Himejima Shrine

'System I will rest for a few days it has been a year since I started the training so I need a few days of rest and need to think of few things.'

*of course host you can do as you wish. This is your life without any bounds*

'System what time is it outside'

*It's almost night time and your replacer will be in room to sleep almost any time.*

'all right tell me when he returns.'

And saying that he went into his own inner world, after clearing all his accui points and meridian he has become a lot smarter and started doubting a lot of explanations. Like why did he got chosen, of course he was happy with it but there are a lot of candidates to choose from and many more who are almost nerd to the point that they discuses each and every point of an anime. He was just a normal fan and got chosen with his absurd request to get a bloodline of original universe and that too a pure space time bloodline and the weird thing was he was granted that request and was given a bloodline which was almost or is a legendary existence. When he was in his inner monologue he suddenly heard system telling him that the replacer has returned.

'Looks like there is no point in thinking about it, I will know when the time is right I guess.'

"All right time to take a few days rest and be with family." Dexter said out loud.

Then he returns to his room it hasn't changed by a lot just a few extra thing. feeling someone in the room, replacer opens his eyes seeing that original is back he greeted.

"Its good you are back. How was training?" replacer asked.

"It was really fruitful to say the least." Dexter replied. Then he moved his hand to his forehead and thought let's see what the progress in life and he removed his consciousness from the replacer and it became a metal ball, and suddenly he was bombarded with a lot of memories. After going through the in one hour he took a deep breath as nothing of important happened and everything was going well. After going through the memories he finally fell asleep.

*looks like he started to doubt a lot of thing but he was always that smart. I am really looking forward to seeing you back old friend there are a lot of thing that we need to repair after that fight. After all they took a lot of effort to exile you. Hahahaha really looking forward to seeing their faces when you are back. Enjoy your life until you can I had already done what I can for you.*

Next morning Dexter woke up with a relaxed face to his surprise today was Friday and a holiday to boot. He got of bed to freshen himself up, then he checked his seal as it was a supreme tire seal it could seal all types of energy fluctuation so he activated this function as he didn't want anyone to notice his change and his control over them was really poor so he sealed the energy as well as power. As he hasn't seen his mom and dad for a year he directly went to their room and snuggled in between them to be pampered. It always feels nice to be small and be pampered by parent no matter the age and it won't become awkward when you are small so he made full use of it until he was old enough. His parents were surprised to see him in their bed as he never entered for a year in there room, they also came close to him and they all slept until it was 9 am as it was after a long time that their baby boy behaved like a child.

After they woke up, he suggested that he want to go to outing to a Shinto shrine as it was holiday. His parents also thought it was a good idea so his father asked for a leave from his work and his mother cooked a lot of snacks for their trip finally they thought it was good idea to go to a Himejima shrine which was one of the most renowned shrines in the few hundred kilometers.

Dexter was also surprised by this turn of event as one of his future wives is also part of that shrine and maybe he will be able to meet her. But they were exiled so he doubts he could find them but let's see my luck is good.

They took the train to Himejima town which was surround by a few mountains and forest and was known for its scenic beauty, which he looks up in his father's phone.

Finally after a few hours they arrived at town and as the next two days were holiday they decided to book a hotel room and take a nice weekend.

'Finally I can search for Akeno.' Dexter thought excitedly. As two days were more than enough for him to search for her and as he has mastered the basic foundation it came with few of its perks. He was able to use divine sense although not too far but he would be able to search for them and he is able to control his energy and suppress it to the extent that no one would be able to detect it according to system.

Finally they made a visit to the shrine and took a look at the town although they left the shopping for the next day they ate dinner at the restaurant and finally at 10 pm they were back to the hotel room exhausted. Their hotel room consisted of two rooms and a hall and a small kitchen. So he bid his mother and father a good night and went to sleep in his room his mom and dad look like they were ready for some action so he left them to it.

He made replacer take his place in the room and when his mom and dad were busy he took to balcony and left from the first floor. As he was far stronger than the average human this type of jump were nothing but he need to be careful so that no one would see him.

Finally he left the area and went to the nearby forest and started to spread his divine sense and was able to feel a path into the forest and after searching for a few hours he was finally able to locate their house after sending the divine sense into the house he was able to feel two auras one young and one like his mom so he concluded that Baracule was not home and would be a ideal time interact with them and get to know her a little before mating them.

So he finally left after the discovery and went to his room. He removed the replacer and finally went to sleep. He was really excited to meet Akeno so soon.