

Ian pov:

Throughout the night there was endless killing, Ain has shot arrow by arrow and even grabbing more arrows from the fallen archers. As morning came, there were countless amounts of dead warriors from the raid whoever the few enemy left escaped. After that night Ian became known as the storm bringer, for the enemy dead was sewn from one side of the camp to the other side from which Ian came fro and ended. The loses of the defenders were much fewer than expected only twenty five dead but who died was another matter. As Ian walked towards the tent he saw the bodies of his friends Ian full of arrows and Sebastian cut in half with his guts hanging out. The looked of death in their faces was surprised, It looked like they didn't even manage to get their weapons out.

Broken pieces of horse meat, blood , pieces of human flesh, a woman head there a leg there a jaw here. There were wondering horses everywhere without riders and some of the tents were on fire, How did they get past our sentries and scouts Ian though we had sentries every 100 yards and scouts were about. As he walked toward the tent he saw his injured father , uncle , and their guards. Many of them we're badly injured and will probably need to be carried back home, " You" Ian yelled to one of the guard that was the least injured. "Gather all the able bodies people we have take account of everything we have , check the prisoners and set up a perimeter outside the camp , don't forget the wounded and find a medicus for them, Hurry!". The guard stood up and started yelling to for them to gather and help him do the things Ian told him.

Ian looked around and started helping people about, cutting pieces of his cloth and bandaging people wounds up, and putted a tear on the soldiers knowing how much their young masters care for the. Once everyone has been mended a medicus came in the tent and started applying a more proper procedure to the more injured soldiers that he could not help. "Father" Ian walked towards John Reinmaker, "How did they get past our sentries and scouts?". Ian began to think something bad has happened to those people". A medicus came running into the tent, to Ian surprise it was a woman medicus not to tall or short and with a face of the sun so bright "Please young master go outside and help, I will do what I can here". Ian was reluctant but then call came outside "RIDERS!". Ian grabbed the bow and arrow again and dasshed outside.

Aline Pov:

When we did not see our army coming I decided to search for them and what I found was unimaginable, a camp in wreckage and death filled the air and the ground. A guard outside looked like he was ready to attack us and was prepared with death, the anger in the mans eyes was full. "Hold on soldier I am Aline Drakk daughter of Don Drakk". The soldier stiffen and then tirelessly saluted " I am sorry my lady but we were attacked last night and I did not think straight". I looked at him with sorrow but I am here on a mission for my father and could not let my thoughts go. "Bring me to your commander I have a letter for him from my father". As I was talking I saw a young man in a noble armor come running towards us, That must be Ian Reinmaker he has the looks a bit tall , skinny but muscular , black hair and bronze skin. "I am in command at the moment, can I help you?". I told him what I told the guards then handed him the letter from my father, the look on his face when he read the content was fury, anger and hate. This was the first time I have seen Reinmaker get so angry in the open, he is different from the rest.

Ian pov:

I have never been so furious in my life, they are asking us to give them three quarters of the spoils and some of the captured soldiers so they can be sold as slaves?! What kind of treatment is this for a loyal family house?! I was about to snapped when I heard voice "Boy let me see" as I turned around It was my uncle. He read the contents and instructed the guards to carry the duties entailed on it, "UNCLE!" I snapped. "HOLD YOUR TONGUE BOY!", I grudgingly held it. The lady even took some of our wagons, what a family that is" Drakk?! I remembered the name and if we're serving them then we are in trouble, they are nothing but a bunch of rabid dogs that eat sheeps. It looks like in the future I have to do something about it, After fighting with these men I felt a bond slowly developed between me and the Reinmaker household and I felt like cherishing it. I let them load all of what they can and they left us scraps the cheapest equipment and the weakest prisoners. In that moment I swore that this humiliation will be paid back overpoweringly. " By the way I saw bodies of your sentries and scouts on the way here" she looked at me cold eyes. As she slowly walked away looking like she didn't care about what had happened here It makes my blood boil even more. Me and my uncle organised the camp , the burial and our course of action. We will return to our lands and a messenger will be sent with the Drakks remaining army towards their house with a report of what transpired here. "Boy" My uncle waved at me as we march towards home, "We cannot anger our lord that we serve, we have sworn loyalty to him". I just nodded my head at him and trotted my horse forward and under my breath I murmured "What good are lords when they only serve themselves and punish the the loyal". I looked toward the afternoon sun, waiting for my chance of redemption "Ding" "Toturial has ended the Story begins".