
Clan Gaia

1. Protagonist Nathan of the Gaia clan

He is a human of modern earth, he died because of a phantom asteroid, which did not give him time to react.

On earth he was an expert in multiple fields, but many of which he can not put at his maximum capacity in this world since there are no necessary technologies, no technologies and period, he has to start from 0 and remember how they started those technologies.

2. Asha, head of the Gaia clan.

He is a very wise clan leader, at the time that his son showed multiple talents and abilities that helped the clan, he decided to follow his instructions regarding politics, new weapons construction techniques etc. He is also a shaman, but nobody else knows about this.

He had shown these peculiar characteristics since he was young, but the shamans can not be the clan chief, he was the boss's only son so he decided not to reveal his abilities as a shaman, and become the boss.

When his son showed such talents, I relate them to Gaia's blessing for being so faithful and devoted to his goddess.

3. Alden, Friend of the Mc of childhood.

He is very intelligent, since he was small alden has shown great understanding skills and is good in combat, the boss personally has been training in combat since childhood with the mc, although the mc does not like to fight is better than alden in combat revealing new tactics that make you lose the rhythm of your movements, But he does not like to fight so I teach those tactics to his father and to praise him, doing that in Gaia village, hand-to-hand combat is on another level compared to the rest of the world.

He is good at herbalism, in medicine, Nathan has taught him many things about medicine, which he would never have imagined could be done, in addition to the knowledge that the old shamans had left to his disciples, Natha managed to find out new uses by mixing different herbs, creating miraculous medicines that could cure diseases and heal wounds in a matter of hours.

He is currently playing the guard role of the boss, as he is one of the clan's best warriors.


TL: These are all the names, which I created for the Gaia clan at this time later I will create the names of the mother the sister, the shamans, of the friends of the mc who will accompany him to his trip etc.

Aqua Clan:

Clan head name:?

1. Erza: she is the first-born of the current leader of the Aqua clan, she is a first warrior of her clan, intelligent, brave and a good thinker, she knows when things are not going well she makes the best decision which makes her mother proud her.

She was sent to the Gaia clan as a representative of her clan, as a goodwill towards the two factions and does not want to cause any dispute over the territory.

To the clan Gaia not to send an emissary explaining the situation of his intrusion in his lands.

Seeing how magnificent was the city Gaia town or whatever it is, I was stunned at how wonderful it was and who had built it.

He was very surprised to know the son of the head of the clan, he was different from all the men he had met in his life, he was not rustic, ordinary or dirty.

Quite the opposite was neat, clean and well arranged, that includes the hair, since even women do not get their hair done so well, it is smooth and clean what interested him the first time he saw him and his strange clothes but apparently comfortable, when he saw that everyone in the Gaia clan used it.

He knew after having given precious information, that you never have to give many information details which they do not have since they could lose by handing over a gold coin for a piece of clay.

2. Mine:

Mina is the second daughter of the head of the Aqua clan, she is very strong, but at the same time impulsive, she is next to Erza almost always because she is the only one after her mother who does it for some reason.

She is a woman with a lot of temperament and always says what she thinks without holding back anything, causing her to receive blows from her mother from time to time when they are alone.

She was very surprised when she saw for the first time from the mountain, how big and the many animals that the Gaia clan had, she did not know what to think of all that wealth. Since the concept of wealth did not exist until then.

He did not like it when he learned the price of a domesticated horse from the Gaia clan, since it is very expensive, but he could not do anything when they refuted his opinion and could not say anything else.

3. Third sister Shona: ???

4. Fourth sister Thina: ???

5. Fifth sister Zhona:

She is very quiet, she is one of Erza's sisters, and last daughter, she is as intelligent as Erza but she does not like to show it to others. She just follows the orders given to them and she likes to spend her busy time and learning more.

When she heard how amazing Gaia's clan was, she became very interested in this one, and wanted to visit him again, she went to the border

Clan WarGod

This is a big clan in the north, in the time of Mc's grandfather, it is not known how big he was, and strong, but no one could rival, only the Gai clan, which can never win.

Not because he was stronger, but the mC's grandfather was also smarter and did not do everything on impulse, like the imbecile wargod.

Head Name Wargod: ???

Clan WarGod White first son, smart

Absolut: He's one of the sons of the previous boss. WarGod, When the skill of the strategy was demonstrated, the boss saw it as a trait of weakness and the lack of courage in the ideas, has been directly attacked with no plan in sight.

But by separating from the clan he had beaten his green brother (Tamal) many times since he was just like his father, a total idiot.

He did not peel with his red brother (Trinux)

Clan WarGod Red Second son of the smart clan


He is intelligent, but he knows that his brother Absolem is more intelligent than him, so he is always attentive to his brother's decisions, but he is not a follower either, he does not like to receive orders from anyone who is weaker than him.


Clan WarGod Green third imbecil son