Debut day!

So Super Junior-M is thinking to make their first album, and the title of the album is Me it contain six song.

ZhouMi try to call Soo Hyun again before recording, this time she answer.

"Hello, Soo Hyun-a" ZhouMi say

"Oh ZhouMi-a, what happen?. Sorry i can't answer your call, i was busy with world tour. Soo Hyun say

"Nothing, i want to tell you that i'm finish the training already and now we are about to record a first album. ZhouMi say

"Oh that's great" Soo Hyun say

"What are you doing right now? " ZhouMi ask

"I'm about to shoot a variety show" Soo Hyun say

"Oh, good luck" ZhouMi say

"Want to have dinner tonight to celebrate your debut?" Soo Hyun ask

"Yeah sure" ZhouMi say

"Ok i pick you up at 7pm, love you" Soo Hyun


"Ok, see you love you too" ZhouMi say

ZhouMi go back to the recording room, they start the recording. Before 7pm they have finish recording for the day

"Hey" Soo Hyun say

" Hey, i miss you" ZhouMi say

"I miss you more" Soo Hyun say

"So what do you want to eat?" ZhouMi ask

"Hmm, in this cold day chicken and beer are the best" Soo Hyun say

"Chicken and beer?" ZhouMi ask

"Yeah, i feel like eating that" Soo Hyun say

"Ok, let's go" ZhouMi say

They arrived at the small restaurant that sell chicken and beer.

"You can sit first, i'll order it" ZhouMi say

"Hi, can i take your order?" The girl say

"Can i order chicken and beer please?" ZhouMi say

"Yep, anything else?" She ask

"No that's all" ZhouMi say

"How was the variety show?" ZhouMi ask

"It was good, and the shooting went well" Soo hyun say

"Ah, how's your recording going?" Soo Hyun ask

"It went well but nervous at the same time" ZhouMi say

"Wae?" Soo Hyun ask

"I have never record my singing before, so when i listen to it sound a bit weird. ZhouMi say

"Hmm, you will get use to it" Soo Hyun say

"Hopefully, and the recording continue tomorrow again" ZhouMi say

"Here's your order" the girl say while bringing the food

"Hmm, chicken and beer. yummy" Soo Hyun say

"You look so happy" ZhouMi say

"Of course, i haven't eat this for a long time" Soo Hyun say

"Eat up, but don't drink too much" ZhouMi say

"Arra" Soo Hyun say

"Ahjumma, can i get one more cane?" Soo Hyun say

"No, no more drinking you are drunk already" ZhouMi say

"Wae?" Soo Hyun say and she's drunk

"Come on, let me take you home" ZhouMi say

ZhouMi lift Soo Hyun up and take her to the car, they have arrived at Soo Hyun house.

"We are here, let's go" ZhouMi say while lifting Soo Hyun

The next day, Super Junior-M continue recording the album.