Who's that girl?

On Saturday morning it was raining, and ZhouMi was waiting for his friend at the vintage cafe shop near his house. The story begin now

"Where are they?"ZhouMi say

"Can i get one hot chocolate please"said the girl

"Who's that girl?"He say while looking at her

"Oi ZhouMi, sorry we are late"Tao and Kyuhyun say.

"ZhouMi!!!"Tao yell

"Yes, what?"he say

"We are here ZhouMi, what are you looking at?"Ask Kyuhyun

"Oh nothing" he say

"Oh"Tao say and pretending he doesn't know anything but he know.

"Eh you guys coming to Krystal birthday party tonight?"Asked Tao

"Yes i'm coming"Kyuhyun said

"ZhouMi are you coming?"Ask Tao

He wasn't listening at all he was looking at that girl, and smiling like crazy people.

"ZhouMi!!"Kyuhyun yell

"Huh? what?"He say

"What happen to you?Are you sick?"Kyuhyun ask

"Why not talk to her?"Tao ask ZhouMi

"What are you talking about?" He say

"You were looking at that girl that sit on the corner right?" Ask Tao

"No i'm not" he say

"Don't lie" Tao say

Tao get up and walk towards that girl and talk to that girl.

"Tao!! Where are you going?" ZhouMi and Kyuhyun ask

"Shhh!, leave it to me i'll do it for you if you are shy" Tao say

"Hi" Tao say

"Hi, can i help you?" She say

"Oh yes i'm Tao, actually my friend over there want to get to know you. His name is ZhouMi, he's a bit shy so that's why i come here"Tao say

"Oh, i'm Lee Soo Hyun" she say

She write down her phone number then give it to Tao.

"Here's my phone number" she say

"Oh so your name is Lee Soo Hyun, what a nice name. Thanks a lot,he will be so happy Tao say.

"Thanks, your welcome" Soo Hyun say

"What are they talking about?" Kyuhyun and ZhouMi is curious

Finally Tao is back to the table with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you so happy?" Ask Kyuhyun

"ZhouMi, will you buy me dinner tomorrow if she really give me her number?" Ask Tao

"Ok deal, she will never give her number to a stranger" He say

"Here's her name and phone number, haha i got free dinner tomorrow" Tao say with a big smile

"H-how did you do that?" He was surprise

"Leave it to me i can get everything and anything" Tao say with confidence

"Are you going to text or call her?" Kyuhyun ask

"Well" he say

"If you don't want it you can always give it to me" Tao teased

"ok let's go" Kyuhyun say

They finally leave the cafe and get ready for Krystal birthday party. they finally reach home, Tao and Kyuhyun were busy searching for cloth to wear for tonight party while ZhouMi was wondering around thinking should i call her or text her first. Tao was annoyed looking at ZhouMi wondering around.

"ZhouMi sit down will ya" Tao say

"What happen to you? its not like you at all, you never act like this when you met girl" Kyuhyun say

"But this one is different, she was different from the other girl that i have met" he say

"Call her then" Tao say

"B-But" he say

"No but, there's no second change ZhouMi call her now or you will lose her forever" Tao say

"I agree with Tao" Kyuhyun say

At last ZhouMi follow Tao advice, he call her but ZhouMi was nervouse and scared that he speak the wrong words. while waiting for her to pick up the call, ZhouMi say be cool he repeated the mantra over and over again.

"Hello" Soo Hyun say

"H-hello" he say

"Yes can i help you?" Soo Hyun ask

"My name is ZhouMi, my friend Tao talk to you at cafe today" he say

"Oh yes i remember him, so you are ZhouMi?" Soo Hyun asked

"Yes I'm and you are Lee Soo Hyun?" he ask

"Yes i'm" Soo Hyun say

"Actually are you busy tomorrow? if not would you like to go for a coffee tomorrow?" he ask

"Sure" she say

"Great i'll meet you at the same cafe as yesterday at 10am" he say

"cool, see ya" she say

"see ya" he say

When ZhouMi finish talking to Soo Hyun, Tao and Kyuhyun pop up from bedroom.

"What did you think?" ask Tao

"Are you going to get married? with who?" Zhoumi ask while looking at Tao from top to bottom

"And you Kyuhyun are you going to sleep?"ZhouMi ask while looking at Kyuhyun wearing a onsie

"Yah! We are going to birthday party not going to prom or dress up party, so just dress casual. Go and change, we are going to be late" ZhouMi say

Finally both of theme is changing to a casual, and when they got there the party have already started.

"Happy Birthday Krystal!!" They say

"Sorry we are late" ZhouMi say

" That's ok, the party just started anyway. By the way thanks for the present and wishes"Krystal said

While they were getting a drink, they heard Lee Soo Hyun's name being call.

"Lee Soo Hyun?" They say with shocking face

"Is that Soo hyun from earlier?" Tao say

Their eye were widen when they saw Soo Hyun the girl from earlier go up to the stage, suddenly Krystal came and say.

"You guys didn't know her?" Ask Krystal

They looking back at Krystal with shocking face and nod.

"OMG! You guys are so old school, she's the new singer that everyone been talking about. I invited her to perform on my birthday party because she's the most popular singer amongst the others at the moment" Krystal say with a big smile on her face

"Oh i see" ZhouMi say

Soo Hyun have to go after she sing a few song, she have an appointment with the variety show management so ZhouMi haven't got any chance to talk to her.

The party is over, when they reach home Tao and Kyuhyun is sleeping already. But ZhouMi still awake, he decided to search about Soo Hyun on the internet before meeting her tomorrow.

"Hmm, so she was 24 years old and she was a model before become a singer" ZhouMi murmur

He want to find as much information as he can, so at least he know a little bit about Soo Hyun.