1st day being trainee

"This is it, our life will change from now on" Kyuhyun say

"Let's go inside" ZhouMi say

"Hello, are you the new trainee?" The receptionist say

"Yes we are" both of them say

"Ok, please follow me i'll take you to the training dorm" the receptionist say

"Here's your new house" she say

"Thanks" Kyuhyun say

"Are you the new trainee?" Ask a guy

"Yes" ZhouMi say

"Hello i'm Henry Lau, you guys are one room with me" he say holding out his hand

"I'm ZhouMi and this is my friend Kyuhyun" ZhouMi say

In the SM Entertainment training dorm is very hard, they have to attend all classes and work hard so they can finish the training quickly. They have to training in dance, singing, languages and manners.

"Hello, morning" ZhouMi say to every one in the building because that part of the training

"Learning Japanese is hard" ZhouMi mumble

"Hey what sup?" Henry ask

"I want to finish the training quickly" ZhouMi say

"Same here" Henry say

They been training all day, and now they are competent to make their debut.

"Congratulation, you have been working during the training. And now you are competent to make your debut" the Manager say

"Thank you" they say

"Now, were should i put the tree of you" the manager say

"Now kyuhyun you will be joining with Super Junior and Super Junior-M as well, Henry and ZhouMi will be in Super Junior-M group where we will make the group. The manager say

"Ok then, thanks" they say

ZhouMi take out his phone and call Soo Hyun, but no answer.

"Why no answer?, where is she?" ZhouMi say

ZhouMi keep calling Soo Hyun but still no answer.