

Aline Pov:

Aline was shocked at the report, The first battle was a total defeat for the Reinmakers but the second battle had an outstanding results, one hundred and thirty seven dead for Tanir Isaccs forces and thirty five captured, that was about three quarters of their forces and seventy five Drakks are dead her eyes furrowed on the report. "Of course they refused to retreat and will probably blame the Reinmakers" She though but to her the Reinmakers only twenty on the first wave but only five on the second. What kind of tactics did they employ. The Reinmakers could not sustain these loses she though since they have such few men, her fathers prediction came true.

"Hahaha!" Her father laugh his heart out, "We can use this against them, losing so many troops against the Isaccs." Dona, Wilson , and Bora Drakk all had a sinister smile of their face. "We will used this top take three quarters of the spoil of war for these loses they incurred".My father smiled "Children what have we learned today?". Everyone responded " We are better than the Reinmakers". I responded to by instincts but I did not think it is wise to step on the Reinmakers even dogs have a limit on their masters treatment.

My father sat down and started and grabbed a piece of paper and started writing something down. "Aline come" as he finished writing and putting the family seal on. Our family seal is a a crocodile for which a crocodiles wait all year for the perfect time to attack as I heard it".He handed me me the paper "Go grab our most suitable unit and meet the Reinmakers half way here make sure they cannot keep most of the spoils". I saluted my father and left but the though of what is written here does not bode well with me, for I know what written here is subjugation.

Don Drakk Pov:

Casustan: A noble house which is slightly lower than the drakks but are a trusted ally of the Drakks. They hold a firm belief that there are always benefits in the beginning then things turn bad to worse.

Pro: High Middle class noble, Some vassals, Cunning, Very good diplomats, Mid tier troops, good infrastructure.

Cons: Pessimistic, Content.

Family base motto: Trust is always better at the beginning.

My daughter Aline is to much of her mother a Casustan relatives always seeing the worst in everything that I do but she is my daughter and must be taught that I do this for our every ascending rise to power with no competition. "Wilson, Bora" I have a special mission for you two, I tell them what must be done and with a sly face on both of them they left in a hurry. "It must be done father, for the family" My daughter dona said in a mischievous voice while playing with her hair. "Father I need to do something also." She stood up and suddenly left, that daughter of mine is very cunning and ruthless indeed I never worry for what she does is always for the house.

Ian Pov:

It has taken until nightfall to bury the dead and for the screaming to stop, every now and then I can hear the moan and groan in the medicus tent and I shivered. After the battle ended I was cheered my everyone and I maintained a persona of a victory but behind prying eyes I puked my guts out, I shivered and sweated. All that carnage was because of me, the killing of young and old alike both man and women. I saw the carcasses of the fallen, guts and brains sticking out torsos shewn all around the place the crying of the dying, the blood filed group was soaked and would not dry. I am in a nightmare I though, If i didn't have that cheat that would have been me. "Ian come lets go to the party" Ustan and Sebastian called from outside my tent. I retained my composure again "Thank you cheat" I though as I go outside. "Looks like we all survive, you too go ahead I will be there momemtarily I still have not changed". They both waved goodbye and I started to look for a buket and water.

I couldn't find it so I waved a soldier down and asked him where to find one, he told me where to find a river to wash myself but half way to the rive I heard some ruckus "ENEMY RAID". I stood there dumbfounded, no way we sent scouts out how did they get around them? As I made it to camp there was nothing but chaos, the enemy were wearing Isaccs colors and they looked fresh. I saw a soldier charging at me with a spear and with a calm demeanor I sidestepped grabbed the spear with my left arm and pulled it to unbalance him the "Ding" the arrows appeared again. My hand move and punched the soldier in the hand as he let go a twisted the spear vertically and cut his neck open. I started running to the tent where the Celebration was and there were countless corpses in front of the tent where the they were celebrating".

I continued to charge forward as I got close I saw two horsemen coming toward me, one with a spear and the other with a bow. I ran as fast as I could as first horseman shot at me I dove down twisted towards my back and landed on my feet again, I sidestep to the right where the spear horseman was at threw my spear towards the archer and grabbed the spear from the horseman at the same time. As i grabbed the spear and pulled we both fell but the archer was on the ground with a spear sticking out of his eye. The horseman tried to pull his sword out but I was faster my foot went straight to his knee cap disabling him, I grabbed hold of him free arm and twisted it as he fell and at the same time pulled his sword out of his scabbard then shoved it straight to his brain.After that I ran towards the fallen archer and grabbed his bow and arrow and activated the cheat "Night vision" ( Seeing at night as if it was day) and I started raining death upon my enemies, one by one they fell, an arrow thru the yes, the neck the heart.