The Three Beasts!

Sinbad now had a whole slew of enemies coming after him, after announcing his existence. He knew Esdeath and especially the Prime Minister won't let him live any longer. Sinbad thought 'Although I'm confident enough to take on Esdeath, you can never be too precarious of a monster like her. So I better prepare some cards if things don't go according to plan'

Sinbad flew away from the base and decided to train his magic which was his strongest asset at the moment on an abandoned island just in case he got too excited and ended up destroying the place. Sinbad arrived at an island uninhabited by any living thing even danger beasts. Sinbad landed and thought out the day, before he remembered that the former Prime Minister Chouri was going to be assassinated by the Three Beasts given the fact that Esdeath would've probably returned by now after conquering the North and his arrival in the Empire.

Sinbad sent a clone to the outskirts of the capital to monitor the area to see if this was the case. After he did that, he decided to create some magic using Crocell's powers. Crocell was the Djinn of Pride and Leadership.

Sinbad's golden bracelet glowed and a ring of resplendent orbs formed behind Sinbad. Sinbad grasped his hand in the air and burst of Rukh formed to create a sabre. He used his Rukh manipulation as well as his Djinn powers to mold and create a sabre. He had a radiant golden aura surrounding him. Sinbad looked more holy and released a prideful air similar to a Lion.

Sinbad waved the long sabre in his hand to get used to it. His body quickly acclimated the long Sabre as Sinbad decided to infuse one of the orbs into the sabre and see what happened. Sinbad manipulated the orb to float to his hand. The orb acted playful as Sinbad played with it in his hand. Sinbad then grabbed it firmly and fused it into the sabre.

There was resistance as the orb slowly got absorbed into the sabre. The sabre glowed brightly under Sinbad's gaze. Sinbad grasped the hilt of the sabre with two hands and readied it in front of him. He stared at the empty forest and slashed downwards slowly as there was a clear resistance from the air and space.

As the sword was descending, the air around it was shining bright red as if it was molten lava. It was getting harder to descend as Sinbad put more strength behind it. Eventually Sinbad completed the slash but nothing happened after a few seconds. Sinbad was disappointed but was floored the next second.

The space that he had slashed gleamed brightly as if the sun had just appeared and burst into yellow flames that erupted in size until it pierced the clouds. The sabre slash then ruptured from it's position and blasted off eradicating the forest that was in it's way. The ground wasn't left untouched as the sabre slash seeped deep into the ground leaving behind an ever growing ravine as the slash zoomed off into the distance.

Sinbad saw as it travelled at the speed of a fighter jet and watched as it detonated in the distance in a splendour of flames. The entire forest began catching fire as Sinbad looked on at its destruction. The slash had travelled a good few miles before it exploded. Sinbad thought 'This is probably one of my most destructive magic along side Baal's magic. The scary thing is I wasn't even in my Djinn Equip form.'

Sinbad decided to call the magic "Heavens Asunder" which was very fitting granted the slash seemed like it could split the world apart. He came to the decision to only use this move weather it be in weapon equip or Djinn equip when he's in danger.

Sinbad proceeded to come up with a movement type of magic. Obviously the Djinn that came to mind was Focalor who commanded wind. Sinbad easily came up with a movement spell which he called Zephyr's Gale. He basically formed wings made of air that was attached to his ankles similar to Hermes the Messenger God. Sinbad could move extremely fast as long as he channelled enough Magoi into his air wings.

Sinbad decided to also create a defensive type of magic using Furfur. Sinbad used the idea of creating a shadow scythe and when he ripped the air in front of him darkness would occupy that space and engulf projectile attacks. Sinbad focused and clutched his hand in the air. The Rukh then burst into a dark abyssal like scythe which he called Azura's call. He summoned a clone and had it cast a jutsu and attack Sinbad.

The clone formed hand signs in a blue and used Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu. A massive fire dragon roared as it approached Sinbad. Sinbad smirked and slashed Azura's call at the space in front of it. A shroud of darkness shielded the front of Sinbad as the dragon made its way. The dragon made it to Sinbad but disappeared into the darkness. Sinbad laughed as this was extremely OP as it could be used offensively and defensively.

That was when Sinbad's clone had dissipated and Sinbad had got information that the Former Prime Minister was in the outskirts of the capital. Sinbad smirked as he disappeared from where he stood.

Sinbad arrived on top of roof as the snow fell quietly. He realised he was in a deprived village and his heart ached but he regained his composure and knew that the future was going to be bright soon. He was looking around and saw the carriage carrying the Former Prime Minister and his daughter Spear.

He looked down the road and saw the Three Beasts. Sinbad smirked and conjured Azura's Call in his hand. The carriage spotted the Three Beasts and halted in its tracks. The guards escorting the carriage got their weapons out and charged towards the three along side Spear.

They all charged in but it was all for naught because they sliced in half by Daidara's Teigu: Belvaac. Spear got cut in the abdomen and knew she was in big trouble when a gale of wind appeared in front of her. Daidara and the rest of the Three Beasts didn't even notice him coming.

Spear saw the broad back of the person in front of her and knew he was strong. Naturally this man was of course Sinbad. His pitch black scythe greatly contrasted with his kingly look.

Sinbad: Do you mind if I join in? *smirk*

Liver: Who are you?

Sinbad: Me? Oh I'm Sinbad.

Three Beasts: Sinbad!

They instantly pulled out their weapons in caution of the man in front of them. Despite his innocent looks right now, the scythe he was holding was radiating a horrific and deathly aura. They all heard of what happened in the capital and knew this man was no joke given the various eye witness accounts of his power on full display.

Sinbad: What's up with the hostile stares?

Nyau: Liver let's do this.

Liver: Yes. Sinbad you better be ready.

Sinbad: Why wouldn't I be ready?

As soon as he finished his sentence Daidara came at him from the side swinging his axe. Sinbad effortlessly blocked him with his scythe. Liver saw this and charged at Sinbad with his sword while Nyau began blowing on his flute to manipulate Sinbad's emotions.

Sinbad's face remained unfazed as he vanished from the spot causing Daidara to fall over and Liver to be stunned by his sudden disappearance. Sinbad appeared behind Nyau ominously like a ghost. Nyau felt his hairs go up as he felt Sinbad's deathly aura envelope him. He couldn't move a muscle. Sinbad swung his scythe like hitting a baseball and off went Nyau's head erupting into a fountain of blood.

Liver: NYAU!

Liver rushed over in rage as Daidara did the same, pincering Sinbad from both sides. Sinbad chuckled in their despair as he ran to Liver. Liver saw him running towards him and nodded Daidara to backstab Sinbad from behind. Sinbad continued on despite noticing their easily noticeable gazes to each other. Sinbad smiled in amusement as a magic circle appeared on the scythe.

Sinbad: Azura's Dusk!

Sinbad swung his scythe at Liver and out came darkness. The darkness arrived to quickly over Liver before he could react and was swallowed completely. Sinbad then vanished just as Daidara threw his Teigu at Sinbad. Sinbad appeared above him and unsheathed his sword lightning clad its blade.

Sinbad: Bararaq!

Lightning suddenly smited Daidara from above like a heavenly tribulation. Daidara screamed in agony as the lightning roasted him alive inside and out, inevitably turning into ashes. Spear watched all of this unfold and not even three minutes had passed. She instantly admired the man in front of her and ran to him to thank him. Of course her father watched the whole thing also and went out to thank Sinbad.

Spear: Thank you so much!

Sinbad: No problem. *smile*

Chouri: Thanks as well good sir!

Sinbad: Like I said, it was no problem. So what are you going to do now?

Chouri: I don't know... We don't know who sent these men.

Sinbad: Those three were Esdeath's men and were probably ordered by her to kill you and seeing the Night Raid posters that they have, they were probably planning to frame Night Raid for killing officials. It's getting two birds with one stone. Getting rid of political opponents while further degrading Night Raid in the eyes of the public. There could only be one man that could think of this...

Chouri: Honest. *clenches fist*

Sinbad: Well I got to go. I hope you take care of yourselves and don't be too naive to think that Honest wouldn't pull off a stunt like this again.

Sinbad grabbed Nyau's head and the three Teigus and teleported back to base. Sinbad went to the storage room and got a bag to put Nyau's head in. Sinbad thought 'I hope Esdeath likes this little gift I'm going to give her.' as he smiled sadistically.

Seryu and Mine found Sinbad smiling creepily while holding a bloody bag and quickly ran away. Sinbad heard them run away and smiled worriedly thinking that he was turning into Esdeath. Sinbad decided not to go through with it because it wasn't him and burnt it. He thought 'I wouldn't be any better than Esdeath if I did this.' He slapped himself for thinking like that and resolved to become a person that doesn't revel in revenge like sending back the heads of his enemies to their base.

Sinbad went to find Najenda to report what he found today to her. Sinbad found Najenda with her hair wet having a bath. She was drying her hair with her towel not to notice the creeping up Sinbad. Sinbad slithered his arms smoothly around Najenda's waist as she quietly squeaked in surprise.

Sinbad: Najenda, your senses are getting dull. *chuckle*

Najenda: If it was anyone else but you, no one would've had the chance to get close.

Sinbad: Well, I have some information to tell you.

Sinbad told her what happened to the Former Prime Minister and his encounter with the Three Beasts. Najenda clenched her fist knowing that Esdeath was back in the capital. Also the fact that Honest was having the Three Beasts attack political officials and frame Night Raid with posters claiming that they were the ones responsible. Najenda told him that she will gather more information on the matter and walked off before getting a kiss on the cheek for some encouragement from Sinbad. Sinbad also handed over the three Teigus for her to send to the revolutionary army.

The night after, everyone was gathered in the conference room after receiving Najenda's notice that there was an important meeting. Everyone saw Najenda's serious expression and knew there was an important matter to be discussed.

Najenda: Everyone is here. I have three pieces of bad news to relay... Listen carefully. First I can no longer contact the local team.

Tatsumi: Local team?

Akame: The Empire is vast. We specialise in carrying out assassinations in the capital. But there is another team that handles the areas around it.

Najenda: It's currently being investigated, but the likelihood that they are dead is high. So be prepared for that... For the time being, I think it may be necessary to strengthen security around the hideout.

Lubbock: Yeah, I'll increase the range of my threads.

Najenda: Secondly, Esdeath has finished conquering the North. And she has returned to the capital.

Akame: That was much faster than anyone thought it would be.

Lubbock: God, she's always causing so much trouble!

Najenda: It seems her army was left in the North to keep watch though.

Bulat: Then it's safe to say that she wasn't suddenly brought back to deal with the revolutionary army, right?

Sinbad: She probably came back to deal with me and Night Raid. Otherwise why would they let such a powerful general come back to the capital from the front lines.

Najenda: Sinbad's right. Sinbad you go to the capital and observe her movements.

Sinbad: Alright.

Najenda: And finally, there has been a strong of murders in the capital. The targets are civil officials. The deaths include deaths include 3 officials and 61 bodyguards. The problem is these posters claiming to be from Night Raid have been found at all the crime scenes.

Bulat: They're framing us for the crime? It's easy to see they're fakes, right...?

Tatsumi: But that's obvious, isn't it?

Sheele: I mean it's strange for us to even be claiming to be responsible.

Sinbad: However, there is still suspicion surrounding us given the first and the second cases. Luckily, I was there to prevent another case from happening.

Akame: Who was responsible then?

Sinbad: The Three Beasts, the personal guard of Esdeath.

Mine: What!?

Najenda: The Prime Minister probably ordered Esdeath to send her personal guard to carry out the dirty work in order to erase any political opposition. These are people that directly oppose the Prime Minister that were never associated with the Rebel Army but cared only cared for their country. These people are essential for building our new country.

Sinbad: Najenda's right on this one. There could be more assassins apart from the Three Beasts carrying out these murders so we must protect those targeted officials.

Najenda: Leading from that point, out of the five, only a few have plans to leave the capital soon. We have narrowed it down to two officials... Akame, Lubbock and Seryu... Tatsumi, Bulat and Sheele will provide protection for them.

Leone: What about me?

Mine: And me?

Najenda: You two stay. Meeting is adjourned, get ready for tomorrow.