
In the Capital, Sinbad was walking around in a new outfit. he looked more casual in comparison to his sailor outfit as he was wearing a casual shirt along with a black and grey jacket, black pants and a pair of black boots. Sinbad of course, was attracting loads of looks from the ladies as his new bad boy look awakened their womanly hormones.

Sinbad was out today, observing Esdeath which was the assignment given by Najenda but in reality Sinbad was going to confront her for the first time. Sinbad thought 'This is a good chance to have a good look at the so called Ice Queen.'

Sinbad walked down to Main Street, and saw that the people were bowing to a tall, beautiful and slender woman. She was wearing a General's attire and she had long light blue hair. It was easy for Sinbad to deduce who that woman was. It was Esdeath. She was strutting her way past the various shops waving to shop workers and shoppers. Sinbad thought 'Is she a super model or something? She's walking like she's on the cat walk' as he scratched his head which was attractive to the many women passing by or working. It was like he was the super model.

Sinbad saw her stop by a confectionery store getting bribed but immediately rejecting the shop owner. Sinbad walked over with gentle smile by his face towards Esdeath. The people on Main Street saw Sinbad walking over to Esdeath and thought 'What is that pretty boy doing!?' as they sweated and prayed for him.

Esdeath noticed Sinbad walking in her direction and didn't spare a glance thinking it was another one of those nobles that thought they could push their luck. That was when she heard this gentle soothing voice.

Sinbad: Sorry Miss, but could I sit here? *smile*

She turned her head in curiosity and was overcome with strange emotions that she had never felt before. His soul shackling golden eyes that seemed to see the unseen. His smile that left one feeling overwhelmed with a mystifying feeling that made one want to stare forever. Her white porcelain cheeks flushed an amorous red which warmed her ice cold aura. Sinbad saw that she was unresponsive and asked again.

Sinbad: Sorry Miss, are you okay?

Esdeath: Y-Yes I-I'm fine. *blush*

Sinbad: You look a little heated up. *furrows eyebrows*

Sinbad gently moved her bangs from her forehead and softly placed tender palm on her forehead. Esdeath was literally frozen by his action and couldn't respond. The people in the area were dumbfounded and kept silent wanting to watch the outcome. Esdeath felt something building up in her and thought 'Is this the so called butterflies in your stomach?' as she felt more nervous and heated up in his presence. Sinbad felt her face warming up and looked concerned which melted Esdeath's already melting heart even further.

Sinbad: Are you sure you're okay? You look like you have a fever.

Everyone thought 'How is that possible!?' Someone called the Ice Queen has a fever. They never attributed the fact that she heated up due to being nervous and shy so they thought that she genuinely had a fever and possibly a cold. They all knew this was big news but didn't have the balls to even say a word to those right next to them or their families back at home. Esdeath was too terrifying of an existence to them and if they were to say anything that tarnished her name then they would be wiped from the face of the Earth.

Esdeath was lost in her thoughts as she came to the conclusion that what she was feeling might possibly be love. Although she doesn't know much about this young man in front of her she believed that he ticked all the boxes of her criteria. He didn't seem like a fighter but possessed a deep well of untapped potential due to his radiating aura that seemed to come from a king. He was fearless enough to even confront her who was feared by the masses. He had tanned skin looking like he was raised outside the capital just like her. He had a youthful air so he was younger than her. And last but not least, his pure innocent smile that could melt any heart. Also his concern and worry for her was an added bonus. Esdeath snapped out of her daze when she suddenly realised that Sinbad was only a few centimetres away from her face.

Sinbad: Let me help you. *smile*

Sinbad's hand glowed with a magic circle as his hand got colder and frostier. Esdeath felt his warm hand slowly get colder. Esdeath was stunned and looked at his calm worried face as he tried to cool her down. The Teigu in her body responded to Sinbad's power. Sinbad and Esdeath felt the change and knew that the power of ice inside their bodies had formed a bond somehow. Valefor who was resting inside Sinbad's necklace felt this and woke up.

Valefor: Hmmm Resonance. This is strange. This person's power somehow resonates and communicates with my power subconsciously... Interesting. *chuckle*

Valefor went back into his slumber while Sinbad and Esdeath were connecting on a spiritual level. It was like there bodies were linked together as one. Time had froze and it was just the two of them sitting there like a couple. Sinbad knew that Esdeath's Teigu could make a person go mad and Sinbad knew that the Teigu made Esdeath the person she was today. Sinbad had a feeling that he could subdue the power within the Demon's Extract to help her. However he didn't know the extent of the Super-Class beast's power so he wanted to subdue it at an opportune time as the current setting wasn't appropriate.

Sinbad removed his cold icy hand from Esdeath's forehead and smiled. Esdeath didn't know how to describe that experience. Although, she felt the same things as Sinbad, she also felt that her mind cleared and that felt that she wasn't being influenced by anything. All she knew was that she was now connected to Sinbad. She saw his gentle smile and returned back to reality. She couldn't help but ask who he was.

Esdeath: Who are you?

Sinbad: Yuuto. And you are?

Esdeath: Esdeath...

Sinbad: Nice to meet you Esdeath. *smile*

Esdeath: Likewise... *blush*

Sinbad: Oh no!

Esdeath: What's wrong?

Sinbad: Nothing too serious. *chuckle* I'm just a bit late for a meeting with someone. But it was a pleasure to meet you Esdeath. I hope we can meet again. *smile*

Sinbad walked off before she could say anything and vanished into the crowd. The people in the area were still flabbergasted by what just happened and didn't realise that he had left. Esdeath reached out her hand before he left but held herself back. She slowly rubbed her forehead and remembered that soothing cold feeling that cleared her mind of the voices. Despite having a strong will to battle against the voices, it was exhausting for her to resist the voices. But when she felt that sense of relief it was as if the world was clear again. She wanted to feel that again but he had sadly left.

Sinbad now knew of the situation and could help Esdeath with her predicament. He didn't get any important information but could tell Najenda that he could save Esdeath and make her an ally. Having an ally like her, would make erasing the old order of the Empire very easy. Sinbad teleported back to base to report what he had found to Najenda.

Sinbad had found that everyone who was out monitoring the civil officials were fine and that it was evident that the Three Beasts were behind all the assassinations. Sinbad walked around to seek Najenda so he could tell her his plan. He saw Najenda quietly reading with Seryu and Koro eating some food along side Akame. Sinbad grabbed Koro which scared the living daylights out of him which made Sinbad laugh. Akame and Najenda saw Sinbad in his new attire and were surprised that he had other clothes.

Akame: Sinbad nii-san you have other clothes.

Sinbad: What's so surprising about that?

Najenda: You always wear the same thing.

Sinbad: Don't you guys always wear the same thing?

Najenda: Touche.

Sinbad: Anyway I have something to report to you.

Najenda: What is it?

Sinbad: This could turn the tides in our favour if I can pull this off.

Najenda: Come with me to the conference room.

They left Akame and Seryu but Sinbad was still holding the shivering Koro in his arms. They walked into the conference room with Sinbad sitting on the throne with Najenda on his lap playing with terrified Koro.

Sinbad: Let me get straight to the point. I can bring Esdeath to our side.

Najenda: What!? Are you going to use Komoamatsukami on her? Would that even work?

Sinbad: No, I'm not going to use that. If I'm going for a woman, I won't manipulate her into falling in love with me. That's just not my style. Something happened though during our encounter...

Najenda: What happened?

Sinbad: I felt a resonance with my power and hers. It was like when I made contact with her, we had somehow created a link between us. I discovered that my power could in some way subdue the power of her Teigu. With this I can clear her thoughts of the voices generated by the Demon's extract and try to convince her to our side.

Najenda: You make it sound easy but in reality it's not. Even if you subdue the power in her Teigu, that still won't change who she is.

Sinbad: But I can feel her weakness... I feel like that there was a part of her that is vulnerable that is calling for me, however it's too vague. I can't pinpoint it... it's like she's trying to be strong but she's not, yet her Teigu is clouding her thoughts making her incomparably blood thirsty and dominant on the outside and in.

Najenda: When I was with her in the army she had brought up her philosophy of "The strong survive and the weak die" which she had learnt from her father. Since then, she had used it to justify killing the innocents.

Sinbad: That must be it. She doesn't want to kill the innocents but her father's creed made her lose something and that something was...

Sinbad & Najenda: Humanity.

Sinbad: If I can somehow tap into that hidden humanity inside her heart, then I have a chance of turning this whole situation around.

Najenda: Are you sure you want to go through with this? You may have to fight her, you know?

Sinbad: The fighting is the easiest part. The difficult part is finding that humanity inside her because if she has truly lost it, then I would have to kill her... *sigh*

Najenda: Well no matter what you do, I'll support you. *smile*

Sinbad: Thanks. *smile*

Najenda: Tomorrow I'm going to the Revolutionary Army HQ to get us some recruits. If your plan doesn't come into fruition, by then we would have enough fire power to deal the Empire.

Sinbad: As smart as always. Well, I'll leave that to you then while I focus on training the rest.

Najenda: Don't miss me too much. *smirk*

Sinbad: When did you become such a tease? *chuckle*

Najenda: Maybe I got it from you? *laugh*

Sinbad: I do rub off on people pretty easily... Just be careful.

Najenda: I will.

Sinbad pulled Najenda close and kissed her. They kissed each other passionately as if it was there last. Sinbad's feelings and Najenda's feelings resonated with each other as their tongues transmitted their love and affection with each other. After a while they stopped because Koro was going to be frightened to death which made the two of them laugh. They called it a night and parted ways as Najenda had to get ready for her journey tomorrow.

Sinbad teleported back to Leone's room and saw her in her lingerie waiting for him. He smirked and jumped on top of her and kissed her. Sinbad never wanted to lose these two precious women in his life. Half an hour late they Leone slept quietly in Sinbad's arms as he was still thinking about Esdeath.

Meanwhile, back at the Imperial Palace, Esdeath was standing in the moonlight as it shone over her slender hourglass figure. She was just wearing a white shirt and sexy lingerie as she longingly looked to the moon imagining her that person's face. His beautiful sculpted face that seemed otherworldly, his smile that made time just stop and his fathomless deep golden eyes that could see through everything. She sighed as the ache in her chest got worse as she thought about the man.

She remembered that moment where everything around her stopped, and it was just her and him. It was the kind of intimacy that she had never felt before and the same could be said for him. Sinbad had never felt that kind of connection with someone even with Leone and Najenda. It was a different kind of link between people. For a moment both people became one.

Esdeath felt calm when they were in contact. Although she could fight off the voices inside her head some of them still made it through. But when she felt the ice running through his hands, her mind cleared off all the voices and at that point she could finally sigh a sense of relief as if a huge mountain had been taken off of her shoulders.

Sinbad even felt what Esdeath was feeling. He could only pitifully feel guilt even though he had done nothing wrong for what Esdeath had to put up with just for the sake of power. He recalled about Najenda had said earlier "Even if you subdue the power in her Teigu, that still won't change who she is." He thought 'Najenda could be right. Even I, Sinbad the High King of the Seven Seas is doubting myself or is it Yuuto Tsurugi...'

That was when an epiphany had hit him. He thought 'That's right! I'm Sinbad the High King of the Seven Seas and Yuuto Tsurugi the Otaku! We are both one person, what was I thinking!' as he came to that conclusion an even noticeable kingly aura emanated from his body. His eyes became even clearer that you could feel a sense of wisdom, confidence and purpose giving him a supreme sense of balance.

Sinbad: Esdeath no matter what, I'm going to save and make you my wife! *laugh*

Leone: Shut up Sinbad!

Sinbad: Sorry... *awkward chuckle*