but suddenly Senshi was propelled flying, hitting one of the stalagmites. He got up and felt a bruise on his cheek, before looking to Fukasaku in surprise, before using Sage Mode and seeing the aura of natural energy around his hand. Fukasaku said, "Kawazu Kumite lets you hit harder and beyond your normal range by making an aura of tangible natural energy around your strikes.", and Senshi, rubbing his cheek, replied, "I can tell.. ow..", and Senshi got up. Fukasaku said, "Try fighting me while enveloping your attacks with Senjutsu energy.", and Senshi rushed toward Fukasaku before punching at the old toad, who dodged and sent Senshi flying with a double foot kick to the back. Senshi got up, turned to Fukasaku and quickly strategized his attack, before rushing at the toad, faking a rash attack. Senshi punched like before, and Fukasaku dodged like before, but this time, Senshi enveloped his hand with natural energy and hit Fukasaku, who went flying this time. Fukasaku got up and said, "Good job, kid. That's how you do it.", and Senshi pumped his fist, shouting, "Yes!" Fukasaku then said, "Now, try to beat me in a proper spar using only Frog Kata.", and Senshi replied, "Okay, Fukasaku-san.", before getting into an offensive fighting stance and rushing toward Fukasaku.

## One Year Later ##

Senshi, now 19 years old, has been training nonstop for the past years. He had grown into a tall lanky man, and had honed his skills even further, especially learning Senjutsu and mastering Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. He had mastered Kawazu Kumite and had mixed it with his Demonic Dragon Kata, thus creating a fighting style with insane power, breakneck speed, intense flexibility and even more range. Senshi had also learned Senjutsu attacks and how to infuse regular jutsu with Senjutsu chakra from Fukasaku and his wife, Shima. Most notably, he had learned the sound genjutsu of the Toads, the Magen: Gama Rinsho or the Demonic Illusion: Toad Confrontation Chant. It had taken a bit of time for Senshi to learn because of the complex lyrics and melodies, but Senshi eventually mastered the chant. It usually takes a bit of time for Senshi to cast the chant, but Senshi could just keep his foes occupied with Shadow Clones or trap them in the Kokuangyo or the Bringer of Darkness genjutsu until he finishes the song. And unlike Fukasaku and Shima, he can use it over and over again because he can just heal his strained voice using his Yang Power. Senshi had also learned how to use flammable oil techniques to enhance and strengthen his Fire Style jutsu, such as when he sprays a foe with oil before shooting a Gokakyu (Great Fireball) to roast the oil-soaked foe. Senshi had also learned more about his Six Paths Sage Mode, such as the fact that it grants the power of Yin-Yang Style, a power that is considered the power of a god, which allows the user to control, manipulate and transform creation and destruction, to bend the forces of nature to your will. Senshi had learned that he could summon 9 orbs of black chakra called the Gudodama or the Truth-Seeking Balls, which could change shape and turn into weapons, and destroy anything they touched. He also noticed that he could gather senjutsu chakra a lot easier when he was in this form. He learned and mastered all five basic chakra natures as well as Yin and Yang Release because of the Yin-Yang chakra of Six Paths Sage Mode, meaning he can now execute S-Ranked Water and Earth Style jutsus without any trouble. As for his Kenjutsu, Senshi learned how to infuse chakra into his arms to add strength to his attacks. Senshi had mastered Kenjutsu so well, he could fight and win a spar with Fukasaku using only a sword in his mouth. Senshi had made various techniques for both his Ittoryu or One Sword Style and his Nitoryu or Two Sword Style. Some examples for his Ittoryu are his Kikori (Lumberjack), a powerful two-handed horizontal swing, and the Ue Kara (From Above), a two-handed downward slash. Some examples of his Nitoryu are his Kushi Futari (Skewer Two), a double piercing attack, and his Shikakkei No Ken (Quadsection Swords), twin diagonal slashes forming an X. He eventually finished his sage training and got ready to leave. He activated his Kamui and made a portal home, but not before leaving a Hiraishin kunai that he could teleport to in order to visit. Taking one final breath and waving goodbye to Fukasaku and Shima, he stepped through the portal and arrived home in Konoha.

## In Konoha - Senshi's Family's House ##

After arriving home, Senshi fixed everything in his home before heading out to say hello to his friends, who he hadn't seen for a year. He first went to his family's house, and when he arrived, Kenji was at the table, while Reiko and Hiromi were cooking. Kenji had grown quite a bit, now being almost as tall as Senshi and a jonin. Reiko and Hiromi had retired from being ninja and now had strands of white hair among their black hair. As soon as Senshi opened the door, it's hinges creaked loudly and he cringed as everybody looked at him with surprise. Kenji immediately tackle-hugged Senshi, who almost fell over, and shouted, "Nii-san!" Senshi smiled before hugging Kenji back and saying, "Otouto..", before looking up to see his mother and father hugging him as well. The three continued hugging Senshi until he said, "Can't.. breathe.. guys..", and they all backed up. Senshi smiled and said, "Nice to see you all again. Anyway, gotta go. I still have to say hello to other people." The family waved as Senshi bolted out of the door and went to his next location: Kakashi's place.

## Kakashi's Home ##

He knocked on the door and when it opened, he saw Kakashi, who was also surprised. Senshi said, "Hi, Kaka-", but he cut off when he saw the ANBU tattoo on Kakashi's arm and the ANBU equipment he was wearing. Senshi stepped back a bit before saying in shock, "You-you're ANBU?!" When he heard this question, Kakashi slumped immediately and said, "Yes. I joined when you left because I knew you wouldn't accept it.", and Senshi shouted, "I was gone for one year! ONE! And you joined ANBU?! The hell?! What would Rin think about this, huh?! What would OBITO THINK?!", and tears fell from Kakashi's face at Senshi's harsh cutting words as he remembered that day when Rin died, when Obito died. He showed his emotions and let loose his grief for that moment, because he knew that he could trust Senshi with his emotions. Senshi saw the tears and immediately cut off his harsh demeanor and saying, "Kakashi, I'm just asking. I'm sorry, okay? I just want to know why. Why did you join?" Kakashi replied, "Minato-sensei made me ANBU before he died, but I kept it hidden.", and Senshi said, "Okay. I get it now. But why did he choose you?" Kakashi replied, "He thought it would ease the pain and give me a good purpose in life.", and Senshi slapped his forehead with his hand in complete exasperation, before thinking, "God.. sometimes Minato-sensei just has some big brainfarts." Senshi smiled and said, "Nice to see ya again, Kakashi. Anyway, gotta bolt. Still have some people to say hi to.", and Kakashi sighed as Senshi Shunshined away toward Yukari's house.

## Yukari's House ##

Senshi waited and knocked on the door of Yukari-chan's home, waiting for someone to open it. When it opened, Yukari was there, and Senshi said, "Hi Yukari-chan! Can I come in?" Yukari was taken aback for a bit at Senshi's loud greeting, but she welcomed him in. He sat down and said, "Nice to see you again, Yukari-chan!", and Yukari asked, "Where were you?" Senshi replied, "Training.", before asking, "What's been happening?" Senshi saw her fidgeting nervously and he thought, "Why is Yukari-chan nervous? She's not usually like thi-", but he was cut off when he saw the diamond on a new ring on her left ring finger glinting and shining. He thought, "She's engaged?!", then he suddenly became downcast. As Yukari fidgeted, thinking of a way to break the news that she was arranged to be married to someone else, she heard Senshi say, "So, you're getting married, right?" Her head shot up upon hearing this as she asked in surprise, "H-how did you-?!", but Senshi said, "Saw the ring." Yukari was about to say something, but Senshi smiled and said, "Good for you. You're my friend after all. Why wouldn't I congratulate you?" Yukari was about to give a heartfelt reason, but Senshi continued, not meeting her eyes, "Listen. I'm not mad. I'm happy for you in fact. Well, I gotta go now.", and he got up, turned, ad began stepping toward the door. But as he grabbed the doorknob, Yukari stood up, crying also, and shouted, "Please don't go!" Senshi began to cry, and everything was so silent, you could hear the tears of sadness and pain hit the ground. Senshi smiled, a sad, somber smile this time, and said, with a twinge of sadness in his voice, "You're getting married. Life's going your way. You don't need this lovesick fool anymore.", he finished, referring to himself. She watched as Senshi opened the door and began walking away, the tears falling from his eyes and staining the hard ground. She began running toward him, begging him to stop, but Senshi ran, flashing away with the Shunshin, leaving behind a crying Yukari, who fell to her knees and continued sobbing as Senshi came home, tears in his wet eyes as well, as he fell onto his bed, and the grip of fatigue and sleep wrapped around him, tears still flowing down the tear tracks on his face.