The Transitional Space

In the space, floating tranquilly were different bird species, full bloom in the color of rainbows that radiated ripples of rainbow color energy into the space. It simply floated without a destiny in mind, just like a boat floating on the ocean surface without a destination and any external force, but simply go where the winds and waves took.

"Grandpa, you left a little too soon. Grammy is all alone." 

He smiled pleasantly and apologized. "It was not my intention. People leave when it's their time. You can't fight against the destiny set for you."

"I understand." She replied. Death is something that cannot be prevented. When it's one's time, one must go. That she knew as much.

Then her thought was distracted when a bird briskly brushed her side. She thought this bird reminded her so much of Ruby, except only Ruby's tail was that of rainbow colors and not the body. "Grandpa, what is this space?" 

"It's the Transitional Space."