One Year

' you told me everything system but never told me how to get sp'

*Ding host you didn't require many points until now and you were too small do anything so it was not necessary to tell you at that time. But now as you have a lone and have cleared the first basic foundation of training so you are eligible to know things related to sp. Sp can be earned either by killing monsters or by converting the real money to sp. The conversion rate will be 1000$ equal to 1 sp. The sp given by monsters will depend on the level of monsters. The Dragon god sama already predicted that you will require sp initially and would need a safe way to get it so he created a portal in the space equipment which can be used to summon monster but there levels are no high. There can even be some rare monsters that can be tamed with the help of system.*

' all right then what are we waiting for lets have some fun'

*Ding host calm down, system suggest that you master some kind of fighting technique before engaging in battle as it will be a lot different than how you see it. Although your power is a lot higher than normal persons but its just at the lowest in the monster group. *

Hearing the systems explanation Dexter finally understood that it was not a game and if he really died he will really be dead. So he earnestly started the cultivation again before going into any kind of fight. He finally started to use the gravity function which he used only on the first day in real life when he started to train. So he again started the gravity as after clearing the accui points he became stronger. So again started the training but to be safe he fixed the gravity at 3x as previous time he started with 2x and later forgot to change the gravity

Slowly the time passed and finally when he reached 4 year old he was finally able to clear the 12 main meridians. He didn't use the time function as he will become confused and will age too much either way he has a lot of time to train convenient.

He became a lot more powerful after clearing the meridian and his status jumped a lot too. He was currently training at 7x gravity and could like as if it was normal.

'system show me my status.'

Name – Dexter

Age – 4 Years

Power – 5000 (average human power is between 50 to 100)

Accui points – 2000 cleared (every accui point cleared will increase the power level by one.)

Meridian cleared – 12

Basic foundation mastered.

Items - 3/100 (1 item equals to 1M sp)

Weapon mastery – none.

*Ding congratulation host for mastering the Basic foundation. A gift system package is available.*

' system why did I suddenly got the system package'

*Ding its a gift as host was able to surpass the expectation of The Lord Dragon God. He has initially estimated that you will be able to master the basic in 3 years but you surpassed his expectation with mastering it within 1 year and 2 months. So this is a gift from him*

' opening the system package'

*opening....10,000 sp, a free wepon ticket, free master summon. Msg – keep up the good work lad I looking at you.

' woo whats with this msg system.'

*Ding host didn't need to worry as Lord Dragon God has been looking at you as you make progress but only the important part.*

' ok, could you explain what do you mean by master summon.'

*ding as host has only been doing the cultivation and lacks guidance in skill. This ticket helps host to summon anyone to help you in training.*

'looks like every thing is moving in the right direction system show me my status'

Name – Dexter

Age – 4 Years

Power – 5000 (average human power is between 50 to 100)

Accui points – 2000 cleared (every accui point cleared will increase the power level by one.)

Meridian cleared – 12

Basic foundation mastered.

Item slot - 3/100

SP – 10,000

Weapon mastery – none.

Coupons- weapon ticket and master summon.

' system, if I want to summon a master is there a limitation on whom I can summon'

*ding there is host. You can only summon some one with the power level of Supreme Kai.*

' could you show me how much each of them cost to summon if I don't have a ticket'

*ding listing possible candidates…..

1. Tobirama Senju – 3000 sp

2. Minato Namikaze – 4000 sp

3. Hashirama Senju – 5000 sp

4. Madara Uchiha – 5000 sp

5. Sage of sixth path – 25000 sp

6. MR. POPO – 1500 sp

7. Red haired Shanks – 3000 sp

8. Hawk Eye – 3000 sp

9. Garp – 4000 sp

10. Admiral Z – 5000 sp

11. king kai - 100000 sp

12. grand Kai - 150000 sp

13. Supreme Kai - 300000 sp

' System why Sage of six Paths is so expensive'

*Ding host its not expensive as he has all the seven element in his body he can teach a lot to anyone these values aren't based on strength but what they can teach and as Sage of Six Path is called father of shinobi world he can teach a lot*

'But system will I be able to master the technique he teaches.'

*Host doesn't need to be worried about anything. with system help everything can be solved. Host just need to by elemental affinity pack and you are set to go*

' all right system buy me an elemental affinity pack but how much does it cost.'

*Each element cost 500,000 sp, so a total of 4M sp, so it will cost 4 item slots and host will feel a lot of pain during fusion.*

'4M !? What, aren't there are only 5 elements.'

*Ding, no host there are a total of eight elements water, fire, air, earth, lightning, light, Dark, Yin/Yang.

'all right let me prepaire.'

They he went to his soft bead which he made out of leaves and took a proper sleep for the next 12 hours after he woke up had a light meal. Finally he was ready for the pain.

'Ok, system do it.'

*Ding host need to be careful as you can't lose your consciousness or it will be a waste and you will lose your points. Starting the fusion*

Suddenly he felt a lot of pain it was like he was becoming ice then burned , then shredded and then electrocuted all at once he tried to control his voice but it finally broke and he started to yell and roll in pain after a total of 12 hrs the process was finished and he was just able to maintain a sliver of conscious due to his strong soul.

*Ding fusion has finished. Congratulation host on gaining the elemental body. You can finally control all the seven element.*

hearing this he finally lost consciousness on spot and woke up after 4 days.

as soon as he woke up fist thing he felt was rumbling of stomach. so he ordered food from system ate till satisfied then again fell asleep. finally after 3 more days he woke up and felt extremely relaxed as if he was reborn aging but only his body. feeling the different type of energies in body he started to feel good.

' system show me my status.'

Name – Dexter

Age – 4 Years

Power – 5000 (average human power is between 50 to 100)

Accui points – 2000 cleared (every accui point cleared will increase the power level by one.)

Meridian cleared – 12

Basic foundation mastered.

item slot- 7/100

SP – 10,000

Weapon mastery – none.

Coupons- weapon ticket and master summon.

Elements affinity – space, time, water, fire, wind, earth, lighting, light, dark and Yang.