The Fire and The Storm I

The Fire and the Storm I

Don Drakk : Leader of the House Of Drakk

Arist Drakk: Wife.

Aline Drakk: First child (Female)

Dona Drakk: Second child. (Female)

Wilson Drakk: Third child. (Male)

Bora Drakk: Fourth child. (Male)

Pro: High Noble, Many vassals, Confident troops, Cunning, Conniving, Ruthless, Pristine Infrastructure, united, ambitious.

Cons: Over confident, Too ruthless, savage diplomat, ambitious.

Family values base motto: We are higher than the best of many.

City: Numes.

Other families in control.




Aline Pov:

"Father you should know that we sent few little troops to subjugate the Isaccs, They will not last long against them. I sat there with a contemplation in my face, wondering what this old man is scheming now. The Reinmakers used to be as prominent as us but after we defeated them they have sworn vassalage over us and was very loyal subjects that does not break oath often, maybe that's why my family eyed them for generations. "My dear Aline, you do not understand what I am doing." My father look at me with a grin. "These people need to be maintained in check and cannot rise up again, so what if we lose a few soldiers the Reinmakers have to use all theirs to maintain the flow of the battle as well." I scrounge my face with discontent. The Reinmakers are hardy and loyal people, from farmers to noble man, they have no ill will towards the lord they serve and even if they do they will never rebel.

"Sister you worry to much about people, these people are cannon fodder for the bigger goal of the family and that is controlling this city." My Sister Dona chimed in, sitting beside father as she was being taugh the way of the Drakk. " Our goal is to control this city and expand to other city states, we will not be chained to such low standard of life." My father kept talking while teaching dona.

BANG! BANG! BANG! "FATHER!" "FATHER" There was an incessive knock at the door. "THE DOOR IS OPEN! WHAT IS THE RUCKUS" my father yelled angry for the disturbance. Both my brothers Wilson and Bora came in with beads of sweats on their face. "News from the battle field", What of it my father looked at them. "Did they finally failed" My father grinned, "Father the battle reports are here".

Ian Pov:

"TROOOO" The battle horn sounded from my father that was in the middle of the formation. We all got started getting into formation and I can feel an intensive knocking in my chest. Okay I though here we go, the morale of the troops are good and maybe today I will survive. Please pick a phrase for the battle my head ding, (1). STAY IN FORMATION NO MATTER WHAT! (2). KEEP LIVELY AND STAY LIVELY EVERYONE!, (3). MAY THE GOD BE WITH US TODAY AND ALWAYS! I picked (3) and the troops cheered again and again and again. Ding + 25 morale of the troops, morale at 150%. I was grinning from ear to ear when I heard this. " So commander looks like you cannot wait to get up there huh?" , " The commander has no fear", "Look at him smiling at the jaws of death like a true Reinmaker". I heard talking in the lines, Ding + 15 for morale. Morale at 175% I was not expecting that to happen, it was just pure joy for me. "TROOO" "FORWARD MARCH" My father yelled and the captains repeated and the march began and I found one. I started to look for other cheats to activate before I see fire and blood and I found one Cheat activated The Calm the focus (during battles you will be calmed and focus, here we go I took a step forward with the rest.