Chapter 27: Understanding, Santoryu, Hyuga Affair

## Previously ##

Naruto looked up and asked Senshi, "Senshi-sensei, what does it mean?", and Senshi said, with surprise in his voice, "You have Wood Style and Ice Style, the kekkei genkai of structures."

## Now - Flashback Continues ##

Naruto made a confused face before asking, "Senshi-sensei, why is that so important?" Senshi facepalmed, before saying, "The First Hokage had the Wood Style, and he is considered to be the strongest ninja alive. He was also a reincarnation of Ashura, just like you." Naruto suddenly made a surprised face before asking, "What can Wood Style do?" Senshi smiled and thought, "I've waited for this.", then Senshi said to Naruto, "Let me show you.", before he weaved some hand seals, slammed his hands on the ground and shouted, "Ram -> Dog -> Snake! Wood Style: Ki No Dai Senshi (Great Warrior of Wood)!" Strong blocks of wood burst from the ground before interweaving to form strong legs of sturdy wood, then bulking together to form a strong torso, and then powerful hulking arms burst out of the torso, and finally, a head with closed eyes and a samurai helm of oak came from the neck of the torso. Plates of armor came from the wooden skin of the statue and created a cocoon of plate armor for the vulnerable wooden warrior, and then a sheathed sword of strong spruce appeared at the belt of the armored golem. Then the eyes opened, revealing pure red in those eyes. The giant wooden samurai golem looked down at Senshi, who formed the Seal of Confrontation, and the wood golem sunk back into the earth. Senshi put down the seal and turned to a shocked Naruto and began to speak. Senshi said, "Wood Style is a mix of not just Earth and Water, but Yang as well. That is how it can create trees and form giant structures without collapsing. It is infused with the energy of vitality itself.", and Naruto asked, " Senshi-sensei, what are the limits of Wood Style?" Senshi said, "Wood Style can create a giant statue with a thousand arms, but let's start with the basics. Try making a wood wall, like this.", and Senshi weaved a bunch of hand seals before slamming his palm on the ground and shouting, "Rat -> Dog -> Tiger! Wood Style: Mokujoheki (Wood Locking Wall)!" A series of wood blocks came from the ground, interlocked, and formed a half dome for protection. Senshi got up, turned to Naruto, and said, "Now, you try it." Naruto formed the same hand signs, focused his chakra and shouted, "Rat -> Dog -> Tiger! Wood Style: Mokujoheki (Wood Locking Wall)!", before slamming his hand on the ground. There was a slight pause, then the same wall as Senshi's popped out of the ground. Naruto wiped his forehead of sweat and looked to Senshi before saying, "Did I do it right Senshi-sensei?" Senshi grinned, before saying, "Yeah, you did good."

## Flashback End - Third Training Ground ##

Senshi was currently sparring with Naruto to test how far the kid had gotten ever since Senshi had adopted him. Both Naruto and Senshi formed the Seal of Confrontation, while facing each other, heads bowed and eyes closed. The wind blew lightly, brushing against the skin of both Senshi and Naruto while leaves danced around them. Suddenly, Naruto opened his eyes, grabbed a kunai from his belt and chucked it straight at Senshi in three-tenths of a second. Senshi opened his eyes, saw the kunai flying at him, grabbed Fune's handle and shouted, "Fune!" Fune then saw the kunai (A/N: Don't ask how he saw it.), and forced himself up and out of his sheath, and blocked the kunai with his blade even though he was still partially in the sheath. Senshi then fully drew Fune and ran at Naruto, sword raised and ready to strike. Naruto pulled out his sword, which Senshi-sensei had helped him make and forge using the traditional method and chakra metal. Naruto had named it "Sokudo", or "Speed" in Japanese, as it had been made thin and light so that Naruto could slice faster. Naruto and Senshi's blades clashed. before Senshi suddenly backflipped, landed far away, charged Fune up with Fire Style chakra, turning Fune's blade red-hot and setting it on fire, before sending a sharp flaming chakra slash wave at Naruto while shouting, "Fire Style: Moeru Yona Burēdo-Ha! (Flaming Blade Wave)!" Naruto formed some hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground shouting, "Ram -> Bird -> Dog! Ice Style: Hyoga no Kabe (Glacier Wall)!" A wall formed of blue ice with spikes on the tips emerged from the ground in front of Naruto's hand, which was covered in ice. The flaming blade wave cut into the wall of ice, while the fire was put out by the chilled air around the ice, causing a hiss as steam flared from the cut in the ice wall. Senshi saw this happen before saying, "Guess I'll just have to burn through that ice wall!" He then formed a few hand seals, before stretching out one palm to face the ice wall and then he formed a O-shaped nozzle with his other hand, placing it on his outstretched palm, before shouting, "Ram -> Tiger -> Snake! Shuchu Yogan Atsuryoku Shotto (Focused Lava Pressure Shot)!" All of that happened within a second. Lava sprayed in a focused beam through the O-shaped nozzle Senshi had made with his hand and began burning through the glacier wall Naruto had made, causing a lot of steam in the process. Naruto, meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, saw as the lava burned through the wall, and Naruto jumped high up in a backflip right as the focused lava burst through and sprayed out onto the ground where Naruto had been previously. Naruto looked at the wall and saw that the steam created by the lava burning through the wall obscured his vision so he couldn't see Senshi-sensei. He decided to fire off blindly so that he could guess where Senshi-sensei was in the steam. He formed a few hand seals before stretching his hands out on either side of him with the fingers partially curled with a space between each curled finger. Naruto then shouted, "Bird -> Dog! Aisu Hassha-Tai (Ice Projectiles)!" Shurikens of ice formed themselves in the space between each of Naruto's curled fingers. He threw all six of the cold stars into the steam and listened. Suddenly, he heard a distinct voice shout, "Wind Style: Surudoi Buredo-Ha (Sharp Blade Wave)!", as he heard the sound of ice shattering and suddenly the steam dispersed extremely fast, showing Senshi-sensei in the middle having swung Fune. Ice fragments shaped like shuriken points were surrounding him. A sharp blue wave of wind chakra came right at Naruto, who panicked before forming a few hand seals and shouting, "Ram -> Snake! Wood Style: Būmeran (Boomerang)!" A wooden boomerang formed in Naruto's hand before he chucked it at the sharp wave of wind chakra. Both projectiles met and countered each other, the boomerang breaking apart while the wave of chakra disspated. Naruto finally landed on the ground before forming a few hand seals and shouting, "Bird -> Dog -> Dragon -> Ram! Ice Style: Tsumetai Hyoga Doragon (Cold Glacier Dragon)!" The grass around Naruto froze and turned into icicles as the ground around Naruto turned into cold ice. Suddenly, a spiky dragon with red eyes and made of ice formed from the frozen ground and loomed over Senshi like a monstrous giant, leaving a giant shadow. Senshi, however, was completely unfazed as he said with a bored, monotone voice, "Wow. An ice dragon. You could say that's pretty..", and Naruto saw a mischievous gleam in Senshi-sensei's eye as he finished, "..COOL." Naruto facepalmed and muttered, "Senshi-sensei, why do you do this..", to which Senshi simply replied, "Oh come on, 'Ruto, don't give me the COLD SHOULDER!", before pointing finger guns at Naruto and saying, "Ayyyy!" Naruto shouted, "That's it! Eat this, Senshi-sensei, as punishment for your bad puns!", before pointing at Senshi-sensei and shouting, "Kare O Gekitsui Suru (Strike Him Down)!" The ice dragon rushed forward, opened its jaws and bit the ground where Senshi was. Thankfully, Senshi had jumped, so he was now above the ice dragon. As the glacier dragon looked up, glared at Senshi with its bloodred eyes, and prepared to snap at Senshi again, Senshi shouted, "Fune! Let's break the ice!", to which Fune replied, "Heck yeah!" Senshi brandished Fune, his black blade gleaming brightly in the sun, before they simultaneously shouted, "Wind Style: Atsuryoku-Gatana (Pressure Sword)!" Fune's black blade was covered in a sharp cloak of blue-white wind chakra, before Senshi resheathed Fune, and closed his eyes. Suddenly, Senshi opened his eyes, now turned into the Sharingan, before glaring straight at Naruto, who stupidly made eye contact before becoming paralyzed by Senshi using a genjutsu. Senshi then glared at the ice dragon, before shouting, "Ittoryu Iai!", unsheathing Fune and letting loose multiple powerful one-handed wind-enhanced slashes in the blink of an eye. Senshi then resheathed Fune and finished his attack name, shouting, "Idaina Shinrin Hakai (Great Deforestation)!" As Fune clicked back into his sheath, the ice dragon roared before getting cut up into a bunch of chunks of ice. As Senshi landed on the ground and stood up, he heard Naruto's voice shout, "Ittoryu: Mabataki (Blink)!" He turned to the source of the voice, only to see a blur rush toward him and his reflection in the blade that had been brought to his cheek in an instant, before the blur rushed by and he felt a stinging in his cheek, right below his left eye. He brought his index and middle finger to the stinging spot and removing them from his cheek, he saw blood on his fingertips, before smirking, turning around to see Naruto there, looking at him with a grin on his face and a bit of blood on the tip of his sword. Senshi grinned before saying, "Good job, Naruto. You've gone quite far from not getting even close to me to actually landing a hit on me, albeit a small one. You can have as much ramen as you want.", to which Naruto pumped his fist into the air while jumping a meter into the air and shouting, "Heck yeah! Ichiraku, here we come!"

## A Few Minutes Later - Ichiraku Ramen Shop ##

Naruto and Senshi were both slurping noodles and eating chashu from their ramen. Naruto had finished 4 bowls already and was on his 5th bowl, while Senshi had finished 1 bowl and was eating his second bowl. Naruto had chosen miso ramen while Senshi had chosen shio (salt-based) ramen. While they were eating, Naruto turned to Senshi and asked while still slurping his noodles, "Din' ou sa-", but Senshi shut him up before saying, "Finish your noodles first, 'Ruto." So Naruto slurped up his noodles before asking, "Didn't you say that you can fight using a sword in your mouth?", and Senshi replied, "Yes, I did.", to which Naruto asked, "Then why don't you just wield two swords in your hands plus a sword in your mouth?" Senshi thought on this before commenting, "That.. actually sounds like a good idea. I'll try it out when we get back." He then pet Naruto on the head and said, "Finish your ramen so we can test this."

## Later On - Third Training Ground ##

Senshi and Naruto stood in the clearing in complete silence. Senshi then took a deep breath, before saying, "Alright, let's do this." He pulled out Fune, summoned another katana from his Kamui dimension, put the katana in his mouth and dividing Fune into two swords. He then looked at Naruto and nodded. Naruto then nodded back before forming a few hand seals, slamming his palms into the ground and shouting, "Snake -> Ram! Wood Style: Chikurin (Bamboo Forest)!" Bamboo burst from the ground and formed a small group. Senshi turned to the bamboo cluster, lined up all his swords horizontally, one above the other and ran at the bamboo forest. As he charged up his swords with chakra and prepared to swing, he came up with an idea for the attack name and shouted it out loud, saying, "Santoryu: Take No Karikomi (Bamboo Blade Cleaver)!" He dashed, swung three times and cut the bamboo into three segments. Senshi fused Fune back into one sword and took out the katana in his mouth before turning to see the cut up bamboo. He grinned as Naruto said, "That was really strong. You need to train more with that, Senshi-sensei."

## A Few Days Later ##

Senshi had trained more with his Santoryu, and Naruto also began learning to use Nitoryu now to broaden his sword training. There was a sudden surprise when the Head Ninja of Kumo, along with a few other Kumo ninja, came to sign a peace agreement between Konoha and Kumogakure. Naturally, knowing how power-hungry Kumo was, Senshi was suspicious, so he observed the meeting. He could tell, just by the feel of the Head Ninja's chakra, his mannerisms, the way his eyes darted around the room and how he fidgeted, that the man was lying. He had much more sinister intentions. After the Head Ninja left, Senshi walked up to Sarutobi and said, "Lock down the village, Sarutobi-sama. Have ninja on every wall in case they try to escape.", to which Sarutobi replied, with confusion evident on his face, "What do you mean? They just want to negotia-ah!" The 'ah!' was because Senshi had cut off the old Hokage by grabbing the old man by his shoulders and shaking him multiple times. Senshi said, "They're lying. I can tell by their actions. They have a different intention, probably involving kidnapping. So please, lock down the village, Sarutobi-sama. We can't let them escape." Sarutobi nodded before leaving. Senshi then departed from the meeting room, picking up Naruto along the way and heading to Ichiraku. He was hungry, and they deserved it for the training they went through.

## A Few Minutes Later - Near the Hyuuga Compound ##

Senshi and Naruto were walking along back home after they ate ramen. When they neared the Hyuuga Compund, they suddenly heard a high-pitched girl's scream. Senshi said, "Sh*t!", before using his Sage Mode, sensing multiple chakra signatures. He then turned tk where the signatures were, activating his Sharingan and looking toward where the scream came from. He saw the Kumo Head Ninja and the rest of the Kumo people with a sack, in which he saw a small girl crying. He then bit his thumb, drawing blood, before slamming his thumb onto the back of his left hand. Garuda appeared in a cloud of smoke before turning to Senshi and saying, "Long time, no see, Senshi-sama. What do you need me to do?", to which Senshi pointed at where the kidnappers were and saying, "Go that direction. There is a group of Kumo nin with a sack there. Follow them." Garuda nodded before setting off. Senshi then turned to Naruto and said, "Follow me.", before they both jumped toward the Kumo group with the kidnapped girl.