Prelude To Tortur… Training!

On a mountainside path, dozens of kilometers away from any civilization, Chojusen was currently leading Asia, Rias and her peerage, to Rias' summerhome for the training camp. However, everyone was hyped up to train even before they got there, so Chojusen made it a part of the training to reach the camp.

Currently, everyone — including Chojusen — was sweating and trembling after every step. It didn't look like anyone was doing any hard training as no one was carrying anything; all of the supplies they packed were safely stored in Chojusen's personal dimension. The reason for why everyone was having a terrible time making their way to the summer home, was because Chojusen had everyone take one of his gravity seals.

Everyone had the gravity amplified just enough to be able to walk around. Kiba was at 8 times regular gravity, Rias and Akeno where at 10 times regular gravity, and Koneko was at a ridiculous 25 times regular gravity. Asia had just recently gotten used to Magic Body Refining so she could only support 15 times regular gravity — because of her bloodline — and Chojusen was as usual going to extra mile to tortu… train himself; he was chummily walking while under 150 times regular gravity.

When the group finally got to the training grounds they were all dead tired. Even Rias who was the most eager to get rid of her arranged marriage felt happy that her body was too tired to continue with Chojusen's absurd training pace; or so she thought…

When Chojusen noticed how beat everyone was — they all stopped functioning right outside the summerhome's gates, directly laying on the grass — he used his Demonic Yang Rebirth and Demonic Water Healing to fix them up. He would have preferred to used Yin Rebirth, but that would probably kill his devil friends inside of heal them.

He also stopped the gravity seals from working on Rias, Asia, Akeno, and Kiba. Koneko was the only one who mainly trained her body, so she asked for him to leave them on. This was Rias' training camp, so Chojusen let her decided how she would train her peerage. He would only help Asia until, Rias or her peerage asked him for some help.

Asia was happy that Rias could make this ten day trip possible through her connections, allowing them to all skip ten days of class. She ran up to Chojusen and asked him to start the melee training. Chojusen agreed to her request and created a demonic staff out of Armament Creation, while Asia created a holy halberd.

The two then went on to fight a battle that caused more destruction than Rias and her peeraged combined. Chojusen was now only under 100 times gravity, but he still had to fight Asia seriously if he didn't want to get injured. As he fought with her, he thought back to the day where his innocent little Asia came up to him wanting to learn melee combat.

It was about two or three weeks ago, Asia had been playing around with her magic in the Occult Research Club, when she stopped and looked at Chojusen and Kiba clashing with Staff and Sword. She wanted to have a cool weapon like her god, so that night, she entered his room and asked him to teach her staff skills.

Chojusen couldn't say no to her, but he went about teaching her in a more professional manner. First he had to make sure that Asia was even compatible with the staff; he didn't know if she might be more talented with other weapons. So, Chojusen tested her potential with all weapons.

Chojusen learned how to do this, back when he was in a team with Guy. One of the things that body-refining psychopath taught Chojusen — and all his squadmates — was how to test for weapon potential. Guy is an expert in all weapons, so it wasn't hard for him to teaching this skill to his Genin squad. Back when he showed this to Chojusen he was already a Master of the Staff, so it was impossible to give up the staff even if there were other weapons more suitable for him to practice.

Chojusen fought a couple low-level low-intensity spars with Asia, and was dumbfounded when he saw how fast she picked up using a halberd; it was at a higher level than Choji with the staff… After deciding to go with the halberd, Asia and Chojusen would have routine sparring session in Chojusen's personal dimension. Now, Asia was halfway through the Master rank for Halberd Mastery, and could give Kiba a run for his money should he dare to mess with her.

Chojusen and Asia's little spar shook the ground after every clash. Trees would be blow away or cut to pieces, and bushes would lose all their leaves from the shockwaves. And if a weapon hit the ground, a crater anywhere between 10 and 20 meters wide would appear.

While Chojusen fought seriously, he never tried to hit Asia. At most he would knock her halberd away or trip her up with feints. Asia however, was going for the kill, as she knew that there was no way she could harm her god. She knew about some of his more ridiculous abilities from their little talks, so Chojusen convinced her to fight him as if he was her worst enemy.

At first convincing her seemed impossible; this girl was the most faithful and devout believer Chojusen had met. However, a couple days of serious training and serious lectures were all that were needed for Chojusen to convince her.

When Asia grew too tired to continue fighting, she took a small break using Yin and Yang Rebirth to recover back to peak condition. At this time, everyone from Rias' side came over to Chojusen's side. They had all stopped their individual training after mere moments after the first couple clashes; it would be hard to ignore the sounds of the world ending.

Rias tried to asked Chojusen something, but the only word that came out was "What..."

Kiba said "You! You were holding back all this time!" he felt a bit depressed knowing that Chojusen was barely even trying while fighting him…

Chojusen, while fixing the area around Rias' summerhome, said "Huh? I'm still holding back. This barely even covers one ten-thousandth of my true strength."

Akeno looked at Chojusen like he was the greatest treasure in the world, her eyes were burning, she said "What about magic? Have you been holding back for magic as well?" The hope in her eyes was scary to behold.

Chojusen didn't say anything. He dispelled the gravity restraining him, lifted his foot and stomped on the floor. The result? A comically large crater formed, and the world for several hundred kilometers trembled with the strength of a magnitude seven earthquake.

As everyone was still reeling in their shock, after the earthquake dissipated, Chojusen created a supernova in his hands and threw it at a mountain off to the side. No one had the foundation in magic needed to understand how frightening the small ball of fire that Chojusen created was, until it collided with a mountain.

The mountain? Gone. The only thing left was a tower of blazing fire and the titanic explosion of fire that spread for one kilometer.

Akeno should have been over them moon, with Chojusen's terrific display of magic. But instead she felt a bit of fear. She didn't know how many people could pull off attacks of that magnitude, but even if she did; how many could do it as effortlessly as Chojusen?

Akeno was momentarily caught by prejudices that she subconsciously had regarding powerful people. It was very common for people as strong as Chojusen to be annoyed and bothered by weak little devils pestering them for advice, so she for the slightest moment she felt that way about Chojusen.

However, she remembered all the experiences she had with Chojusen up to now. He had never mistreated her or the rest of Rias' peerage, just because they were weaker than him. In fact he was here on a the training camp to help them out!

Akeno was the first to say "Can you help me out with my training!" Kiba was the second, Koneko third, and Rias… she was still trying to process how Chojusen could go from newly reincarnated devil, to borderline Ultimate Devil Class so quickly. She snapped out of her stupor and also asked Chojusen to help her with training…

Chojusen nodded his head and said "It will be hard. You guys will probably want to die before get through this training camp. BUT! If you pull through and stick with my schedule, I guarantee to make you all hundreds of times stronger when we're done."

No one hesitated, they all said "Do it!"

Chojusen nodded pleased with their eagerness. He said "Well, since you're all on board, why don't we ramp up the training to a higher level?"