Glory Bound

Glory Bound

The sight was unimaginable, this is a live look at my favorite game, "IAN" Two young adults ran towards me panting " Are you okay?" The look of worry seem to be on both their faces " As my memory tells me they are Sebastian and Ustan Brakov sons of one of our soldiers and close to my age. Sebastian is eighteen and Ustravos is 20 and I seem to be in the middle nineteen. We have been friends since our childhood and was sent to the training hall together. " How are both of you, looks like you two are well" but Sebastian still has a worried look on his face. " Ian I am glad you are fine but we have a problem, the Isancc are moving towards us again and your father has already moved ahead." They both looked at me "Can you still fight we need to reinforce the left column and you are in command of our unit." I am in the deep now, why did I have to heal and now I have to fight". Okay okay just like in the game, i though of a cheat "Fighting tactics" It will allow me to see which and what angle the enemy attacks in combat "Click, Cheat activated." I didn't want to fight but if the army is decimated I would be taken as a slave so I held my breath and I slowly answered "yes".

"What are we waiting for lets go" They just started running and me following them. From my memories we are out numbered two to one. The Drakk household has sent us here with a hundred troops and our household to quell a rebellion. A noble house that was in the right to rebel after a Drakk noble kidnapped and raped Isacc lords daughter, but might makes right around here. The Isacc has three hundred troops and we have a hundred fifty three. We don't have that many people in our house this is half our troops but the Drakk said they would send no more. Most of the troops are spear man with a handful of archers and cavalry.

The first wave that I apparently got injured on was a disaster especially for the Drakk they refused to retreat and they were massacred, only half of their forces made it back so we actually have maybe a hundred fit and able fighters (man and women). The Isacc only a minimum of maybe twenty loses.

As we made our way to the left colum I can see the nervousness in our soldiers eyes but as they saw me they started to cheer, I never knew just having a noble status can have such an effect. A soldier ranned up to me an saluted me the roman way. " My lord I am glad you are fine, It would be such a disaster you dying in your first battle." I almost choked at this ones straight forwardness but I decided to just laugh it of and motivate my troops. I asked the soldiers why everyone is down and he told me they were nervous after the first wave failed an now they have really more than us. I came to the conclusion what would I do if I was playing the game, what would I do as a gamer." Motivate the troops thats what I would do, I walked up to the front and everyone just started at me even the other columns. I started slowly "Walking into that jaws of death is like walking through life my friends, how would you want to die of old age.The look of fear in your eyes or the look of fulfillment, Do not give them the satisfaction of fear but anger"Death you might take me but YOU WILL NOT TAKE OUR PRIDE!" Suddenly they started cheering "IAN""IAN"IAN". Now we are ready to go to battle.