Chapter 2: New beginning

When I open my eyes I feel strange, it's very uncomfortable, it's like I do not have control over my body.

My joints do not move according to my orders, it's as if they had never been used and you were barely learning to use them. ... ignoring the matter in question for a moment.

Trying to remember because I lost consciousness, I thought I had an accident and I crashed on the road, if it were like that I would be in a maximum security hospital in the country, a military hospital.

But, when I remember what really happened to me, a cold sweat runs down my back.

I remember perfectly what happened to me, when the asteroid entered the atmosphere towards my location, the car issued an alarm, taking control of the steering wheel so as not to allow the human in his despair to make an error, it is a very good technology developed to avoid accidents, in cars that had already been transmitted to all countries, by car companies etc ...

Well, what I know happened to me was that when the asteroid was entering the atmosphere heading to my location, ... I lost nothing in my consciousness, it's as if the asteroid was faster than light, it was very fast and I could not do anything ...

The next second I open my eyes, but I do not see anything, it is as if I was in water, submerged I feel something liquid around me, but I do not feel or smell anything ... and I do not know my current state, if I died, or reincarnated.

I try to open my eyes but I can not ...

I try to talk but nothing comes out ...

Suddenly, a sucking sensation attracts me. And I see a hundred light that touch my head.

After a few seconds I see faces of giant people around me, I see a woman, blonde of about 20 years with white makeup on her face and black lines on her face, with ornaments of bones and other things in her hair.

I see that there are more women, who dress similarly to the woman who seems tired, and which is the one that carries me in her arms.

Then I see a tall and corpulent man is also blond and he is looking at me in a strange way ..

After all this I understand one thing, for some reason I have reincarnated and I did not know if that was really possible but I keep my memories of my previous life ...

I understand why they look at me very strange, it's normal for a child to cry when he is born that they do it to breathe or something like that so Tos, cough ñiaa, ñiaa ñiaa

After realizing in the situation that I was in, I really cried, I could not see my family, my other family again, pray to God to take care of them and protect them since I can not do it myself.

I see the woman and I understand that this woman with an amble face is my new mother, and the man sure is my father. The women around for sure are the other wives of the man.

I try to cry like a baby and everyone around me sighs in relief, seeing me cry they thought I was born without life.

After calming down and understanding a little more my current situation I try to understand more what happens to my environment.

Soon, I begin to worry about what I see around me, apparently I am the son of that man.

In front of me I see a tall burly man, his eyes are blue, and his hair is golden, apparently many people have their hair that way, even the woman who is carrying me.

After glimpsing all the people around me, I sigh, at least they are human, and I do not reincarnate in an animal since it would have many inconveniences, but what puzzles me is because they are so primitive ..

Yes, primitives, I see that the place where they gave birth to me is a little ... standard little standard for not getting another word to describe the place where I am.

Explanation of the place where I am: there are 7 cone-shaped sticks tied at the top by leather strips, covered with more leather like walls.

It's like a hut. Well, I'll detail more later.

As Vivian was something strange to me, although we were in a warm climate I could not understand why their homes were so simple.

A year later, after having observed well the village in which I found myself, when I was born it was a temporary dwelling, for women to give birth, and my mother was not the only one, many women gave birth during this year and others were pregnant.

The chief and elders of the tribe decided to stay longer in this place.

I am the son of the head of the tribe, and the clan itself is a nomadic tribe, they changed their place due to the seasons and the little prey, but in the area that we are now, it is different.

But the good thing is that they hunt but they have a fixed place established, apparently I am the first son of the clan chief his name is Asha.

Soon I understand their language and I begin to understand what they speak, we live in a good area there are trees and with them fruits, there are forests in the distance which there are animals.

The hunters go out and take the dogs, apparently they already use the wolves to hunt.

It's something the clan has believed in for a long time, that's what I understood.