
After sleeping for some times and confirming that Valera was asleep Dexter woke up to clear his suspicion on Valera. So he made a clone of himself and sent him to the two devils for answers. Putting them on genjutsu,

"So I will call you Devil 1 and Devil 2, any problem" Dexter asked.

"no problem." Devil 1 and 2 said together.

"Tell me when is Phoenix Family is planning on taking Valera to Raiser." Dexter asked.

"Family head wanted to give that hybrid to third young master as a birthday present and it will at the end of this week. As she is very beautiful, Master Riser somehow knew about her and didn't want something unknown to disturb his present, so he told us to keep watch on her and if someone tries to touch her and he was not of any significance or powerful then to just erase him from existence." Devil 1 answered.

"And what if he was someone significant or just say powerful? Then what were you supposed to do?" Dexter asked again.

"If he was powerful then we had to find an opportunity and kidnap that hybrid and take her to underworld" this time Devil 2 answered.

"So what are your thoughts about me? Were you going to kidnap her?" Dexter asked.

"Yes, we felt your energy and know that you have power level of high class lower level devil. So we were going to kidnap." Devil 1 answered.

"But as we watched and you didn't have, guts to do anything so we just watched the both of you from far." Devil 2 answered.

(Remember Dexter had already put the area of pool in illusion)

"Ok so do you have some type of transportation card to go to underworld?" Dexter asked.

"Yes we both do have them." Devil 1 answered and both devil 1 and devil 2 showed him the transportation card. They were reusable cards which were issued by phoenix family to members who do undercover operations. And they don't have any kind of record about them of entry or exit from the underworld.

Copying the formation on the card into system, he made an identical card for himself, as he wanted to go and save the nekoshoua to make all of them his wives. Thinking about the neko wives he started to become more excited while dreaming about them.

He did all this because the underworld entrance is always under watch for trespassers and if he could avoid being detected so why not do that.

'But the only problem with this card is that it will transport to phoenix area that is under surveillance. So looks like I will need to create my own card once I reach underworld as I can relay on the phoenix card only once or twice.' Deter thought.

Dexter than became a mosquito and removed the genjutsu from the two devils who looked at each other in confusion then again started to monitor Valera and original Dexter.

Seeing this mosquito Dexter activated his underworld transportation card and went to underworld.


On bed in his hotel room which was dimly lit, Dexter was looking at the face of Valera he still felt that it was dream that he was able to find such a beautiful girl to love. He didn't know if she has accepted him or just accepted her circumstance with him but he knew that with time everything will be taken care off.

Dexter could still feel lot of power in Valera but it was like something blocking it. So he needed to get a clear view of her parents so he can take care of powers but either way it didn't matter to him who her parents were.

He again looked at her face, which slowly started to show a scared expression he had an idea of her nightmare so he just dived into her dream to see what she was dreaming.

He saw little Valera in an dungon going through a fight in which she wasn't even fighting but was being attacked and was finally saved by someone when only her last breath remained.

Then she was taken to a chamber filled with glass pods (like the one Vegeta was dipped in Namik for his recovery). In dream the time was inconsistent after her recovery she was dipped in some other liquid which made her wanted to die but she wasn't allowed to after the effect of liquid she was then electrocuted but noting every happed it was like she didn't have any type of power but in reality that Dexter could see she was suppressing her power. Day after day same thing happened, years later and even after trying a lot they didn't succeed in tapping into her power and loss in this experiment was huge so finally the project was shut down and she was going to be executed which she thought as a blessing but Lucifer the current Devil Lord decided to take her in. So this way she was saved and entered Gremory Family.

After seeing this memory Dexter decided to help her in tapping into her power as her Senjutsu was blocking her devil power and vice versa. He was going to help her in mixing both powers. Then a truly powerful person will be born who will be his.

Although years passed in the dream world but only few minutes passed in reality. So after he moved out of her dream world he put a spell on her, in which she was living happily with Dexter with few more sisters and knowing that she finally had a family, her wrinkles turned into normal and a beautiful smile blossomed on her face she then tightly hugged Dexter a drifted into a sweet dream which she hadn't had for a long time.

At 9 a.m. they both woke up and seeing the smile on Valera's Dexter felt really satisfied.

Dexter," My sweety, how are you feeling today."

" I feel really good and I had a lots of sweet dreams last night but I am not going to tell you about them." Valera said with sly smile.

Dexter," Oh really let's see if I can't hear it out of you," and he began to finger her as she was only wearing panty at bottom so she was venerable to attacks. She was surprised by the sudden action and began to yelp, scream and run from bed to all over room with a happy laugh but was finally caught by Dexter and was planted a very strong kiss and more kisses on her. After yesterday's session she knew how to be active in this kind of activity and finally after an hour they reached the bathroom.

In bathroom Dexter bathed her and she bathed Dexter and had few kisses, fingering, c*ck sucking, b**b job, more cu*t sucking and finally after two hours they finally moved out of bathroom. They again kissed for a long time naked in the living room and finally moved to wear their dress.

After the long session of exercise they both felt hungry. So he just asked for food from the system seeing the food coming out of air she was even more surprised than when she meet with devils but decided to not ask any anything, Dexter seeing that she wasn't asking anything was really surprised but also felt good and gave her another kiss. He brought out pizza, noodles, soups, chicken curry, breads, rice and salad.

Seeing so many dishes they both started to devour each and every thing like there was no tomorrow.

As of today as Valera was his according to Valera as it was the rule of shop so Dexter didn't want her to put the shop clothes he brought a long dress of purple color with her shoulder, half sleeve and half back covered in semi transparent dark net. She looked really stunning in that and for himself he brought Tuxedo and they looked like a pair made in heaven.

So finally after this they made their way to the shop for the final deal.