
Looking at the setting sun with a beauty in his arm, Dexter emptied his glass of wine placed the empty glass back on table, He cuddled Valera a little closer while keeping his face on her shoulder and smelling her sweet vanilla like smell he closed his eyes and just enjoyed her scent.

After a few moments he opened his eyes while looking at her face and asked her in a slow voice, "Valera, can you tell me something about you?"

Valera looked into his eyes and said slowly "There is nothing that I can't tell you, after all I am just a property of Crimson Jewelry and as you were chosen as my master by manger I have become your property. The manager told me that you are also from the supernatural circle so there is no problem in me accompanying you."

"OH, you know about the supernatural." Dexter asked a little astonished as he wasn't able to feel anything from Valera and thought she was a normal human.

"Yes, I was born as an experiment from egg of nekoshou and sperm of a devil. I don't know who my parents were." Saying this she slowly stood up and faced Dexter transforming into a beauty with devil wings and golden cat ear and tail. She became a devilish beauty with cat ears.

Seeing her Dexter became excited as an ox. He just pulled her into her embrace and started to moffo moffo her. Seeing the exited Dexter she also calmed down and started to enjoy his touch while giving moans from time to time.

Seeing that she has calmed down Dexter said while hugging her," Valera I am a very hypocrite man, I always say that I won't force a women into my bed, but I will always make such circumstances that she has no choice but to be in my bed. But once a women accepts me I will love her, love her till she can't live without me. My only dream is to make a harem with women who will always love me and treat each other as sister."

Saying this Dexter went into flash back. On earth his dream was to be a family man but here he wanted to enjoy life. He never knew he was such a hypocrite, but looks like he always was hypocrite just he suppressed his will under the pressure of world.

Hearing this Valera looked at him seeing that he was deep in thought she gave him a hug and asked slowly," Dex do you like me?"

"No, I don't think I like you" Dexter replied with a serious tone," But I want to possess you, I want to make you mine. The first time I saw you in shop I had already decided that you will be mine."

Hearing him say that Valera understood him as they were living in world were weak were just to be possessed so she just gave him a sweet kiss on his lips for a few minutes and replied," I know that we have just meet today how could anyone like someone in such a short period of time. It's just that, it feels like I am falling in love with you or with your personality. I don't know if its love or like or is it the sense of security that I feel from you when I am with you. But I had started to love this feeling. I have always been alone as I am the only experiment that survived and the devils tried to again experiment on me but they all failed. It was so painful that I still wonder how I survived. But I did, so devils took me in and finally after a few years I was sold to the Gremory family, they taught me everything that I know and was assigned to Kyoto jewelry, as I am very beautiful. Everything was going great but one day someone saw me in shop and took a liking for me. I don't know who it was but apparently I was being given to him as a gift on a birthday. But suddenly you came and manager just gave you 'me' although I feel relived but I…."

Suddenly Dexter kissed her and didn't let her finish her sentence after a few moments he stopped kissing and said," I know what you want to say, you feel like an object that can be passed and don't have any rights, or you feel dirty because no one treated you like living person. Let me tell you if you want to be with me no one can stop me from being with you do you understand. Now let me show you something."

Dexter took her in a princess carry and started to float on air showing her the hotel room which still show them hugging and kissing. Seeing this she was really surprised. As she was few hundred meters above their room and Dexter started to move in a certain direction. There she saw two devils keeping an eye on the room Dexter moved in front of them and put a genjustsu on them. Seeing him use senjutsu she became even more astonished, and then Dexter asked," So tell me who are you guys and why are you keeping an eye on my room?"

One of the devils replied," we are from house of Phoenix and we are to take that woman by force if that human tries to take her virginity."

Oh so it was house of phoenix, then Dexter again asked, "And who is the one that ordered you?"

This time the second man replied," it was the third Young master."

Oh looks like I am going to meet Riser before the main event and he thought of an amazing idea so that Riser will never forget this lesson. Dexter gave an evil laugh in his mind. And then moved back to his pool side seat and he placed Valera on his lap and started to kiss her and after kissing he for a while Dexter asked seriously," Valera do you believe in me?"

Valera whose eyes had lost focus because of adventure and hard kiss gave an absent minded nod. Seeing her nod Dexter again gave her a soft kiss. As he didn't want to get disturbed he put the pool area into an illusion and tool Valera into Jacuzzi then with a wave of his hands he brought the wine and glass from the table to the side of Jacuzzi and started to refill his glass," Valera would you like to drink more wine." Dexter asked with a sly smile and Valera who just came to focus again lost in the mood as Dexter feed he win mouth to mouth which she accepted with gratitude as she began to feel thirsty.

While kissing in the pool Dexter started to remove her bikini with one and inserted his other hand inside her panty. He then threw her bikini into the pool and started to kiss each and every part of her body which Valera accepted with a moan. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight that Dexter again became mesmerized with her beauty. Her breast size was around 102 cm with a thin waste and hips of the size of 100 cm. she had a perfect hourglass figure.

Seeing Dexter who was in daze she removed his shirt to find a well toned body with eight packs. Seeing his body she also became stunned because she has never seeing such a perfect body during her training she was shone many videos of xxx to make her familiarize with differ position although the people in the video were handsome but there is no comparison between them and Dexter.

She also started to kiss each and every part of his upper body as his lower part was inside the water she just kissed and tasted his upper body of Dexter and he really enjoyed the felling of being kissed.

After a few min they moved out of the Jacuzzi. Dexter took a soft cloth that was kept a few meters away from them and started to dry her body. Seeing the care in Dexter movements she started to feel aroused. After a few moments she held him in her arms and started to move towards the bed while kissing her so active Dexter also responded with all his feeling he didn't want to admit it but he started to like her.

While moving the fell on bed, Dexter then moved above Valera and started to suck her lips then slowly moved towered her neck while kissing it. After that his one hand started to massage her left b**b while he sucked her left pink *ipple. After having his time with the left on he moved towards right then after taking his time with right one he brought both the *ipple close to each other and started to suck them strongly.

Valera feeling the constant teasing of Dexter became immersed in feeling good. She even his held in both her arms and started to press him on her b**bs she never felt like this in her entire life.

After enjoying her b**bs Dexter moved down while kissing her belly he reached her belly button with which he started to play giving her another pleasure.

Then he slowly moved towards her secret garden, Dexter stopped at the entrance and started to smell and suck over her panty as it was wet with all over with her love juice. Seeing him sucking and smelling her secret garden her face became red but she didn't stop him and just enjoyed the sensation while moaning from time to time. After sucking her panty he removed her panty and saw a pink hairless place. It was smooth as a marble unable to control he just started eating her pu*sy while playing with clitoris. Valera started to twist and turn on bed while holding the bed sheet and moaning at top of her voice."Dex fuck me I can't control it any longer." Giving her a teasing smile he moved her into a 69 position and again started to play with her private part. That night he made her cum 20 times within a span of 4 hrs after they had become exhausted.

He didn't took her virginity as he wanted to give Riser a lesson but made her satisfied. After they did the deed they ordered food in the room she put on Dexter's shirt while hugging him in the balcony. In these four hours they had enjoyed each part of other's body and every type of oral S*x he can think of from, mouth, b**bs, armpits to legs each and every part of body. No part was left unexplored. Then they took dinner and fed it to each other while enjoying kisses in the middle of dinner and at mid night he again enjoyed her in pool as it was an auto heat up pool then at around 3 am went to bed Valera was exhausted to the extreme as this was the most satisfied day of her life.