Chapter 20: Acquisition Part 1

After he gave me a full report of the operation according to the satisfaction, and I also thought of my father.

I observed the actions of the warriors, that my father and Roman that we have been trained these years, I saw a brutal air in them, I put a thought in how we trained them with my father and a Roman the last time.

The history of warriors in the tribe is a training routine that you use. The seals of the US Army From my previous life.

It was included in several trainings, it was carried out a group of experts who were in charge of improving the physical condition of the soldiers, in which I was.

I learned a lot from their training routines, although I never put them into practice because my best were other people, but I also kept those memories, and what I must do to have a better performance, in combat and other things that do not require physical modifications, since I do not have the necessary equipment.

I am proud of my knowledge, this application is very good, and the result is a great help for my father and me in the effect.

After giving a tour to the Aqua girls for the ancient WarGod tribe, We climbed the cars and went to their tribe, Then I said goodbye and separated, I said goodbye to the clan leader and I went directly to my own clan.

It seems that I will have to overtake my planes, since a tribe is their movement, if the others are like that tribe plow their movement soon.

Before exploring the territory I have some preparations to make, to be able to leave quiet for a while.

After a while of cavalcade, I come close, when I recognize the doors.

When entering I see the happy people, chatting in the streets of the city when they see me they greet me with enthusiasm.

I also greet and accelerate my ride to the chief's house

Upon arriving I see my father talking to someone who saw the clothes of the Aqua Clan, my father seeing me smile, and I also smiled, after a few words the representative of the Aqua Clan, after my father and mine and leaves, my The father has a signal, and some warriors go out and are sent to a carriage, after that they go out to the direction of the Aqua Clan.

"Father, it seems that we are going to have to accelerate our movements, since one clan attacked, the other two also, according to what is said of the green clan, will attack soon.

My father looks at me in a funny way, but soon he explains to me, do not worry, the other two clans do not attack us for now at least, they are not as impulsive as the green clan, neither them nor them nor the users use the head my Scouts have told me that they have been observing the situation from the side and have not made any striking movement.

It seems that they have been waiting, an opportunity to act according to the situation with the green clan, but also with our power, without going through the route of the fight.

After my father told me that, he left me a little pensive, soon I will have to leave the clan for a while, although with the walls, and the technique of tame and capture horses is enough to capture and tame more horses. I do not want him to be in a situation where the other 2 clans attack him from behind.

I have to take them out of the equation, to be calm if not, I can not leave a quiet trip.

I do not want to go back a day to discover that my clan does not exist anymore.

"I see so they are smarter? Hm, let's see I want to talk to them.

After telling my father my bread was a little surprised, although a bit doubtful in case my plan would work, he nodded and sent two people to speak with the leaders of the 2 clans, commanding a delegation with each messenger consisting of 20 guards on horseback each with arrows ready for any situation.

After having sent people to send a good welcome, for the guests.

I told them to prepare the guest lounge, which is the place where we received the ambassadors of the Aqua Clan for the first time.

After having organized everything, I went to my house to bathe, and rest a little, I took a while and fell asleep ...

* Tock, Tock, Tock, * "Young teacher, the guests have arrived." Said a guard sent from the room.

Soon I get dressed and I go to the meeting place, on arrival I see two men apart from the guards and my father, who dress in a rudimentary way, just like how people dressed before me improve the clan's clothes.

They look at me looking for weaknesses in my character, I do not know why everyone does this, it will be instinctive.

"Greetings, I hope it's okay"

"Greetings father good afternoon" I greet my father, and the rest of the people I meet in the room.

"I want to thank you, for taking the time to come and listen to a proposal I have for you," I said.

"Greetings, same son of Chief Gaia," said the man with white hair

"Greetings too," said the man with red hair.

"I want to ask you a question! "Why did they become clan chief?" He asked the two what left them surprised for a moment.

"For the welfare of my people" Said the white hair.

"To prevent my father from making more mistakes" said the red hair

"Very good, excuse my manners I would like to know their names!" I said when I realized that I did not know how to address them.

"My Name is Absolem" is a pleasure to meet you, "said the Chief of the white tribe Absolem.

"My name is Trinux" said the other now I know his name is Trinux.

It's good to talk to interesting people from time to time, well let's see what they say about my proposal, I thought to myself.

"They know that we are strong, and I am not like my grandfather and my father, who do not care about the adjacent tribes that live fighting and are volatile, I am going to tell you the truth, today I send them to meet to make a proposal, it can be fly or bad depending on how they see it, the truth is that I do not want to have unstable neighbors in these areas, and I consider them unstable neighbors. "I said looking at the two men who had become serious due to my statement.

"His father and his grandfather, have maintained a constant struggle against our clan, that is something that my father overlooked, thanks to his father's teachings not to attack anyone if they do not attack you first, but I have a point of view more extensive than my ancestors, I do not want to sound rude or disrespect them "I said and thought to myself, but I will not allow something to go wrong in my absence.

But I made a decision a long time ago.

"So I wanted to invite you to join my tribe, I know you do not follow your father's god, and it's a good thing since the god of war is a little trite, War, vanity and?"