Chapter 26: Adopting Naruto, The Truth, Mokuton

## The Next Day ##

After that sad night, Senshi woke up and decided it was time for a change. Love was pointless now, so there was no point in dwelling on love's pain. He had to do what he promised to Minato-sensei and Kurama. So he put on his clothes, packed his normal equipment and went out. On the way, he dumped his original mask in a trash can and bought a kabuki one from a store. Putting on his new kabuki mask, he walked into the Konoha Orphanage and arrived at the reception, ready to do what he had promised Minato-sensei he would do. The woman at the counter asked, "Hello, sir, what are you here for?", and Senshi replied, "I'm here to adopt someone. Naruto Uzumaki." A look of disgust settled on the woman's face as she spat out, "The demon." Immediately, Fune's blade appeared right at the woman's throat, ready to pierce through her jugular and windpipe, as Senshi said, in a soft, demonic voice, with his Mangekyo Sharingan burning with chakra fire, "Say that again, and I WILL END YOU." Senshi then calmed down and said, "Now lead me to the boy, let me sign the documents and he'll be my kid.", before resheathing his sword. The woman, terrified of the masked man, led him to the blond-haired blue-eyed boy and said, "This is Naruto Uzumaki.", and when the boy saw the masked man, he began shaking in fear, worried that the man was going to hurt him. However, to the boy's surprise, the man hugged him and began speaking, "Shh.. It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. Everything will be okay." That voice.. The boy heard that voice before.. from a different masked man. Naruto hugged the man back and began crying. Senshi smiled under his mask as he felt a fatherly instinct in him. He then told the boy, "Wait first, okay Naruto?", and the boy said, "Okay.." Senshi then let go of the blond-haired boy, got up, turned to the nurse and asked, "Now, where are the documents?"

## A Few Minutes Later ##

Senshi, unmasked this time, walked to his home holding his new adopted son, Naruto's hand. He had filled out the documents and adopted Naruto as his adopted son. The reason for this was because Senshi owed it to both Minato-sensei and Kurama. Naruto had happily accepted Senshi as his new father, because the man was very kind to him. As they walked to Senshi's home, suddenly someone pulled Naruto away as the boy shouted, "Help!" Senshi turned, a fiery glint in his eyes, to find Naruto being held by a shinobi who had a kunai to Naruto's throat. The shinobi said, "Now that he's out of his safe space, time to kill the demon, once and for all.", and he began to press. But as he was about to slit the blond-haired, crying boy's throat, Senshi quickly said, "Don't. Because if you do, I will NOT SHOW MERCY.", before holding Fune's handle with his left hand in a reverse grip while Fune's blade was still sheathed, imbuing Fune's blade with Wind chakra and sharpening it, and he held the sheath of Fune with his right hand. He told Fune, "Ready, Fune?", and Fune said, "Yeah. Let's behead this fool." As the man began to press the kunai against Naruto's throat again, he said, "Who are you to order me around, huh?!", and Senshi sighed in resignation before saying, "Welp, your funeral.", then his Sharingan activated and he said, "Ittoryu Iai: Sokketsu (One Sword Style Re-sheath: Swift End)!", then he rushed at lightning speed, unsheathed his sword, slashed at the man, and once he was behind the man, he resheathed his sword, but not fully, as he sarcastically asked, "What's wrong? Feeling a bit.. LIGHTHEADED?", before he completely resheathed Fune and the click of the tsuba hand guard locking into the sheath was heard. The man's head rolled off his shoulders as blood began to spurt from the man's neck. The kunai the man had been holding to Naruto's neck fell out of the headless corpse's now limp hand and clattered against the ground. The corpse hit the ground as Naruto wriggled out of its now limp grip and fell back on the ground, looking at the headless corpse. He began to cry, and Senshi turned and saw Naruto this way. It broke his heart to see Naruto that way, so he went to Naruto and wrapped him in a hug as the boy began to cry into his adopted father's shoulder. Senshi comforted the boy and said, "It's okay. It's okay. They won't hurt you anymore." Eventually, Naruto fell asleep and Senshi chuckled, before carrying Naruto over his shoulder and teleporting home, before laying Naruto in the bed, covering him with the blanket, smiling and saying, "Good night, Naruto."

## A Few Hours Later ##

Naruto woke up and thought to himself, "That was just a dream, right? There's no way that nice man ever adopted someone like me.", but then, to his surprise, he found himself in a comfortable bed covered in a blanket. He also saw the nice man sitting at the dining table drawing notes, illustrations and weird symbols in a notebook. Immediately, he did the first thing he thought of: try to jump out of the window. But he was covered in a blanket and on a bed a bit far from the window, so he ended up falling out of bed onto the floor with a thump. This caught Senshi's attention and he closed the notebook and turned to see the boy trying to open the window, and he asked, "Naruto, what are you doing?", then his heart broke as he saw the shaking Naruto face toward him, fear in the blond-haired boy's face and tears running down his cheeks. The boy whispered, "Please.. don't hurt me..", but Senshi immediately rushed to him and gave him a big hug before saying, "Why would I hurt you? You're my adopted son, after all." Naruto hugged the man back for a bit, tears in his eyes, then they pulled out and Senshi said, "Naruto, I have a lot to tell you. It's about your parents.", then Naruto started really listening. Senshi took a deep breath and said, "Listen closely. Naruto Uzumaki. Your real father was Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash and the Fourth Hokage." At this, Naruto stumbled back, a look of astonishment on his face, as he said, "No.. way.. A hero.. like him.. can't be the father.. to a demon like me..", but Senshi replied, "He IS your father. You resemble him a lot, hell, you even have his blond hair and his blue eyes! No one else in the Land of Fire has that combination." Shocked, Naruto looked at Senshi with comically wide eyes before asking, "What?! So he really is my father?", and Senshi immediately deadpanned, "Yes.", before facepalming and thinking, "Oh Kami, how dense is this boy and why?" Naruto, in wonder and surprise, said, "That means.. my father is a Hokage.. That means I'm meant to be Hokage! Believe it!", and Senshi fell down, clutching his stomach and laughing uncontrollably at Naruto 's outburst. After he was done practically wheezing his lungs out, he got up and said, "But there's more.", and Naruto began listening again. Senshi said, "Your mother was a woman called Kushina Uzumaki. The Uzumaki are known for their long life and their insane healing. That means that you can live for a long time naturally and you can heal from injuries. Your mother also had a special chakra that allowed her to make powerful chakra chains. She was very powerful, and she was also very kind, like you." At this point, Naruto's eyes had widened to the size of teacup saucers, before he asked, "So does this mean I'll have those powers too?", and Senshi said, "Probably yes, but you'll have to train to get stronger." Naruto shouted, "Let's go train then! I want to get stronger so I can be Hokage like my father!", and Senshi chuckled and said, "Okay.", as they both went out to the backyard to train.

## A Few Months Later ##

Senshi was proud of himself, for not only being able to take good care of the boy, but also making Naruto into a powerful shinobi. Senshi had taught Naruto the basics and the advanced parts of chakra and how to control it properly. At first, Naruto was a complete dunce at it, but soon he got better and better, until he reached Kage level chakra control. Senshi taught Naruto the basics of Kenjutsu as well as the basics of Iaido, until Naruto could parallel Senshi's sword swinging strength using one hand. The Uchiha also told the Uzumaki about the story of Indra and Ashura and how he was Ashura's reincarnate. Naruto was initially confused but soon understood when Senshi explained more simply. When they had discovered Naruto's elements and his elemental kekkei genkai, they were amazed, because it looked like Naruto really did take after Ashura, from his personality to his chakra natures.

## Flashback - 3rd Training Ground ##

Senshi stood in front of Naruto, who was now dressed differently. Naruto still had his spiky blond hair, but he wore ANBU armor and he had a sheathed wakizashi strapped to his back. Naruto was now 3 feet tall and 6 inches tall and he weighed 13.7 kilograms. In the middle of the field, he was holding a bunch of special paper called chakra paper as Senshi began explaining. He said, "This special paper will show your elements when you channel your chakra into it. Try it." Naruto focused and channeled his chakra into the paper, which split into two, before one half crumbled into dirt and the other became wet and soaked. Senshi said, "Okay, you've got Wind, Earth and Water.", then he pulled out a black paper and said, "This is a paper that shows your Kekkei Genkai. Channel your chakra into it." Naruto did, and to Senshi's astonishment, half of it hardened into wood, and the other half turned into ice. Naruto looked up and asked Senshi, "Senshi-sensei, what does it mean?", and Senshi said, with surprise in his voice, "You have Wood Style and Ice Style, the kekkei genkai of structures."