When Tao and Kyuhyun wake up they found a piece of paper on the table it was from ZhouMi and it say.
"Dear Tao and Kyuhyun, i haven't cook any breakfast for you guys because i have an appointment with Soo Hyun. If you don't want to cook, there's a cereal and bread. Sorry guys love you, from ZhouMi".
At the cafe ZhouMi was waiting for Soo Hyun, am i too early ZhouMi keep saying that to himself a moment later Soo Hyun came.
"Hi, have you been waiting too long?" Soo Hyun asked
"Hi no, not too long" ZhouMi say
"Hi what would you like to order?" ask the girl
"One Mocha and one hot chocolate please, thanks."ZhouMi say
"How did you know that i love hot chocolate?" Soo Hyun ask
"I know a lot about you" he say with a smile
"Really?, for example?" Soo Hyun say with a shy smile
"You are 24 years old and a new singer, before you become a singer you are a model. your favourite food is Ramyeon and hot chocolate" he say
"I bet you've been staying up all night to find some information about me" Soo Hyun say with a smile
"I can't sleep and i'm bored so i was surfing the net and your name is popping out so i click it, but i don't have any intention to stalk you" ZhouMi explain
"Here's your order" the girl come with the order
"So tell me about you" Soo Hyun say
"Well, i'm 23 years old and i'm a university student studying music" Zhoumi say
"Oh, with Tao as well?" Soo Hyun ask
"Yes with Kyuhyun as well" ZhouMi say
"Kyuhyun?" Ask Soo Hyun
"Yes, Kyuhyun and Tao are my best friend we live together" ZhouMi say
"Oh" Soo Hyun say
"What are you doing tomorrow?" ZhouMi ask
"Well, tomorrow i'm shooting a mv for my new song" Soo Hyun say
"Hmm, can i drop by before my class start?" ZhouMi ask
"Really!!" Soo Hyun say with a big smile on her face
"Yes, can i?" ZhouMi ask
"Of course, you are more than welcome to come" Soo Hyun say
"Ok see you tomorrow at 9, i have to attend the variety show" Soo Hyun say
"Ok see you and good luck" ZhouMi say
Soo Hyun smile at ZhouMi and left the cafe, ZhouMi also left because it was about to rain and he didn't bring any umbrella.
The next morning ZhouMi drop by to see Soo Hyun, before going there he stop by the restaurant to buy something.
"Oi ZhouMi where are you going?" Ask Kyuhyun
"I go to see Soo Hyun first after that i'll go to uni". ZhouMi say
"Oh ok" Kyuhyun
While ZhouMi waiting for the food, he decided to call Soo Hyun to tell her that he can't come, he want to give her a surprise.
"Hello" Soo Hyun say
"Oh Soo Hyun-a, i can't come today. i have something important to do" ZhouMi say
"Oh so you can't come today?" She say with a sad face and almost crying
"Yes, mian haeyo Soo Hyun" ZhouMi say
"Oh ok then" Soo Hyun say while holding back her tears
Soo hyun didn't concentrate since she got a call from ZhouMi, she have to retake every sence. When she retake the second sence, ZhouMi popping up.
"Soo Hyun-a" ZhouMi yell
"Yah! What are you doing here?, you call me and say you can't come" Soo Hyun say with shocking face
"I was joking" ZhouMi smile
"Yah!" Soo Hyun is angry
"SooHyun-a mian haeyo, i'm just joking" ZhouMi apologies
ZhouMi keep saying sorry, but Soo Hyun still angry at him.
"Soo Hyun-a, want to eat ramyeon?" ZhouMi ask
"Ramyeon?, i want to eat"Soo Hyun mood become a bit lighter
"So did you forgive me?" ZhouMi ask
"You are a bad guy" Soo Hyun say
"What?" ZhouMi confuse
"You use my favourite food as an apology weapon" Soo Hyun exclaimed
"Hehehe, so my apology accepted?" ZhouMi ask
"Don't you see i'm eating it, that's mean yes. Soo Hyun still a bit angry
"Smile and fighting" ZhouMi say
Soo Hyun is smiling and go back to work after eating ramyeon from ZhouMi. After shoot a couple of scene, the producer was happy with it and Soo Hyun taking a break before shooting the next scene.
"Soo Hyun-a" ZhouMi say
"Hmm?" Soo Hyun say
"I have to go now,i have class in one hour is it okay?"ZhouMi say
" Yeah of course, but you have to bring ramyeon next time when you come" Soo Hyun say
"Got it, see you" ZhouMi say while waving at Soo Hyun
Soo Hyun smile and since that ZhouMi's heart is beating so fast whenever he's around Soo Hyun, he become more and more nervous. He like Soo Hyun, but he doesn't have the courage to confess his love to her. It has been a month since they meet each other, and ZhouMi want to confess his love to Soo Hyun on her birthday.
"Kyuhyun" ZhouMi say
"Hmm" kyuhyun yawn
"How did you confess love to someone?" ZhouMi ask
"It's easy Just say i love you" kyuhyun reply
"I know that, but i want to make it different from others. kyuhyun-a ZhouMi say
Kyuhyun is sleeping already, the only person that still awake is Tao.
"Tao i need your help" ZhouMi say
"For what?" Tao reply
"Well i'm thinking of confess my feeling towards Soo Hyun on her birthday, and i want to make it memorable but i don't know how. please help me! ZhouMi cried
"Well if you want to make it memorable then you have to invite her for a dinner and cook something for her, because girls love home cook food especially when it cook by someone special. Tao say
"Cooking?, Are you kidding me? You know that i can't cook. Remember when i making a scramble egg and i burn it ZhouMi say
"Yeah i remember that, i will teach you how to cook" Tao say
"Jinjja?" ZhouMi say
"Ne" Tao say
"Kamsahamnida" ZhouMi say