Album realeased!

They have finish for the day, they just have to do a photo shoot for the album cover.

"Hyung" Ryeowook say

Henry and ZhouMi look back,coz they don't know which one of them that Ryeowook call.

"Nae" ZhouMi say

"Both of you, let's go out for dinner" Ryeowook say

"Dinner" both of them say

"Yes,come on" Ryeowook say

So all of the super Junior-M member go out for dinner to celebrate their 1st album.

After dinner ZhouMi decided to call Soo hyun, he ask her how did she feel after last night.

"Soo hyun-a" ZhouMi say

"Wae?" soo Hyun say

"Are u ok?, how did u feel?" ZhouMi ask

"I'm fine, my hurt when i woke up" Soo Hyun

"Hmm" ZhouMi say

"Where are u now?" Soo Hyun ask

"I'm going out for dinner with my hyung" ZhouMi say

"Oh ok, i have to go now bye" Soo Hyun say

"Bye" ZhouMi say

The next day Soo Hyun call ZhouMi and ask him to met her at the park.

"Soo Hyun-a, wae?" ZhouMi say

"Can you met me at the park tonight?" Soo Hyun

"Wae yo? ZhouMi ask

"Just come to the park at 7pm ok" Soo Hyun

"Ok i'll pick you up then" ZhouMi say

"No that's ok i can go there myself" Soo Hyun say

"Ok see you tonight then" ZhouMi say

Soo Hyun ask ZhouMi to come to the park because she want to give ZhouMi surprise.