At 7pm ZhouMi is already at the park waiting for Soo Hyun.
"Where is Soo Hyun?" ZhouMi say
ZhouMi is waiting, its already 7:10pm.
"Oh no i'm late"Soo Hyun say
She was running all the way from parking lot to the park, Soo Hyun didn't see a truck coming fast from the right side. Soo Hyun got hit by the truck, a lot of people running to see the accident.
"What happen?" ZhouMi ask of the guy
"There's a girl got hit by truck" he say
"Oh truck accident" Zhoumi say
"Wait WHAT!?, a girl?. SOO HYUN-A" ZhouMi yell
ZhouMi run all the way to the accident place, and people just stand there looking at it.
"What did you guys doing?!, call ambulance quick" ZhouMi yell
Someone call ambulance and soo Hyun is on the way to the hospital.
"Doctor please save Soo Hyun" ZhouMi beg with a tears
"We will do our best to save her, because you are a bit late to bring her to hospital" Said the doctor
"No no no!!!" ZhouMi scream
"ZhouMi!" Tao yell
"How's Soo Hyun?" Ask Kyuhyun
"Mo-molla" ZhouMi look so depress
then suddenly the doctor is coming out with a sad face.
"What's wrong?!, Soo Hyun is ok right?. Tell me!!" ZhouMi scream
"Sorry sir, we already do our best." The doctor say
"No no no, that can't be!!!. Soo Hyun-a!!!" ZhouMi yell and scream with frustration
"Tell me that this is only a dream" ZhouMi cry
Its already been a month since Soo Hyun's death, but ZhouMi still can't move on. Everyday he watch the video of them and listen to the voice message.
"Soo Hyun-a, today is our one year anniversary. Where did you want to go today?" ZhouMi was talking to his self while crying
ZhouMi falls asleep on the couch and started to dream.
"Soo Hyun?, i miss you" ZhouMi say
" i miss you too ZhouMi, i want to ask you a favor" Soo Hyun say
"What?" zhouMi ask
"Why are you like this?, you have to move on ZhouMi" Soo Hyun say
"No, i can't" ZhouMi say
" If you keep being like this, i'm not going to be happy in here" Soo Hyun say
Then ZhouMi wake up from his dream, he sit there for 20 minute then get up. He grab a paper and pen and start writing a song.
"Stop Rewind Rewind
Stop Rewind Rewind Rewind Rewind
Stop, Rewind, Play
My clock is always stopped so I'm wandering in the maze of time
Yesterday seems like tomorrow and after the dawn comes night
I go back in time and the night comes to an end
Reality is too painful so I rewind my memories
In the slightly dizzy memories
(Going backwards) Past the four seasons
I will find the pieces that will connect us
I won't lose a single piece
Now stop and rewind, stop at summer
The season when you and I were happy, my heart trembles
Stop and play it, I'll turn your heart back oh girl
In this dream-like moment, I'll hold you in my arms"
"If i can turn back time, i want to rewind everything back to normal so i can save you" ZhouMi say
"This song is dedicated for you Soo Hyun" ZhouMi say