
hey everyone I have rewritten the beginning of novel so have a read as there are major changes in wish. thank you for reading as always.


On the way to hotel lobby every eye turned in their direction, men were jealous of Dexter and female were jealous of Valera. In lobby someone started to take their photos on phone and that caused a chain reaction making both Dexter and Valera to increase their footstep towards the car. Car was marked with Gremory logo so they didn't have any problem after getting in the car. Finally they made their way to the shop.

In shop Valera's colleges had their mouth gaping open, seeing Valera and the handsome boy she was together with. seeing them arrive Manager also made his way to welcome them and lead them into his office.

Today they were in different office than yesterday and as they enter in, they were greeted by a couple who were busy with their small talks. Seeing someone enter both of them stood up and greeted with smile and hand shake. Seeing them Dexter also gave smile while shaking their hands while probing them with internal energy. They both had power level of 2M and 2.5M respectively.

"Hello, Mr. Dex it is nice to finally meet you. I am the director of the jewelry business in Kyoto and this women here is our head inspector who also has keen eyes and is responsible for the quality of rare products that we buy. We are very happy that you choose crimson jewelry and hope that you were be happy with our service till now." The manager introduced himself.

"Yes I am very satisfied and according to rules that I heard, she should from now on belong to me. Is that correct?"Dexter replied.

"Yes It is as you say until the person involve says otherwise and you will just need to pay a small training charge for said person to be free from our side as training is costly and she has been trained in almost everything. But there are few complications in this case as she was reserved for someone else but our manager in excitement forgot about it. So we apologize if some problem arises in the future. But be assured as we will try to tackle it from our end with something else." The director said while looking at manager who was looking down in shame.

"Yeah, don't worry about my side you just need to tackle from your end I will handle it on my end." Dexter said while carelessly dismissing there behaviour.

During this conversation Valera just looked at Dexter without saying anything. She didn't know anything about training charge so she was a little skeptical about money. But seeing Dexter's carefree attitude she relaxed a little.

"Alright don't worry about that. so how much can stone sell for?" Dexter asked taking out the stones from his pocket and keeping them in front.

Seeing the size of stone they were stunned shocked because if the stone was really, they would really make a huge contribution to the family, because no matter the age women they always liked jewelry and with this size of stone they will be able to make a unique type of jewelry.

Taking a stone each they started to inspect it, both of them inspected the three stones separately and finally came to conclusion that this was real. They started to have funny ideas, seeing the look on their face Dexter released some of his aura and then conciled it soon. After all money can make the world go round and power can help keep money with the owner. Feeling the aura that just appeared on Dexter both started to precipitate and removed the unnecessary thoughts from their mind. They changed their expression as they realized he was out of their league and finally started to give a business man smile.

"Mr. Dex we are really happy that you chose us but let me explane to you. The stones you brought to us are original but raw and would require a lot of work to carve it so the price will not be as high as the time when it is carved and polish. We will be able to give you 50% of the market price. What do you think?" The director asked.

"To be honest I don't really know the market price so I will leave my beautiful partner to handle it, as she is very experienced in the business." Saying this Dexter asked Valera to sit on his side. Valera was very nervous at this moment but seeing Dexter call her his partner she finally found the courage and sat on his side.

At this moment Dexter held her hand to reassure her and feeling the warmth in Dexter's hand she became determined, because here Dexter showed her his respect for her which in turn increased the warmth and love Valera felt for Dexter.

Finally the show of bargaining began and it stopped at 85% of the market value, which was around $ 400 Million for each stone. They were giving Debit card which Dexter asked in name of Valera and a total of 1.2 billion was transferred in her account.

Valera was really stunned by looking at her account while Dexter finished his talk with director about the training charge but was refused, so they finally shook each others hands and bid farewell. When Dexter finally turned towards Valera she was still in daze seeing her bank account, seeing her like this Dexter decided to play a prank. So he moved both of them few thousand kilometers above Kyoto and released Valera. Feeing the fall Valera finally came to herself and started to scream while loosing consciousness. Seeing that he had done a little too much he reached out to her and stabilized her in air finally finding the support Valera composed herself but started to hammer on Dexter's chest while crying although he didn't feel anything but he definitely felt guilty so he didn't stop he and let her remove her frustration on him. After sometime when she has calmed down,

"Are you alright?" Dexter asked in concern.

"No, I am not alright, you Idiot. Dex how could you do that to me. What if I died of heart attack I know that you don't value me but can't you kill me in a normal way." Valera asked with tears in her eyes.

Hearing her say such a thing, Dexter was really shocked he understood he went too far with prank so he just hugged her and was again bombarded with fist on his chest," It was just a prank love. I am very sorry and I will never do that again alright and never ever think that I want you dead or you are a replaceable object you are my women from today and even god can't kill you do you understand." Dexter said while looking into her beautiful tear stained he waved his hand and her makeup was remade with time reversal. Seeing her nod he gave her a kiss and they finally returned to the office. Hearing his confession Valera had a really red face.

Seeing him come and go as he please the director reminded himself to never get on his bad side, because a very powerful barrier was protecting the store but it wasn't even able to detect Dex. Finally Dexter gave Director a curt nod and moved out of the office. While Valera following him on his heels.

"Oh looks like we can't get a ride from store now so how about we buy a car." Dexter asked Valera who was just behind Dexter with a red and dazed face. He just caught her in his arms and asked with a smirk," So my love would you like buy a car and house today what do you think miss Billionaire after all you will need to take care of your man who don't even have money for breakfast."

Hearing his speech Valera finally came to herself and looked at him in his eyes. She moved toward him and gave him a deep kiss, "I don't mind being you sugar mama."

Finally hearing her talk Dexter just gave a loud laugh and they started move toward car showroom hand in hand while attracting the jealous eyes of surrounding people.

Finally they bought two Ferrari r8 and five $20 M bungalow in the rich district of Kyoto connected to each other and by evening they were able to move all the luggage Valera had to their house.

The house contained two warm water pools, one on ground floor and other one on first floor. Valera asked him why he bought so many bungalows, to which Dexter replied it was a surprise. Hearing his reply Valera just gave a cute pout but didn't ask further.

Finally they enters their bungalow and Dexter started to unpack and help Valera arrange her room. Dexter didn't bother with his room because they were both going to sleep in the same room.

Now time to start as the Devils have started to become restless.

"Valera I have brought something for you but you need to close your eyes." Seeing Dexter's weird behave Valera just obliged and close her eyes.

Now Dexter made a shadow clone of himself and transformed himself into a one piece inner cloth for women. Finally the clone saw that everything was in place, he said," Now you can open your eyes." This hardly took 10 second.

Seeing the see through innerwear Valera's face again became tomato red. Seeing which Clone Dexter asked with a devil smile," Do you like my present?"

Hearing this question Valera just gave nod and her face became even redder. Seeing her nod Clone Dexter put the room in illusion and asked her to wear it as he will go to prepare dinner. Saying that he moved out of room and released himself.

Seeing that Dexter was gone from room Valera slowly removed her clothes and above her bra and panty she wore the see through inner wear and due to shame she took a casual dress from her dresser and wore it above him. She finally sat on bed remembering all that happened in just two days. She became a living thing from object and the man she met even gave her the right to be his women. She always thought that she will just be slave of a rich and would be thrown out when he would become bored of her or would be turned into a prostitute and would be used to gain favor. But she never imagined she would find someone like Dex who will like her, she didn't dare to believe that he loved her but she was sure he like her and that was enough for her.

While she was in her own world both the devils from the phoenix family arrived at the bungalow and seeing Valera alone they became excited as they were waiting for this opportunity since yesterday.

They moved to her front and started to laugh. Seeing the two Devils from yesterday Valera became anxious and asked with a fake bravado," Why are both of you here?"

"Obviously we are here to kidnap you." Devil one said giving her a sly smile.

"But I am no longer connected to the Gremory and I am already a possession of someone else." Valera said.

"Do you think we care as long as you are a virgin nothing matter to us. We just need to follow our orders. Now are you coming with us or do we need to use force?"Devil 2 said while checking her virginity with some kind of detector.

Just as she was going to scream for Dexter she heard a voice in her head to accept their offer. Seeing that Dex was with her she replied,"alright I will go with you but you can't touch me."

Seeing that she accepted easily they became stunned and started to scan the surrounding to find something a miss but seeing that everything was normal they gave her a face mask to wear and after she has worn her mask they started their teleportation card and suddenly were transferred to the underworld's secrete location of Phoenix family.

Seeing that both devils returned with the goods, supervisor devil just gave them a nod and they were transferred to the train station nearby where they boarded the train owned by Phoenix Family at this moment Valera was even more anxious as she couldn't find Dex anywhere so she tried to ask in her mind," Where are you honey, you know that I fear devils why did you leave me alone like this?" and she started to give a silent cry, but gave a startled cry when she felt something sucking her boobs. Felling the suction she finally understood everything and she tried to control her voice.

"How long will it take to reach the phoenix are." Valera asked the devil.

"It will Take about three hours." Devil replied with a straight face.

"I....I nee...need a private room." Valera demanded while controlling her voice to which devil consented.

Finally after a few minutes she was transferred to a private room," Shameless bastard, ahhhh ummmm why di....dn't you tell ab.....o..ut this in advance." Valera asked with a red a face as she was felling aroused.

"Because then I won't have been able to give you such a sweet surprise. So now you just enjoy." Dexter said as he started to lick each inch of her body and Valera couldn't help but moan. Dexter has already put an illusion on the room so no one could tell what was going on in the room.

Finally after they enjoyed each other for two and a half hour Dexter let her relax and told her to go with the flow, feeling her Dex so close to her she finally felt confident in herself and finally started to get ready to meet her kidnapper.

When it was five minutes to stop one of the devils entered the compartment and told her to get ready to exit the train while follow him. She followed him to the exit and finally after moving out of train they went to nearby teleportation circle in which devil 1 dialed some kind of password and they were teleported to a room with just a door.

Finally they left her alone in the room. seeing that she was alone she started to talk in her mind," Dex are you sure about this I don't like the high class devils you know."

"Don't worry it is needed and I won't let you see what I do with him. I want to take you to your clan and since we had a free ride why not use it. Relax nothing will happen just believe me." Dexter said while hugging her from inside her cloths and feeling the hug she became reassured but still she felt a little anxious so he started to tell he jokes, stories from earth that finally lighten her mood while teasing her body in the middle sometimes.

Finally after three hours Riser finally entered the room.

"Beach, I heard that you were excited to be fucked by me. So let's get started after I am done with you, you will never every remember that Dex."Riser said in excitement.

'Finally time for a show to start.' Dexter said in Valera's mind and slipped from under her cloths while putting Riser in genjutsu and undid his transformation.

"Honey, do you want to see his result?" Dexter asked Valera while giving her sweet juicy lips a kiss. Valera gave a nod while returning his kiss.

"Alright, Consequence will be yours to take." Dexter said seriously.

"I am not as fragile as you think you know." Valera said with a pout.

Finally Dexter brought a red faced female monkey from his space equipment and put it into a genjutsu(No animals were harmed in this act as it's just an imagination of writer. So don't take it personally.)

Finally he took out two chair a video recorder and some snacks for both of them. Finally after his preparation was complete he replaced his genjutsu while put 10 Viagra pills in Raisers mouth.

For first few mints Riser wasn't sure what happened but as the pills started to take an affect he finally lost himself in lust and fucked that female monkey for straight 15 hours which was recorded by Dexter in HD and as for Valera after seeing this for few min she sat on Dexter's lap, while giving a kiss on his cheeks and finally fell asleep on his chest with a sweet smile.

Seeing her smile Dexter understood that she was finally relived of one of her burdens. So he also kissed her on her forehead and put a sound insulator around her.

After everything was finished he left a warning note to never disturb them again or this video will go viral in the underworld.

After that he vanished from the room together with Valera and equipments leaving only the female monkey and Raiser behind. Who was still stunned with what he had done. And after a few mins the door was opened by his brother only to find Riser naked and a Female Monkey covered in sperm. He was beaten until no one could recognize him by his brother and this case was hushed up. But this is a story for another time.

Finally when they left the Phoenix Manson Valera started to ster in his arms. seeing this he landed on a flat land and started to wait for her to wake up.

"Hey there my sleeping beauty, How was your beauty sleep?" Dexter asked while kissing her forehead.

"How long did I sleep?" Valera asked with a smile while kissing his lips.

"Not long few hours I guess. Are you hungry?" Dexter asked

"Yes, very hungry." Valera replied with a nod.

Dexter pulled out a bottle of water for her to wash her face, then started arranging something to eat for both of them on a table which he took out of his inventory.

Seeing all the food on the table her stomach started to rumble. Hearing this Dexter just gave a laugh only to receive a cute pout as both of them started to eat.

Finally after eating, he asked," Ready for the tour of underworld." To which she a vigorous nod as she felt that nothing was impossible when she was with her.


Dexters stats:

Name – Dexter Hyoudou

Age – 12 Years

Power – 500,000,000 (mid ultimate class)

Accui points – 2000 cleared (every accui point cleared will increase the power level by one.)

Meridian cleared – 12

Basic foundation mastered.

Elements affinity and Elemental attribute– Space, Time, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Lighting, Light, Dark and Yang.

All elements with affinity mastered to peak.

Item Slot - 7/100

SP – 500,000 ( he got this while training and killing beasts)

Weapon mastery – All weapons

Weapon – ultimate Mimic blade which can change according to user will.

bloodline - super saiyan 1(150x), super saiyan 2(300x), super saiyan 3( 500x)

Sacred Gear - Activated and mutated dragon soul(soul in hibernation).