Recovery and Sacrifice

Recovery and Sacrifice


1 gold = 20 silver

1 gold = 4000 coppers

1 silver = 200 coppers

Dona Drakk pov:

So few of the mercenaries I have sent came back and they had the gall to ask for extra payment for the loses they have sustained, of course i did not pay and everyone was put to the sword for no witnesses can live. I looked at the reports once again and I cannot believe that one man drove them all out and slaughters them. The son of John Reinmakers apparently he is a wolf in sheep clothing, has this man been buying his time or he was just a great warrior , we will see. " My brothers were sent to the neighboring city state Roguat to negotiate a boundary between states but to no avail, they are having constant skirmishes up there and we cannot predict who will win but the secondary mission is the most important to secure an alliance with a strong noble. I have spies everywhere and spare mercenaries to fulfill the dirty deeds that must be done for the family when where we cannot be suspected. Raiding provinces, kidnapping, arson, poison, massacre of villages you name it I do it all.

There was a knock at the door, "it's open I calmly stated" it was my sister Aline and she did not looked pleased with me. "Did you send those raiders to raid the Reinmakers camp?" she slowly stated and of course I nodded at that question with a smile on my face. Then she asked me why I did it, I stated the facts that even though they had major loses tin manpower and spoils they still gained something from it, the spoils they receive were enough equity for them to rebuild and grow but not to much and the time they would pour into these objectives will require massive amounts so they will not be in any position to think of anything else for awhile not even our fathers actions against them. "Other than that I have a question for you sister, I need for you to give me an inquiry about a certain person."

Ian pov:

My mother and sister cried when they saw the state father was in but they were happy we survived and thankful I was not hurt. My father was carried inside the house and my uncle recounted my tales their eyes bulge. My mother and sister were full of doubts apparently the previous Ian was short tempered, brash but he could not display the skill I have displayed on the battlefield. My uncle told them it was probably the baptism of blood and battle that my true potential was unlock , for you will never really know man skill and character until he has been through it. "Son you have brought fame and honor to the family" My mother grabbed me and hugged me, but it was more like a bear hug than a motherly loved and then my sister joined in and I felt like I was drying. After the hug my mother looked at me " We have do distribute merits and rewards son, I know that the Drakks grabbed most of the spoils but there is still plenty for us". I was still sore about what the Drakks did to me so but things must be handle, my mother went in the room where my father was being kept and me,my sister and my uncle went outside to put matters into our perspective.

Total casualties as report three.

twenty five dead , ten are heavily wounded and five are slightly wounded the medicus slowly prompt the reports to us and after him a soldier reports the following spoils. Three thousand copper coins , a thousand silver and three hundred fifty gold that was enough to last the Reiner family a decade after everything was put into use such as infrastructure with farming, mining, iron works, forestry and so on. The average annual pay of a soldier was only two silver or four hundred copper coins so we had plenty to spare but if we kept all the spoils not including the spoils we split with the Drakk reinforcing army it would have lasted the family half a century. Groups of family and soldiers gathered around the spoils for they know I was about to announce soldiers merits and distribute rewards. Since I was the hero of the battle I was given the task to announce the merits and distribute the rewards my uncle gave me a piece of paper and stood beside me and so did my sister. The look of down trodden people in front of me almost broke my heart, "My people I know you all have lost and suffered love ones that this one cannot begin to imagine and that even these reward would not ease, But I hope to ease your burden for even a moment and thank you all for fighting along side us". I looked at them with teary eyes " and I hope you will forgive me me for not bringing your love ones back, but this i swear to you starting today things will be different I promise to secure us a better future". "LONG LIVE IAN!" a child roared and the rest followed "Long live!" "Long Live!".

Before I finished reading the military merits a though came into my mind how to bring us back from this misery and gain at the same time I have decided to unlock Double ganger (Copy the object you are holding) "DING" cheat unlocked. I raised my hands to calm the audience down after all the approval with the merits, "I have decided to give tremendous awards to you all, thirty five coins for soldiers with meritorious deeds with or without injuries , twenty silver for the injured and three gold coin for the dead!". I looked back at my sister and uncle, my sister had a surprised look while my uncle had a disapproving look then I turned back into the crowd, "I will distribute the rewards myself, so I know i have properly distributed it fairly and properly". "HAIL AIN!" the crowd burst into cheers twenty five silver was twelve months of annual payment, thirty seven was sixteen and for the dead 3 gold coins was thirty months. There were an outburst of enthusiasm among the crowds, and after this please enjoy the feast, "IAN!","IAN!","IAN!".

After the distribution was done, everyone went on their merry way towards the town center where the festival was about to begin. "IAN!,what were you thinking that was not just for them but for the family! My uncle grabbed me and my sister stared at me and then spoke, "You know our family status brother why did you do it, I would have done it myself if I knew what you were gonna do". I looked at both at them attentively "Look at them" I pointed at the bag "Does it look like we emptied it". I emptied the bag one by one and counted,There were double the previous amount that came out. "WHAT?!" my uncle was surprised. "They must've miscounted the coins because of current situation this is enough to last us a decade and with this we can recruit more house hold troops. My uncle and sister were both smiling, "How did you know?". By weight I told them and we all laughed, "lets go we are missing the celebration" I jeered at them and ran towards the sound of music and dancing.