Chapter 7 <Shedding>

In the orphanage, members would rarely be taken by surprise. You could say that we are so numbed by having sudden commands, tasks or punishment dropped on our heads, something like being surprised is either faking it for intended sarcasm, or a genuine one from a really unexpected matter.

Right now, my face showed no changes, but in reality my heart is in turmoil. It is useless to hide my emotions since the person in front of me can see through me without a doubt, but you can call it a form of natural characteristic of us orphanage members to numb ourselves in unexpected moments. I can't really help it.

"Explain yourself clearly. It's clear that I won't and have no means to threaten you, but if you intend me to work something for you then I require accurate information and explicit detail to carry out the operation." (Me)

"…if you want to do it this way, fine. But I meant exactly what I said. I will release you from this place. All of you. So that you can enjoy freedom, and explore the vast world. The only intention I have is to destroy this cage of hell and provide you all the freedom to choose. Of course, I won't force it on anyone. If there are individuals who want to stay, I won't stop them." (Niterias)

"…what makes you think that we are unsatisfied with our current lifestyle?" (Me)

"I don't think I want to call getting ordered around with high risks of death a form of lifestyle, unless you're an extreme masochist. Sure, out there in this world, there are things called the military where people enlist willingly into a somewhat similar circumstance to here to serve their nation, and even if there are times where the enlistment is compulsory, but they do it to protect their place of stay. They know somehow what they are doing and the general purpose to it." (Niterias)

He lifts his hand and points downwards.

"But here, you are told to do things without questioning the purpose. You can't be anything but a living tool. Yes, I cannot deny any fun or enjoyment anyone has during their free time, but when the tasks are issued, or the punishment are decreed, a member has no choice to refuse or at least state their own position and arguments. Yes, you get paid for it, but you can't really call this a job. You can at most call it remuneration. Or even worse, it's bait to lead you on. To continue to be used by them." (Niterias)

He points outside the window.

"Outside, people get to choose what they want to do. Within their capabilities of course. Your shopping trips, your assassination tasks, whenever you head out there, you should be able to see for yourself. Don't you yearn for such?" (Niterias)

"I seem to be doing fine right now." (Me)

"You just barely survived a task with three of your team members dead. One was a likable member that cracks jokes, one was a precious sister of another member, and the last is a talent in playing the flute. You were told to secure the objective, but nothing detailed the existence of a divine beast. In fact, your given equipment had little means of resistance that only matches the level of a scouting task done before a full arms assault." (Niterias)

His expression was long gone, but I thought I could feel the fury emanating from his face.

"The deaths of your team members were ignored because of their obsession with the acquired objective. In fact, when I reported for you, they hastened my report just like yours, grabbed the objective from my hands personally and sent me out. Normally, they retrieve it with levitation magic to be cautious of danger. But they did it in such an agitated manner; it wouldn't be far-fetched to conclude that they already knew the nature of the object beforehand." (Niterias)

"That means they knew what the objective is. Knowing that a divine beast has wisdom and intellect, it is certain that what they choose to guard is unusual and out of the world. It won't be wrong to even classify some of the objects as unique existences. Reversely questioning this point, would such objects not be guarded by divine beasts? At the very least, it won't be nicely enshrined upon an altar waiting for people to grab it. So why didn't they tell you about the risks the task entails?" (Niterias)

His rebuke was far from perfect. Yet, they lined up perfectly with the suspicions I had two weeks before.

"Thereafter, despite your efforts barely making out alive, they issued the highest tier punishment while fully aware of your encounter with the divine beast. Have you ever asked why? Or are you just blindly following orders? The very next death could very well be yours." (Niterias)

The curtains came to a close on his dramatic arguments, with it the descent of silence.

There were no loopholes I could use to refute him. In the first place, I could not find any reason to do so. If there was an example of taking out the motivation of your opponent, this could very well be it.

"Hey. What's your name?" (Niterias)

"?" (Me)

"What is your name, brat?" (Niterias)

"I am Unit code 5236." (Me)

"You call that a name? If you really think so, why does Unit code 4621 have a name called Kelly? Why is Unit code 4622 called Kelvin? Even that muscle head Unit code 2251 called himself David. So what is yours?" (Niterias)

I stopped.

"Have you sunk so low that you forget about your origin? Just because this place took you in, gave you food and shelter, you willingly turn into their hound. Responding to a few orders, occasional monetary treats. Everyone has parents, dead or alive. Or at least, they came to this world somehow. Even Gods existed for a reason. And yet you know nothing of yours, or at least your name that should have been given by them." (Niterias)

"Everyone will at least have something they want to do. Even the officials that issued your punishment, they collected those objectives of yours for a reason. Money, fame, whatever, they might have wanted such world desires. On the outside world, there are so many different reasons out there. Some want big dreams such as finding a national treasure, slaying a dragon. Some are childish, wanting to search for longevity or be eternally rich till they die. Some are noble, they yearn for the prosperity or safety of their nation. Some are simple, they just want to fulfil their love and start a peaceful family. Nevertheless, they dream, and most work towards it. But what about the members in this place? Don't tell me you dream to be used by the officials to the day you finally get killed off." (Niterias)

He points to my kitchen.

"At the very least, you can be a bartender. Michael could have been a musician with his talent for the flute. David can aim to be the champion bodybuilder, living for the sake of showing off his muscles. Or he could be one of those travellers discovering new types of booze and getting drunk for his career." (Niterias)

…It isn't where I could refute him anymore. He did touch on a sore point. I remembered telling him about how I thought about having parents, and whether he had them. Deep inside me, I started to question my soul and despise myself for not remembering such a thing. Am I really going senseless from the tasks issued to me? Perhaps I am becoming senile from all the punishments I had gone through.

…I really wonder how it is like, to become a full-fledged bartender.

"I should have been aware of that stubborn personality of yours. But the dateline is tonight. If you make a decision by then, come and find me." (Niterias)

…If I stop being a member of the orphanage, what will life be like for me?

"Your chocoffee is delicious, thank you." (Niterias)

…If I continue being a member of the orphanage, what will I lose out on?

"I shall take my leave." (Niterias)

Before I knew it, my bandaged right hand reached out and grabbed Mr Niterias' sleeve, halting is movement. Under the light of my room, Mr Niterias' smile could be clearly seen.

For the first time in my life, I made an important decision on my own.