The Beginning

The Beginning

"Ding" Unlocked level aptitude.

"Ding" + 10,000 exp gained

"Ding" Lvl up

"Ding lv 5 = lv 8

"Ding" + 35 character points

"Ding" + 15 Talents

"Ding" Received beginners treasure chest

"Ding" Title receive "Storm bringer" + 5 reputation

"Reputation Unlocked"

+ 10 reputation

Name: Ian Reinmaker (lv.8)

Lv.3 Low noble

Reputation: 17 (barely known and respected).

STR: 25 + 5

CON: 17+ 5

DEF: 15 + 20

INT: 13 + 1

CHR: 25 + 10

WIS: 10 + 1

WILL: 35 + 5

PER:20 + 2

LCK: 30 + 5

Skills: Tier 2 soldiering , tier 2 archery , tier 2 cavalry , basic diplomacy , basic management.

- authors note

Skill tier base 1 - 50.

Learning different skills are essential for survival and anything learned will be added to skills.

Equipment: Low noble Breast plate, Low noble boots, Low noble sword.

Inventory: Gaming equipment and files.

As I look around I see the level of the soldiers and their health-bar above them, some are missing half their bars and some a quarter and to my amazement these soldiers are level 5 and the prisoners level 2. My uncle riding beside me is level 10, but I seem to be stronger than him, I realize it's the cheats. I can make up the level difference with the cheats, I got to thinking that the cheats give me 15 levels ahead of everyone since I killed so many with pure precision and never got tired. Cheating in the game was well accepted by a lot of players because most would end up dead hours later but the key to the game was how the story-line progress, I wonder how my story-line will progress. "Boy are you fine" Uncle Derek caught up to me, "The doctor said your father will lose the use of his right hand he would probably never be able to fight again". That deeply saddened me, a good man lost his troops, his spoils, and now his hands. "I'll check up on him" I didn't really want to talk to my uncle right now so i rode to the cart where they had the injured on. We had to pack the carts full to the brim because the Drakks has taken some wagons from us and that still infuriated me.

As i saw my fathers state, I felt more saddened for the man but he opened his eyes and waved me to come closer. I reign my horse as close to the cart as I can, "Son when we get back to house I will need you to take care of everything for awhile and I will make your uncle steward to advice you". "Father I will do as you asked of me but now rest we have a couple more hours to go. My father closed his eyes once again and went to sleep, I know the man is in pain from losing his hands not just physically but mentally too. I looked at my fathers level and it was just two., probably from all the injuries he suffered he probably dropped levels beyond imagination.


John Reinmaker: Leader of the Reinmaker house hold

Maria Reinmaker : Wife

Ian Reinmaker: First child

Margret Reinmaker: Second child

Reinmakers Banner: Bear

Google: Bears are not mean or malicious; they are very gentle and tolerant animals. Mother bears are affectionate, protective, devoted, strict, sensitive and attentive with their young. Not unlike people, bears can be empathetic, fearful, joyful, playful, social and even altruistic.

Reinmakers Household pov:

Two women in garden practicing spear-man ship could be seen sparring with wooden poles and wooden shields and in full armor, bets of sweat pour out of them as the hot sun bears down on them. The Reinmarkers do not discriminate in gender for every Reinmakers must know how to fight, man, woman or child. They are few but they are highly skilled in fighting , and they dedicate everyday to the way of the warrior. "Okay that is enough a tall muscular woman points her spear to the ground the signal for the spar to stop. "Mother I feel like dying, do we really have to do this every day!" A girl almost semi muscular but dainty pouts. "You know that is rule of this house, the house has already fallen so low we cannot be complacent in our training". The Woman berates her daughter then laughs, "You will understand in the future my dear." she says as she walks away slowly taking her helmet off and you can see some lose curly black hair flutter in the wind.

"My lady!" A man in armor comes running, "There has been a sign-thing of troops not to far away carrying the banners of your husband. "We have sent riders to escort them my lady". The two women felt relived that their love ones are on the way home, "prepare a feast , have some of the medicus on standby, and prepare some water" Maria quickly gave the command. "Daughter we should help them the troops must have a long journey home and had a hard fought battle. Margret quickly agreed with her mother, she has been worried for her troublesome brother. Both quickly left the garden and started helping with the reception, but as soon as the troops got in front of the gates they to their horror there was so many injured and fear started to crept in both their hearts.

Ian pov:

As we got closer to our province the land become more flat, i could see there are farmlands for as far as I can see, The Reinmakers were a local populace that have been here for generations trying to keep the land free from outsiders but as the fall of the Empire of Geno many kingdoms broke apart and civil war ensued after wards breaking the kingdoms to smaller and smaller until the surrrounding vacinity in this are became controlled by a single city. The city of Numes was a far cry from civilization but the ports they contain gave massive profits to the nobles living inside the city making them able to procure massive private armies and the fallen noblles and people were cast out of the city to manage small provinces around the area to keep the city safe. Nether the less the Reinmakers were happy outside the city because this land was their birth right. From a small contingency of farmers to nobles they rose but was defeated by the massive influx of noble refugees. The populace were a very loyal for all they known since birth were loyalty to each other but for the lowest looking up, there were always trace of envy what if they could be like the Reinkmakers.

As I try to recall more about the land we saw the gates to our Acropolis open up. Many soldiers , people and medicus we're rushing out to to help. Children ran with buckets of water and pails for the soldiers to drink, some people were looking for their love ones while helping distribute food and tokens of thanks and some were crying talking to their fathers , mothers , sister or brothers friends that survive and letting the family know what had transpired to their beloved. As we made it inside there we're many people from the household waiting with food and wine, house slaves and free were working tirelessly setting dining utensils and two women we're standing in the front. "Welcome home" They smiled at me.