Forgot Bits And Pieces

Yu Sha set the tripod straight from the grave on one end, tightened the phone and video call Yu Ping. He was waiting for their call to virtually join them. He didn't have memories of his grandpa, but heard about him from Mong Zong and the vivid memories Yu Sha could recall. 

Su Na was still at home, which left Yu Ping as the only person at work. Although young, they all have great work ethics and held themselves accountable for projects. Being reliable is a trait employer looked for when hiring. They didn't lack any when came to working on contract projects. The more one made from their job, the greater the responsibility. They made sure they remained professional and responsible while the job was still active. 

Cao Huo's face lit up when she saw her son on the screen. Cheerfully, she greeted, "My handsome!" 

As always, he blushed slightly while his ears perked up. He loves compliment! "Mom, Dad, and grandma. Nice to see everyone."