Zank the Beheader

Everyone was split up roaming the roads of the capital. Sinbad was strolling on the streets as the capital city guards ran past him not even noticing him. As he was walking he felt someone's gaze on him and knew it was Zank. Although Sinbad could walk unhindered without being noticed normally, people like Zank with a Teigu like the Omnipotent Five Sights: Spectator could easily spot Sinbad. Sinbad was acting like nice innocent pray for Zank, so he could fight him.

Sinbad looked up in front of him and noticed a large man with blonde hair and an eyeball on his forehead smiling at him. Sinbad was thinking 'He probably thinks I'm under his illusion.'

Sinbad: Hey buddy your illusions don't work on me.

Zank was shocked that was the case. Even if someone was stronger than him they would still be under his illusion. He now knew he had encountered a hidden monster. He tried using Clear sight to see through his clothes and see whether he had a treasure on him but only saw jewellery on him. He furrowed his eyebrows but looked even more excited as he found a worthy opponent.

Zank: Interesting, interesting. It seems that my illusions don't work on you whatsoever. You must be strong, really strong. Tell me your name pretty boy?

Sinbad: The name is Sinbad the High King of the Seven Seas.

Zank: You can call me Zank the Beheader.

Sinbad: Well nice to meet you Zank. *smile*

Zank: Nice to meet you too Sinbad. Now shall we dance?

Sinbad: *smile* We shall.

Zank readied himself unsheathing his blades while Sinbad just raised his hand as his ring on his middle finger glowed. A shiny purple like serpent wrapped around Sinbad in a ring. It had golden swords adorned with red jewels attached to the face of the sword. As well as a beautiful diamond encrusted golden crown. Zank was confused by this power but instead was excited. Sinbad saw his excitement and shook his head because Zank underestimated his power.

Zank charged towards Sinbad in laughter while Sinbad waved his hand gently like a petal floating in the wind.

Sinbad: Ken no Hana

Suddenly five swords embedded on the serpent shot out towards Zank at a ridiculous speed. Zank could easily to determine their trajectory and charged even more confidently. Zank swung his two blades heavily towards the incoming sword and clashed with it. As soon as sword came Zank collided with it causing the ground beneath Zank shattered to pieces under the impact.

Zank was especially surprised and had underestimated the power behind the sword. But before he could think any further the other four swords were zooming towards him. Zank hurriedly clashed with the incoming swords. Zank slashed at the swords at an incredible speed with sparks flying. Sinbad decided to up the speed and waved his hand once again.

Zank saw that the swords got even faster and roared clashing with the swords at lightning speed. Zank was fighting for his life as he waved his blades at inhuman speeds. While Zank was fighting with his life on the line, Sinbad was casually waving his hand but with a purpose similar to a conductor leading an orchestra. Sinbad was gradually getting more and more into it as the swords attacked even faster.

Sinbad: Vepar Samfunia.

Sinbad was waving his arms gracefully as the blades got even faster following the rhythm of his conducting. This was Sinbad's new magic. Zank was being overwhelmed as the waves of sword blades rushed at him. Zank was being cut up as he had no answer to fight back. He got frustrated and waved his blades manically running towards Sinbad. However he was being pushed back further and further by the force of the swords. It was as if a petal storm was raging at him. Sinbad was guiding the swords as the music was reaching its climax. Sinbad waved his arms more furiously as the swords were infused with more magoi. The Rukh around Sinbad became noticeable as more and more of them gathered around Sinbad listening to his musical piece.

Zank was shocked and stared at the gentle handsome man with anger and rage. He couldn't do a single thing to him. He couldn't touch him. He was blinded by his rage and as a result was distracted. Sinbad took this chance to end it as he waved his arm down furiously. The swords around Zank gathered and fused into a huge golden blade. A pressure wrapped around Zank as the sword descended onto Zank. Zank wanted to move but he couldn't move a muscle as he watched helplessly as the golden sword gave its final judgement.

It was ironic for Zank as his other moniker was the executioner yet now he was the one being executed. The sword eventually landed onto Zank's body cleaving him in half. Blood and guts spilled out onto the floor as the battle ended. Sinbad looked down on Zank's body and grabbed the Teigu and smiled.

Sinbad: Mission complete.

Sinbad teleported back to base through Kamui and went into the meeting room. He saw that everyone was safe and sound so he didn't have to worry about anything. The crew knew that Sinbad was fighting Zank and just went back to base to await his return.

Najenda: You took a while Sinbad. *smile*

Sinbad: I was just having some fun with Zank. *chuckle*

Mine: Sounds like you did have fun.

Sinbad: He wasn't that strong anyway so there wasn't anything to worry about.

Najenda: Anyway, good job everyone. Oh Sinbad and Sheele will take care of Tatsumi's training next.

Tatsumi: Really!?

Najenda: Learn well from the two of them Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Yes! I will.

Leone: Looks like someone is excited. *giggle*

Tatsumi: Of course I am!

Sinbad: Well be ready then. I'm calling it night, good night everyone.

Everyone bid each other sweet dreams and went to their rooms. Sinbad and Leone went to her room and started making out before heading to bed. Sinbad thought 'I should really take her on a date soon. Maybe when things settle down a little bit.'

Sinbad was looking for Sheele and was confused. He found Mine walking around so he approached her.

Sinbad: Mine, where is Sheele?

Mine: She's in Tatsumi's room.

Sinbad: Why? Wait don't answer that. Thanks Mine. *smile*

Mine: It was nothing Sinbad. *blush*

Sinbad: Then see you then.

Mine: Wait Sinbad, are you and Leone together? *twiddles fingers*

Sinbad: Yeah we are.

Mine: Does anyone else know?

Sinbad: Just you but keep it a secret for me, okay? *smile*

Mine: Okay Sinbad.

Sinbad: Good, see you later.

Sinbad walked to Tatsumi's room and found Sheele sleeping on the side of Tatsumi's bed. Sinbad shook his head and chuckled. He walked over to Sheele and stroked her head to wake her up. Sheele being the airhead that she was, was mumbling gibberish in her sleep. She woke up and noticed Sinbad was there. She saw Sinbad smiling at her and realised that she dozed off on the job. Her glasses fell off but Sinbad caught them in time. Sinbad kneeled down and gently placed her glasses on her face. Sheele was always taken care of but never in this manner. Although she became friends with Sinbad and he helped her to try alleviate her clumsiness, it was now that she realised how good looking Sinbad actually was. His beautiful golden eyes and soft gentle smile can put any girl under his spell.

Sinbad: Sheele, you should be more careful. *smile* Well since we're going to be working together, I'll take care of you.

Sheele: Thank you Sinbad. *blush*

Sinbad: No problem, it's my job to help beautiful women like you anyway.

That was when Tatsumi woke up and saw the intimate moment between Sinbad and Sheele. He just stayed silent until Sinbad turned his head to Tatsumi and smiled. Tatsumi thought 'He really is good looking.'

Sinbad: Tatsumi you ready for today?

Tatsumi: I'm ready Sinbad.

Sinbad: We're going to focus building your body strength before doing anything else. Any ideas Sheele?

Sheele: We can Tatsumi swim upstream while having the gravity seal on.

Sinbad: Good then let's go.

Tatsumi: What about breakfast?

Sinbad: You missed your chance. *smile* Let's go.

Sinbad's eyes changed colour which scared Tatsumi and Sheele because the air around Sinbad got colder. Sinbad grabbed their hands and then the space around began distorting and spinning before they realised that they arrived at the riverside. Tatsumi and Sheele were instantly surprised and were in awe of Sinbad's ability.

Tatsumi: Sinbad how do you do that?

Sinbad: It's an ability called Kamui. It can teleport me anywhere and make my body intangible. It's more complicated than that, but that's the basic premise.

Sheele: That's amazing Sinbad.

Sinbad: Thanks Sheele. Well there are some weaknesses but if used correctly like direct ambushes and escapes, this ability is the best for that. Well let's get to training. What gravity multiplier do you use normally?

Tatsumi: 3x… *looks down*

Sinbad: Don't be upset, you gotta start somewhere. Well let's bump it up to 5x and then you can swim upstream.

Tatsumi: Okay.

Tatsumi turned up the gravity multiplier and instantly felt more heavier. Sinbad teleported him into the river and then his training began. Tatsumi didn't even have time to adjust to the new gravity and got thrown into the deep end.

Meanwhile in the conference room, everyone else apart from Bulat and Mine were chatting.

Lubbock: I'm wondering if it's really smart to put Sheele in charge of Tatsumi.

Najenda: It'll be fine. Sinbad is there anyway. He takes jobs seriously most of the time anyway despite messing around and having fun. Also he'll take care of Sheele.

Akame: That's right Sinbad nii-san, does take everything seriously when you ask him to do it.

Lubbock: Well it does make sense. Even though he is like the God of Destruction. He gets scary sometimes.

Najenda: If you had power similar to him, it would not be hard to cause any country to fall. We should be grateful that he isn't the type to crave for power.

Leone: Although it's quite funny when he introduces himself as the High King of the Seven Seas. *laugh*

Lubbock: Yeah what is up with that?

Akame: Sinbad nii-san said that in the past he was part of a merchant group that formed international relations with different powers from the seven seas. He then came up with the idea to build his own country but he put that on hold for some reason.

Lubbock: He's so mysterious.

Najenda: Well enough of that, everyone get back to work.

Back at the river, Tatsumi managed to swim upstream and made it to where Sheele and Sinbad were. Sinbad and Sheele were talking about his adventures and the dungeons and people he had met. Of course he had used the anime/manga and the memories of Sinbad to tell these stories. Sheele enjoyed all the tales and trips Sinbad had experienced. It almost too good to be true but Sinbad told her that the places that he went to suffered from similar problems the people in this country faced.

Sinbad: Sheele although this world is filled with beauty and wonder there is always the malefic and demonic. Light and dark. Yin and Yang. A balance that can be interchangeable. Light can be dark and the dark can be light.

Sinbad turned his head and saw Sheele deeply pondering his words. Sinbad smiled and left her to her enlightenment. He saw Tatsumi finally make it and chuckled.

Tatsumi: I'm going to die…

Sinbad: You can't die just yet Tatsumi. *chuckle*

Sheele: Sinbad I only understand a little bit.

Sinbad: Really?! Good job. To be honest I was just speaking my mind. I didn't expect you to get anything out of it Sheele. You're really smart Sheele to gain something from that. *smile*

Sheele: Thanks Sinbad but you're the smart one. *blush*

Sinbad: Don't say that. I just said something on the spot without much thought but you being able to comprehend something, is amazing.

Sheele: Thanks Sinbad. But normally I'm useless at everything...

Tatsumi: Sheele, don't you have a job in the base like cleaning or something?

Sheele: No…

Tatsumi: Why?

Sheele: I got the normally cool Akame angry when I tried to cook. When I tried to do the cleaning, all I did was make a bigger mess for Bulat to clean up. When I did the shopping, I mistook salt for sugar. Leone couldn't stop laughing.

Sinbad: I got to discipline that woman later...

Sheele: And when I tried to do the laundry… I carelessly washed Mine with the clothes.

Tatsumi: For some reason, I don't mind about that last one.

Sinbad: Why are you in this line of work, Sheele?

Sheele described that she grew up in the lower district of the capital. When she was younger, she was always clumsy and that there was nothing that she could be proud of. People have insulted her for this for her entire life yet there was one person that was willing to be her friend. She was a true friend who never treated her like she was useless and Sheele found that those moments with her were the happiest moments of her life. Until one day, her ex-boyfriend who was high on drugs grabbed her throat and started choking her. Sheele ended up killing that man to save her friend. Sheele was strangely calm while her friend was shaking.

They were no longer friends after that event while left Sheele alone. Not long after, her friend's ex-boyfriend's mates wanted revenge but she killed them. Sheele then realised that she was a very talented killer and thought this was her use to the world.

Sheele: Not long after that… I was scouted by the revolutionary army to carry out assassinations in the capital.

Tatsumi: And that's why you came up with this assassination training curriculum, huh…?

Sheele: Correct, because I didn't have the fighting skills of someone like you.

Sinbad saw that in her eyes that there was this emptiness like she had lost something. It was as if she wasn't aware of it at all. Sinbad walked over to Sheele and hugged her close to his chest. This surprised Sheele and Tatsumi. Tatsumi knew Sinbad was going to say something to her so he left quietly.

Sinbad: Sheele, never feel like you're useless to anyone or this world.

Sheele: But I am…

Sinbad: *chuckle* Sheele, in this team you're irreplaceable. You're part of this family now. We're here to support you and no matter how useless you consider yourself to be then we as your family will cover for you no matter what. And I'm sure you'll do the same for us. I mean look at how useless Tatsumi is. *laugh*

Tatsumi was hiding behind the tree listening to their conversation and was moved by Sinbad's words until he heard Sinbad he was useless. He got angry and got out from behind the tree.

Tatsumi: I'm not useless!

Sinbad: Anyway, although killing is your greatest strength Sheele, all we need to do is to find another new strength of yours. We'll be right there to find it with you. Remember you're not alone anymore and there'll be more of us in the future like Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: That's right Sheele, you're not alone! Even though your friend abandoned you, we won't leave you even if the sky is falling we'll be there with you to support it.

Sinbad: Nicely put Tatsumi. Now do you feel a little better?

Sheele: Yes! Thank you Sinbad and Tatsumi. I'll find something I'm good at eventually.

Sinbad: Awesome! Let's eat I'm hungry.

Everyone laughed and the days passed by. Sheele looked more happy and lively than before which became apparent in the eyes of the other members. This made them happy also, because it was they saw that Sheele was genuinely happy. Leone thought Sinbad seduced Sheele that made her happy which got her a nice spank on her big ass from Sinbad. Sinbad just told her that if something happens then it happens like it did with him and her. Leone didn't mind that Sinbad had other women because Sinbad loved her anyway.

Everyone was gathered in the conference room because Najenda called them over.

Najenda: The Teigu we took from Zank… I want you to try using it.

Tatsumi: Really!? No else wants it!?

Bulat: It's one Teigu per person.

Lubbock: Because it takes considerable mental and physical strength to control them.

Tatsumi: What about Sinbad?

Sinbad: I don't need one.

Tatsumi: Then what do you have?

Sinbad: Pick a number from 1-7.

Tatsumi: Why?

Sinbad: Just pick one.

Tatsumi: Then number one.

Sinbad: Let me show you… *smile*

Sinbad unsheathed his sword which began to glow and a dark purple aura surrounded the sword. A heavy beating sound could be heard which sounded like a heartbeat coming from Sinbad's arm. Sinbad's clothes ripped as scales manifested as his body grew.

Sinbad: Dwell in me and turn me into a great demon!

Najenda: I-Is this D-Djinn equip?

Akame: This is his other Djinn…

Sinbad's body boomed with lightning as his aura became tangible and surrounded Sinbad's body. He looked even more wild and ferocious in this form. His body radiated a limitless power. The ladies in the room especially Leone got a bit turned on looking at him. Sinbad took on the appearance of a dragon and got two horns, a jewel on his forehead, an elaborate necklace along with blue scale-like armour over parts of his body and a long tail. Tatsumi felt that he was looking a monster above a danger beast.

Sinbad: Covering yourself in the powers of the Djinn, and turning yourself into a demon. This Djinn Equip itself is where you release the full power of a Djinn. There are also Household Vessels which can utilise the Djinn's powers.

Najenda: How do you acquire Household Vessels?

Sinbad: You can either help a Dungeon Capturer through a dungeon or have a strong connection with the Dungeon Capturer.

Akame: So that means we can use your power…

That was when everyone realised that they can also enhance their combat powers if they're able to have a Household Vessel.

Leone: Then how come I don't have one? *pout*

Sinbad: *laugh* I don't know but it comes to chance. Don't worry in the near future, you'll probably have a Household Vessel.

Sinbad retracted back to his normal form and somehow his clothes were just fine despite being ripped apart. Everyone now knew that there was a chance they could have a Household Vessel in the future however they knew they couldn't force it. Tatsumi tried the Teigu Spectator but it rejected him. Sinbad tried it for fun and he was in for a treat.

Sinbad saw all the ladies in their lingerie.