
Sinbad and the others were running in the forest after finding out there were intruders near their base.

Najenda: How many intruders, and where are they?

Lubbock: According to my barrier's signal, apparently eight.

Sinbad: From what I can see there are eight in the vicinity.

Sinbad was using his Sharingan more often because he hadn't used it that much, so he wanted to get used to them instead of relying on his instincts all the time to detect or fight opponents.

Najenda: I have to commend them for sniffing this place out. They're probably assassins from one of the surrounding tribes. Move out. Do not let any escape.

All of them separated as Sinbad went with Akame. But he didn't have to because after they encountered the intruders she killed them in the blink of an eye. Sinbad just shook his head in disappointment as he didn't get to fight.

Sinbad: You could at least leave one, Akame-chan.

Akame: Sinbad nii-san it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

Sinbad recently had been able to convince Akame to call him Nii-san which made him happy. Akame was happy because it was like she had a real family member. What made her more reassured was the fact that Sinbad promised her that he would always stay alive for her and take care of her. This made her tear up because there was finally someone that could look over her.

She told Sinbad about her sister and her past which she felt worried about telling him, but he didn't care about any of that and promised Akame to bring Kurome back to her.

Sinbad got really close to Sheele and Mine also. With Sheele he thought of ways to help alleviate her clumsiness because he saw that she wasn't skilled at anything apart from killing. However Sinbad had underestimated her clumsiness and couldn't find a solution. He decided in the near future to help her when he had a solution.

With Mine, it seemed she had a little crush on Sinbad because he would always call her beautiful and compliment her like a gentleman. Unlike Tatsumi and Lubbock who made fun of her flat chest.

Sinbad and Bulat have become real brothers-in-arms. They would always train together when they had the chance. Lubbock had tainted Tatsumi with some of his perverseness and he tried to do so with Sinbad but he wasn't falling for any of it.

Sinbad and Najenda had always had an ambiguous relationship. They would always act intimate in some sort of way in front of the others and not care, like they were husband and wife. Their relationship could be described as an intimate working relationship in the eyes of Sinbad.

This however made Leone feel complicated. She didn't know whether Sinbad liked her or not and seeing him act intimately with Najenda left a bad taste in her mouth. But what she didn't realise was that she acted the most intimate with Sinbad. They would always bathe together and one time she even slept in his bed. Leone being the bone-head that she was, she thought that Sinbad let her do those things because he wasn't bothered but in reality he allowed her to do that stuff due to the fact that he liked her.

Now back to the situation at hand. A few more assassins fortunately made their through to the pent up Sinbad like a gift from God.

Sinbad: Finally! My time to shine.

Five of them saw Sinbad standing there like an idiot and charged at him. Sinbad just smirked and raised his sword towards the sky.

Sinbad: Bararaq. *smile*

Like a railgun, lightning smited down from the heavens at the five assassins. The lightning struck them and caused a massive explosion which caused the whole forest to rumble and tremble beneath its power. After the massive smoke cloud subsided there was nothing to be seen of the assassins but only a massive crater.

Akame was stunned by this power and knew that Sinbad stood at the very apex with very few rivals. Sinbad's explosion was heard by everyone in the forest. Night Raid knew it was Sinbad letting off some steam.

Sinbad: Man that felt good! *laugh* Although I didn't get to Djinn Equip it was still satisfying.

Najenda: Sinbad you need to control yourself sometimes. *sigh*

Sinbad: I can't help it. Sorry though. *chuckle*

Sinbad and Akame met with the others just after they cleaned up the rest of the intruders. They all went back to base to rest for the day.

Sinbad decided to upgrade his Sharingan to the Mangekyou Sharingan as he just remembered he could do so now given his ridiculous chakra reserves. With his Instant Mastery ability he had found a fast way to increase his chakra reserves so now he had chakra reserves comparable to the One Tailed Beast.

Sinbad supplied his Sharingan with loads of chakra which didn't hurt given the fact that Sinbad had incredible pain tolerance. He kept supplying chakra until he began to feel gradual changes in his eyes and eventually his eyes began rotating and new pattern was imprinted on his red eyes. This was the Mangekyou Sharingan. Well more like the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan as he didn't have to implant his family members eyes into his so he didn't have to suffer from the blindness effect.

Sinbad: Yes! Now I should test out its abilities.

Sinbad began testing out it's abilities and found that he could use most of the abilities seen in the anime like Amaterasu, Kamui, Tsukuyomi and Kotoamatsukami. Sinbad thought 'Kotoamatsukami could help me bring back Kurome for Akame.'

He found that he had his own abilities also, apart from the others in the anime. His left eye ability was called Time Lock. Time Lock allowed him to suspend anything in time for a period of time depending on their chakra reserves. As of now he can Time Lock someone for 10 seconds and that's given the fact that he had One Tailed Beast Chakra reserves.

Sinbad's other ability in his right eye was called Black Hole. Sinbad wanted to test it out so he flew into the sky so he didn't destroy the terrain and attract attention.

Sinbad: Black Hole!

Sinbad's right eye began rotating and turned void black. In front of him the space began distorting and spinning at a ridiculous speed. Then a black singularity formed and Sinbad could feel its galaxy breaking power but it instantly dissipated just as it formed. Sinbad's energy got sucked out of him and Sinbad was losing consciousness. Sinbad fainted and plummeted to the ground.

Sinbad thought just as he was about to fall 'This is going to leave a mark.' Just as he was about to crash land, someone was able to catch him time. Sinbad felt that he was in someone's embrace and the only thought running through his mind was 'Please don't be Bulat. Please may it be Leone or Najenda.'

A few hours later Sinbad woke up. He realised he wasn't in his room. He looked around and found that it was quite messy. There were women's clothing lying on the floor and Sinbad had a general idea of who's room it was. Sinbad turned his head to his left and found Leone sleeping by his side. Sinbad smiled and thanked the Gods that it wasn't Bulat that saved him. Sinbad stroked her hair to wake her up.

Leone felt someone stroking her hair and looked up to see Sinbad's caring smile. Leone immediately pounced on him and pulled him close. She hugged him tight in relief that he was okay. Sinbad placed his arms around her slowly and hugged her also.

Sinbad: Thank you. Even though I would've been fine.

Leone: Stop showing off.

Sinbad: But I'm being serious.

Leone: Yeah right but what if you really got hurt?

Sinbad: You would take care of me. *chuckle*

Leone: What makes you think I would take care of you?

Sinbad: I just know. *smile*

Sinbad moved his head and looked straight into her eyes. Leone could tell that Sinbad wasn't lying as his golden eyes didn't waver at all when he said that. All she saw were calm beautiful eyes that could see the flow of the world.

Sinbad: Let me thank you Leone.

Leone: How do you want to thank me? *smile*

Sinbad: This… *smirk*

Sinbad pressed his lips against hers before she could react. Leone was stunned but accepted the kiss. Sinbad got a bit more passionate as she didn't resist. Sinbad sneaked his tongue inside her mouth and started playing with her innocent tongue. Leone accepted his thanks fully and reciprocated everything he gave. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she wanted to taste more of Sinbad. They finished their make-out session after running out of breath. Sinbad looked at this seductress and almost couldn't hold himself back but he knew had to. Otherwise he would be moving to quickly.

Sinbad: How do you like my thanks? *smile*

Leone: I wouldn't mind a few more. *smile*

That was when he noticed someone peeking from the doorway. Sinbad saw Mine quietly watching them with a flushed expression.

Sinbad: Mine why are you hiding over there? *smile*

Mine: Sinbad! Ummm… I'm just came to get you and Leone. We have an important request so Boss wanted me to get you.

Sinbad: Okay we'll be there.

Mine scurried off as fast as she could. Sinbad and Leone laughed at her and got ready to go out. Sinbad was shirtless for some reason so he looked at Leone suspiciously.

Sinbad: Leone, why am I shirtless?

Leone: I checking if you were hurt…

Sinbad: But I would be bleeding if I was hurt.

Leone: I was just checking if you broke anything.

Sinbad: Whatever…

Sinbad got changed as Leone was looking at him like a cat in heat. Sinbad knew he had to tame this cat so he dashed towards her and pressed her against the wall.

Sinbad: You can't just get away with looking at me like that without me doing something in return, right? *smile*

Leone: What are you going to do about it? *smirk*

Sinbad suddenly locked lips with Leone and it was another hot fiery make-out session again. It was as if they couldn't stop. Sinbad's hands roamed across Leone's body as she moaned at the slight contact between her skin and his callous hands. He kneaded her breast making her moan in pleasure. Sinbad's sneaky hands made her way to her big supple ass and grabbed it tight making her squeak which made Sinbad chuckle.

They finally stopped before they went even further. Leone was a mess but she looked like a succubus by the way she was looking at Sinbad.

Sinbad: Now do you believe me when I said I liked you? *smile*

Leone: Yes I do. *smile*

Sinbad: We should go meet the others.

Leone: Let's go.

When they left the room they acted like nothing happened. Everyone was in the meeting hall while Mine was looking at Sinbad and Leone with a slightly red face.

Najenda: You guys, there's a new request. The target this time is a blood relative of the Prime Minister. A man named Iwokaru. Using the Minister's name, he abducts girls from the capital and beats them to death. His five bodyguards also share his guilt in this. This is an important mission… Everyone will attack!

Sinbad led the group while Mine and Tatsumi went to find a vantage point to assassinate Iwokaru. Everyone was in battle mode and waited for Iwokaru's guards. They all waited for the gunshot and soon enough the gunshot sounded. Finally the guards came across the group and could feel a mountainous pressure coming off Sinbad who was standing at the forefront.

Sinbad: Let's have some fun shall we? *smile*

Immediately the group went into action and the assassins stood no chance. Sheele cut one apart, Bulat punched one into blood mist, Akame decapitated one with her lightning quick sword and Leone crunched one head into mince meat. Sinbad and Lubbock didn't have to do anything and realised that there were only four guards.

Leone: That was so refreshing!

Sheele: They were quite weak.

Akame: There should've been five guards.

Sinbad: The last one must've went for Mine and Tatsumi.

Lubbock: I didn't even get to kill one of them. *pout*

Leone: That means half of your reward goes away, Lubbock?

Lubbock: Nee-san!

Akame: Let's go.

The group ran over to the meeting point and found Mine and Tatsumi arguing. They found that they were fine and went back to the base. They got their rewards from the Boss and went back to their rooms.

As soon as Leone made sure the coast was clear she pulled Sinbad to the side and began kissing him like no tomorrow. Sinbad teleported him and her back to her room with Kamui. She was surprised but she didn't have time for that as she was too infatuated with what was happening.

Sinbad: Couldn't you wait until we made it to your room?

Leone: I couldn't hold myself back.

They carried on kissing but didn't take it all the way as it was too early in their relationship. They stopped kissing before they were exhausted and before Sinbad was about to lose himself even more.

They slept the night away and it was a brand new morning. Sinbad went to train with Bulat and Tatsumi. Bulat specifically trained with Tatsumi and they had their little BL moment where Bulat was hugging him from behind which Sinbad ignored to the best of his abilities.

Sinbad was training his magic because he had neglected it as of late. He decided to train Furfur's magic. Furfur was the Djinn of Ecstasy and Rending Darkness.

Sinbad: Tamazuq Alzalam!

A ball of darkness manifested into existence hovering above his hand. It was almost life-like in the manner that it moved in, as it breathed and squirmed. Sinbad flicked his fingers and the ball of darkness flew quickly into the sky erasing any forms of light in its wake. Sinbad clenched his fist and then the ball of darkness exploded but there was no sound. Darkness began engulfing the sky completely covering the training grounds voiding it of any light. Bulat and Tatsumi suddenly couldn't see anything as if something robbed them of their sight and senses. Sinbad thought 'This is pretty overpowered but let me see if this could be cancelled out'.

Sinbad: Bararaq!

Sinbad aimed his sword at the sky and blast of lightning shot towards the sky shattering the darkness into pieces. Sinbad thought 'So only magic of the same level can negate the darkness.'

When the shroud of darkness disappeared Sinbad saw Tatsumi hugging Bulat really hard.

Akame who didn't notice the disturbance earlier then called them for breakfast which saved Sinbad from Tatsumi and Bulat's BL moment. Akame and Tatsumi made breakfast for everyone. Sinbad as usual had 10 bowls for breakfast but what made Akame and Tatsumi suspicious was the fact that Leone was feeding Sinbad. Although they suspected Sinbad and Leone to have an intimate relationship this further confirmed it for them.

Later in the day, Najenda gathered the group for a meeting.

Najenda: This time, our target is the slasher we keep hearing about in the capital. Late at night he suddenly appears, and chops off the victim's head. It's unknown how many dozens of people he has killed so far.

Tatsumi: And three of those killed were part of the imperial guard, right? He's gotta be strong to do that.

Lubbock: There's no mistake, it has to be Zank the Beheader.

Sinbad: Who's that?

Mine: You don't know Sinbad?

Sheele: Pardon me, but I don't know either.

Tatsumi: Me too. So, what kind of monster is he?

Mine: Zank the Beheader. He originally worked at the empire's greatest prison as their executioner. Because of the Prime Minister… There were many people to be executed. Day after day, again and again. He took the heads of those on their knees pleading for their lives. It seems that after years of this, these beheadings became a nasty habit of his.

Sinbad: Makes sense that he would turn out like that then.

Bulat: He disappeared right around the time that a detainment force was sent out to find him… Who would think he'd be in the capital?

Sinbad: Well we have to stop him before he continues doing anymore harm to innocent people. Suit up and let's go.