Chapter 8 <Out of your shell>

Making sure he stay seated, I made my way to the kitchen and prepared another mug of, the drink that he liked. I can't stand how this man had coined the name of my creation instead of me, but right now I only have the mind to entertain this person.

"Somehow, I feel grateful wasting more time in this pitiful room of yours." (Niterias)

"…" (Me)

"Wait! Wait! I was joking! Stop! Don't pour it into the sink! I'm sorry!" (Niterias)

I sat opposite just as before, replacing my biology book with a notebook and a pencil.

"I have decided to try out your suggestion, and explore a new life in the outside world. However, I am probably not as experienced as you are, so please give me some advice in regards to this matter." (Me)

"Hmm, have you not considered that I might take you with me? So you don't really have to go independent right away." (Niterias)

"You knew about my report. You said that they sped up the report process in yours, just like mine. I don't recall telling you anything. Also, you told the officials that I collapsed in front of the facility with the objective, allowing yourself to spot me and retrieve both. You clearly knew about their awareness over the divine beast, yet you reported as if trying to cover the fact." (Me)

"Whether you found out about their awareness before or after your report, it doesn't matter. Either way, it is certain the officials will find a way to silence you about this. And since you will release members of the orphanage, the suspicion will definitely pile on you. Knowing you, it is highly likely you want to act as a distraction, or probably make use of the stage set by your own hands to… …settle a few matters." (Me)

Mr Niterias chuckled.

"So you concluded that I won't be able to make it with you? Assuming that you're correct, what makes you think that I won't request you to wait for me?" (Niterias)

"This is merely a guess, but your word choice of 'release', and not something along the lines of 'take you away' gives that sort of feeling." (Me)

Hearing my haphazard conclusion, Mr Niterias laughed.

He did not agree, nor did he disagree with my answer. Instead, the space distorted beside him, gradually forming a depression in the very space itself. Assuming the event before my eyes, I braced myself for an overwhelming force, but nothing dangerous occurred.

Half stupefied and half amazed, I watched as Mr Niterias retrieved two objects from the hole in space.

"…to think that there was no phenomenon of pressure difference." (Me)

"You think too much, you information freak." (Niterias)

That's an incredibly hypocritical insult, given how you're the person that emphasised to me on the importance of information.

"Here, presents from me to you. Call them late birthday gifts." (Niterias)

"Gee, how thoughtful of you." (Me)

Ignoring my sarcastic remark, he picked up the first item. It is a long and slender rod with a hollowed centre. It has a length that is slightly shorter than that of my arm span measured from tip to tip.

"I thought you told me to be a bartender, not a plumber." (Me)

"This isn't a pipe, you idiot. It's a rod, or you can call it a shaft. I made it a little more special for you. Ever heard of magic weapons?" (Niterias)

Magic weapons. Weapons imbued with magic power, carrying certain traits that make them unique and more powerful. For instance, a whip that could secrete poison on its own. A sword that could extend to a desired length. A shield that could grant its wielder abnormal defence. Against magic weapons, normal weapons normally won't be able to triumph over them.

I wonder what trait this pipe has.

"It is imbued with the unbreakable trait." (Niterias)

Oh, that sounds great. With this pipe giving me this ability I can probably not get hurt.

"Knowing you, who likes to forcefully swing weapons around, you can be glad that your weapon this time will surely fit you. Oh, since it was made from the bone of a certain worm, it was originally hard enough without the magic trait." (Niterias)

"…Just to be sure, the weapon is invincible, and not me?" (Me)

"What are you talking about? Of course you can't be invincible." (Niterias)

I should have known. Mr Niterias is the type of person to get hopes up and proceed to trample them down.

Ignoring my subtle depression, he proceeded to speak of the second object after placing the indestructible pipe in front of me.

"This is a dagger. Well, if you want to survive a life out there, and if you plan to travel a lot, having a knife is convenient and useful. It is quite sharp and tough to break, so be sure not to cut yourself. The hilt and sheathe is also from the bone of the same worm, and the blade itself is from the scales of the worm. Since I was too tired enchanting the rod, this one doesn't have any traits, sorry." (Niterias)

He isn't sorry. He never was, and will never be. Besides that, the items are of good quality. I personally am filled with gratitude and can't bring myself to ask for any more. But stop calling it a worm already. At least call it a snake. That poor guardian lost what it was guarding, and furthermore lost its bones and scales. Don't make it lose its dignity, or whatever that's left for it.

"If you're thinking of making the dagger unbreakable once you fuse it with the rod, it won't. It will still be what it is." (Niterias)

Certainly, I had hypothesized that fusing the two together to make a spear would make it a single item, hence the unbreakable trait would somehow affect the knife. When I saw the hollow middle of the rod, I had seen it as nothing but a pipe. After looking at the dagger, I had thought to fit the hilt into the hole, turning it into a spear overall. But I guess it's a pity. Still, being able to put them together is a bonus. Increased versatility is a supreme advantage if one knows the true utility of the item in question.

"So, about the advice…" (Me)

"Well before that." (Niterias)

Another item?

"You should head out there with a name, unless you plan to be called Unit code 5236 by the people out there?" (Niterias)

Ah, that's right. Certainly, doing so will highly likely raise suspicion, or even worse, be ostracised. Before me, Mr Niterias looked at me with a thoughtful face, before telling me his thoughts.

"You should know the importance of having a name. Those who don't, usually won't have a place in society. It's quite terrible. You can't get a job, raise kids, or even buying items. The people will despise you, homes will shut their curtains; basically you're suspicious. Of course, the new name I'll give you should trend with the current era." (Niterias)

"Something normal is fine, just give me one since I can't decide." (Me)

Mr Niterias smiled mischievously.

"Now is a good time to reject any name creation by me." (Niterias)

"Just get it over and done with." (Me)

"And? Mass destruction by you because I turn you into the definition of humiliation with just a name?" (Niterias)

"Just who do you take me for!?" (Me)

"Your attitude suggests that I am the officials... no, their parents in some sort of stasis." (Niterias)

This damned old man. You sure have a lot of time to insult and joke around when you have a big operation planned for tonight.

Now you're even spreading your arms wide like you're performing a theatric drama.

"Remember, when you wield your name, the power of it cannot simply be just voided. As you continue to live, be a challenger of obstacles to come. Solve the problems by their origin, and you shall have things simpler. Life will be enjoyable." (Niterias)

I clearly remembered that these are few of the many tips in life he gave me years ago. For a moment, he felt like a nagging parent. As though reading my thoughts, his cheshire-like smile morphed into a bitter one.

"Granted, I have spoke too much this time. Your name, I've thought of it already." (Niterias)

Subconsciously, I waited with slightly baited breath.


I felt my mind stop.

…It sounded a little special and not too attention attracting. The name had a nice tone to it, too. It is a name that makes me feel unique as a person. Certainly, it is a nice name.

"Is that… my name?" (Me)

"Yes, Raycent. Are you unhappy with it?" (Niterias)

"No… It sounds very nice…" (Me)

"You're making me blush, brat." (Niterias)

No, don't blush. A blushing middle-aged man is nothing but nightmare fuel.

But I feel thankful. For someone who knew nothing of his blood-related parents, having a person taking care of him and gifting him a name, though a little too late, creates a sense of belonging that nothing else could probably beat. Mr Niterias is a good person underneath that skin of evil, after all.

"Say, what would have happened if I didn't like it?" (Me)

"I would just call you Raycent till everyone knows you as such. Do I look like I care?" (Niterias)

"So I'm just like my drink in the end!?" (Me)

I take it back, he's a legitimate bully!


After receiving my new name, I took a sense of contentment with me and pestered Mr Niterias for advice to live on the outside. I have taken a glimpse on the outside world and I know for a fact that having weapons alone will not make life any easier. In response, Mr Niterias gave me a sermon just like any other lessons I had in the past.

He spoke of the general places, territories, countries, landscapes. He spoke of the governance, races, cultures, traditions, languages, practices. He spoke of common sense, general lifestyle, careers, daily necessities, accommodation. He spoke of many more. For each aspect he talked about, he made a comparison to my current life in the orphanage. Sometimes, he emphasised on certain points that I should not make light of.

It felt like a mother sending off her son on a long term trip to gain independence. Feelings of excitement and anxiety whirled within me, an indescribable emotion that threatened to spill out from my heart.

At some point in time, Mr Niterias complained about his exhausted jaw, and demanded for a refill. Sighing, I went back to the kitchen to prepare the beverage for the addict. He claims to be a payment for his tutoring fees, and I am in no position to rebuke otherwise. While gently pouring the mixture, I subconsciously opened my mouth.

"Does naming a person induce that much stress?" (Me)

"Huh? I merely popped up something for you though." (Niterias)

"…Is that so? You're sweating so much after you finished giving me a name, even I began to feel touched by your enormous effort." (Me)


"Don't tell me you're sweating because you're guilty of really naming me on a whim." (Me)

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr Niterias look away and gaze out towards the balcony.

Tch… Damn this geezer.

"It's about time." (Niterias)

Due to his abrupt announcement, I stopped stirring in the mug and also looked outside.

Something is approaching from far away.

What seems to look like a falcon from afar flew silently towards my room. I estimated its wingspan to be somewhat large, but what really caught my eye was the gleam of light that reflected off its body. When it landed on the top of the inclined wooden chair in the balcony, its wings barely touched the sides of the walls that separate my room from the others. The sharp talons are on the verge of crushing my wooden chair into irreversible pieces.

I was worried it would crash into my room, but more than that I prepared my heart for an upcoming commotion of seeing a giant flying organism landing on my balcony. If anyone saw a huge shadow land in a room, I doubt remaining silent is the norm.

"Your familiar?" (Me)

"Not really, she's not friendly." (Niterias)

I frowned. I reached for the guardian scale dagger near me, but I realised that the dagger would probably do nothing against it.

What the gleaming feathers were, are actually familiar looking scales.

What the hell?

"You can call her my friend for benefits. I gave her some scales for a request." (Niterias)

Merging divine scales onto its body is something I cannot fathom of. It breaches my realm of common sense, so I had decided to stop questioning for now. Since Mr Niterias has confirmed that it is not hostile, I relaxed and took the mug over to him.

"Can she have it too?" (Niterias)

"…Give her yours." (Me)

"No way, what's mine is mine." (Niterias)

I thought I felt a piercing gaze on my back while talking to Mr Niterias. Fearing more potential troubles, I obediently returned to the kitchen once again, prepared a new one from scratch, and subserviently placed it before the reptilian falcon.

I seem to encounter lots of ridiculous existences lately.

Despite stepping backwards after serving drinks, the piercing gaze never left me. I begin to feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, stop looking at him already. More than this fella, the drink he makes is much more important." (Niterias)

…I am grateful for your help, but the way of doing so pisses me off.

Finally, the reptilian falcon tears its gaze off me and directs its curiosity on a newfound beverage instead. I saw its beak dip into the mug, and immediately it cocked back its head with eyes of surprise, or disbelief.

"Hahaha! I told you! You only waste your time on this fella when there's much better alternative in front of you!" (Niterias)

My irritation is dangerously on the level of tipping over my tolerance. But more than that, any rash movements might anger the reptilian falcon, which seemed to be yet another divine beast I have come across recently.

Any existence that could merge divine scales to itself is already a terrifying existence.

Oblivious to my thoughts, the reptilian falcon continued to plant its beak into the mug.

Mr Niterias pushed his chair back and crossed his legs, putting himself in a leisurely sitting position. With his half open eyes, he directed them at me that filled with meaning. It was then I knew about his intent, allowing me to recall one of his lessons among the many.

Don't gain any unnecessary attention to yourself.

"Well, back to topic, since this friend of mine has arrived, it is time for me to inform the other members one by one personally. I won't coach them like I did for you of course. Time is precious. In the meantime, you should be packing whatever you want to take with you." (Niterias)

"Won't having your friend with you draw too much attention, and maybe even incite fear?" (Me)

"What are you talking about? I'm going alone." (Niterias)

Suddenly, I felt my back drenched in unpleasant sweat.

I turn my head and looked timidly at the reptilian falcon. In response, it looked back at me. With one of its legs, it slowly pushed the emptied mug towards my direction.

Behind me, I hear my door click open.

"I'll be off. See you Raycent, have a safe life out there." (Niterias)

What happened to you drawing its attention away from me!?

The door gently shut, leaving me encaged in my own room with an existence capable of massive annihilation asking for a refill.