
Sinbad was sleeping shirtless when he felt a pair of soft melons press against his chest. Sinbad was still dreaming and grabbed one melon and started groping. He then heard a moan but kept going before he realised something was wrong. Sinbad opened his eyes and saw Leone looking at him with a smirking face. He squeezed his hand and looked at what he was squeezing.

Sinbad: What are you doing here?

He asked as he was still holding Leone's breast in his hand.

Leone: Are you going to let go? *smile*

Sinbad let go and looked at Leone. They were still in an ambiguous position as if she was riding him. Sinbad didn't mind her being on top of him because who wouldn't want girl like Leone on top of them.

Sinbad: Is there something going on?

Leone: I came here to get you for a meeting.

Sinbad: Meeting?

Leone: With the boss.

Sinbad: Cool let me get dressed.

Sinbad put Leone on the side as he got up to get dressed. Bare in mind Sinbad likes sleeping nude so Leone was helping herself to a nice helping of Sinbad. Leone looked at him fervently like he was some nice prey. She couldn't help but lick her lips as she examined his body. Sinbad on the other hand, didn't care because she had already seen his body. Sinbad got dressed and walked out with Leone.

Sinbad pushed the door open with Leone by his side and saw a woman sat in a throne with short silver hair and purple eyes. She wore an eyepatch where her right eye used to be. She wore a black suit that showed off her cleavage and she had a mechanical right arm. This was the leader of Night Raid, Najenda.

Everyone turned their heads and saw the dashing Sinbad walk through the door. Najenda looked at Sinbad and couldn't see through him. But what she did feel was his kingly aura emanating from his body. It was a trait that he was born with, so every action of his exuded a kind of royalty air.

Najenda: You must be Sinbad. *smile*

Sinbad: Pleasure to meet you beautiful. *wink*

Najenda: They said you were eye candy and they didn't lie. *smile*

Sinbad: Well it's good I didn't disappoint. *smile*

Lubbock couldn't help but look back and forth between Najenda and Sinbad. There was a slow building sexual tension in the air that only a pervert like him could detect. He looked Sinbad angrily as he now saw Sinbad as a true threat in his pursuit for Najenda. Leone on the other hand noticed something in the air also and got a bit irritated towards Najenda not knowing why.

Najenda: Sinbad… Are you willing to officially join Night Raid?

Sinbad: Well I'm already here aren't I?

Najenda: Then welcome to Night Raid, Sinbad. *smile* The meeting is adjourned for tonight. Sinbad stay here, the rest of you can go.

Everyone left but as Leone left the room she took a glance at Sinbad while Lubbock was planning on a way to eavesdrop on the two. Lubbock saw that Leone was looking at Sinbad and could clearly tell what was going on so he pulled Leone to the side after they left the room.

Lubbock: Do you like Sinbad?

Leone: Of course not!

Lubbock: You've been awfully close with him ever since we've met him. *squints eyes*

Leone: We're just friends that's all…

Lubbock: You don't think everyone knows, that you go to the baths when Sinbad is there?

Leone: What are you talking about!?

Lubbock: Just admit it!

Leone: *pout* Then I might like him a little bit…

Lubbock: Great! Then let's eavesdrop on their conversation.

Leone: Alright!

While the two found a way to eavesdrop it was just Najenda and Sinbad. Najenda stood up from her throne and walked up to Sinbad. Najenda eyed up Sinbad from top to bottom examining him closely before she nodded in approval. Sinbad didn't know what to make of it and just smiled.

Najenda: The others have spoken of your past and I have to say you're pretty well off now, aren't you?

Sinbad: I mean, if you've gone dungeon raiding like me, your bound to rack up some cash. *smile*

Najenda: Pretty interesting. *smile* Well I'm going to send you on a few missions very soon hearing of your high evaluation from the rest.

Sinbad: Well that's what I'm here for. So what do I call you?

Najenda: Najenda or Boss is fine with me. *smile*

Sinbad: Alright Najenda. *smile*

Lubbock was burning hot flames as he was staring at Sinbad like he was his greatest enemy. No one in the team ever had the opportunity to call the Boss by her name even him. Someone that knew Najenda way longer than Sinbad. That was when Najenda was still in the army.

Sinbad: Well if you would excuse me Najenda, I need to go train.

Najenda: No problem. See you later Sinbad.

Sinbad left the room as Najenda smiled and sat on her throne. She looked at a certain part of the ceiling and fired her mechanical arm at the vent. Instantly the vent door got ripped off and Lubbock and Leone were awkwardly looking at their Boss.

Lubbock & Leone: Boss… *trembling*

Sinbad continued his training by the lake away from everyone so he could focus. He trained for a few hours before he felt that it was time for dinner. He went to the kitchen and saw Akame and Tatsumi cooking up a feast. Sinbad knew Akame was taking his appetite into consideration which warmed his heart. He sat down and dug in while fighting over some food with Akame which was great fun. She pouted at Sinbad and looked at him with battle lit eyes.

After dinner everyone went to their rooms to sleep. A few days went by as Sinbad got even more stronger. He had given everyone a gravity seal if they so wished to train with it. Everyone apart from Mine liked the gravity seal because Mine was a sniper so there was really no need. Tatsumi was still being trained under Akame. They both went to fetch fish by the nearby waterfall and they saw Sinbad floating beneath the waterfall meditating. Tatsumi had never seen Sinbad fly so he was shocked but Akame had gotten used to Sinbad's powers.

Sinbad was meditating to increase his chakra reserves and was using ki by flying to refine his ki control. Sinbad noticed Akame and Tatsumi looking at him so he walked over.

Sinbad: Tatsumi, Akame, you here to fish?

Akame: Yes.

Sinbad: Well you better catch loads! Well I need to go guys see you at dinner. *wink*

Sinbad flew away while Tatsumi was still reeling from the fact that Sinbad could fly. Akame had already begun her fish hunting. By the time they got back and prepared dinner Sinbad was laughing at Tatsumi for only catching two fish.

Tatsumi: Sinbad it's not funny.

Sinbad: Well catching fish isn't for everyone.

Leone: I heard you tore your clothes off and yelled, "Bring it on!".

Akame: You're still far too naive.

Sinbad: She's right Tatsumi.

Najenda: Then, Leone, let's hear your job.

Leone explained that there were two targets, Orge of the imperial police and Gamal an oil merchant. Gamal had been paying Orge a huge amount in bribes. Therefore every time Gamal commits a crime, Orge fabricates lies so he can frame another. One victim claimed that her fiance was framed and sentenced to death due to Orge's lies.

Leone: Here's the payment.

Tatsumi: That's quite a lot…

Leone: I sensed pain… She probably sold her body many times to earn this.

Sinbad: A woman should never have to go through that…

Najenda: Well have you verified the case?

Leone: I checked with my own eyes and ears. They're guilty.

Sinbad: Then Night Raid accepts this case. We need to wash away this plague before it gets worse.

Najenda: Are you the boss?

Sinbad: Sorry… *chuckle*

Leone: The merchant, Gamal, should be easy. But Ogre will be a formidable opponent. Ogre… The Demon. He's a highly skilled swordsman that even criminals fear. Normally, he's surrounded by lackeys, and is rarely alone. Additionally, he's cautious. When accepting the hush money, he invites Gamal into his room. When he's off duty, he drinks on Main Street.

Tatsumi: It seems when he's off duty is the only time to strike.

Najenda: But the police are strict in the vicinity of the palace. It would be dangerous for someone like Akame, whose face is publicly known.

Sinbad: Well I can go.

Leone: Me too!

Tatsumi: Yeah me too!

Sinbad: Then it's settled. Me and Leone go after the merchant while Tatsumi goes for Ogre.

Tatsumi: That's right… What?!

Sinbad: It'll be good experience for you. Plus aren't you good with a sword? *smile*

Tatsumi: That's right! I'll do it.

Najenda: Alright Sinbad and Leone will got after Gamal. Tatsumi, Ogre is left up to you.

Sinbad left the kitchen to train while the rest got ready. As Sinbad was leaving Tatsumi caught up with him.

Tatsumi: Sinbad!

Sinbad: What's wrong Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: Could you train me?

Sinbad: Sure but you'll have to train with my clone.

Tatsumi: That's fine with me.

Sinbad: We'll start tomorrow. Get ready for the mission.

Night fell, and the mission began. Leone and Sinbad were sneaking around the mansion where Gamal was. Sinbad just walked out in the open because due to Instant Mastery his stealth was at the apex. Leone was shocked no one noticed Sinbad despite walking right beside the guards. Sinbad just gave her the hush sign as they finally found Galam who was walking out from the 'bathroom'.

Galam: Whew! Now that I feel refreshed from the 'bathroom', perhaps I'll ask to have another go...

Leone crept up on Galam and got him into chokehold.

Leone: Yeah. I'll give you another go, Gamal!

Sinbad appeared in front of him and ripped his heart out with no hesitation. He crushed it right in front of Gamal's eyes and blood splashed everywhere. Sinbad was fine but Leone was covered in blood.

Leone: You idiot! Why didn't you just stab him!?

Sinbad: *laugh* Sorry I didn't think about that…

Leone: Sinbad!

Sinbad: Okay I'll clean you up. Suiton: Teppodama!

Sinbad blasted Leone in water and left her soaking wet. Leone looked at Sinbad like she wanted to kill him.

Leone: Sinbad! That's it I'm going to kill you!

Sinbad: Leone don't make too much noise.

Sinbad walked up to Leone and before Leone could punch him, Sinbad took off his jacket and placed it around Leone. They were so close that they could feel each other's hot breath.

Sinbad: Although I did drench you in water on purpose…

Leone: Sinbad!

Sinbad: … It was quite the sight. *smile*

Leone: This isn't the time to sweet talk me. *glare*

Sinbad: Sorry. *chuckle* Let's go back to base.

Sinbad disposed of the body by burning it and they both returned to base. They waited for Tatsumi to come back and he did.

Najenda: I commend you for successfully eliminating the target. Thanks.

Tatsumi: What do you think, Akame? Completed the report, and finished the task. I made it through without a scratch… Come, let me hear your approval!

Akame then stripped him and examined his body. Tatsumi was screaming like a little girl while Sinbad just laughed at him.

Akame: Thank goodness. A friend once died because he was too proud to report his wounds, and they were poisoned. I'm glad to see you weren't wounded. First missions have a high mortality rate… You've done well!

Tatsumi: Th-Thanks…

Sinbad: Where's my thanks Akame-chan. *pout*

Akame: Sinbad it's impossible to see you get hurt.

Leone: That's right! A training freak like you who only likes to fight.

Sinbad: That's not true. I like other things too besides fighting.

Leone: What do you like then?

Sinbad: If I had to say…

Sinbad turned his face directly to Leone. Leone was dumbfounded and felt a little warm. Sinbad smiled and looked into her eyes. He leaned into her ear and whispered.

Sinbad: I like you…

This made Leone overload and heat up. Sinbad pulled his head away and laughed while Akame thanked him by hugging him. Their relationship was similar to brother and sister as they shared the same interests and that they had no parents. Najenda smiled at the scene and chuckled looking at Leone malfunctioning. Tatsumi learnt his lesson from today's mission and apologised to Akame from misunderstanding her intentions.

The day ended and everyone left apart from Leone who was struggling to comprehend what Sinbad said. "I like you" just kept replaying inside her head and didn't know whether he was joking or not because she had never seen Sinbad being serious. However Sinbad was sincere when he said those words and being a person with no love experience she didn't know what to do or how to respond. She decided that she'll just go with the flow.