Rewards and Profit

Rewards and Profit.

Ref: Wiki

The spatha was a type of straight and long sword, measuring between 0.75 and 1 m (29.5 and 39.4 in), with a handle length between 18 and 20 cm (7.1 and 7.9 in), in use in the territory of the Roman Empire during the 1st to 6th centuries AD. Later swords, from the 7th to 10th centuries, like the Viking swords, are recognizable derivatives and sometimes subsumed under the term spatha.

The pugio (plural: pugiones) was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm.

Ians troops were fighting the unknown number of enemies that surrounded them , they have formed a wedge to try to break thru but to no avail. Ians troops relied mostly on their archers for hit and run tactics the a massive spear-man wave replaced with cavalry when they were done. The enemy were starting to fatigue little by little, considering most of their troops were infantry consisting of spear-man, axemen and Celtic swordsman. Ians archers could let their infantry rest while they attack, carts of bolts and arrows were starting to pour out of the camp towards the front to resupply the crossbowman and archers.

Elise pov:

I pushed a Celtic away with my shield and thrust my spear towards him but he deflected it. We were commanded to stay in a tight formation to not give the enemy any space so we did and they came one after the other. I Feinted my trust and he bough it, but instead of stabbing him i lowered my spear and stabbed the person behind him while simultaneously moving forward and bashing them in the face. As he fell I thrusted my spear towards their face but slowly widened my stance to stabbed the person trying to help him up in the leg , then i double trust "Neck" A cervical comes flying out as I pulled, chest" Blood and pieces of muscle sprayed out , one fell holding his neck the other died quickly. This rush was amazing , we were killing so many of them "TROO" a hand from behind me pulls me back , it was Calun "Retreat our cavalry is on the way".

Jen Toroch Pov:

Our soldiers cannot maintain this kind of assault I though and the last charge my sister joined in the fray, then suddenly enemy cavalry broke through exhausted lines, "My lady, our troops are exhausted" a man of age spoke behind be. "We must grab whatever cavalry we have to stop them to give our men time to retreat" He spoke softly. Of course he is right or we will be massacred, You there I pointed at captain "You heard him" he dash forward with whatever horseman he had to delay the enemy onslaught, but as he got close to the enemy" Dozens of arrows fell on them as they continued to charge , more and more fell then the enemy headed towards here. "I see , they are after me, ". I have to deal with them on my own then. I hurried my horse and intercepted the enemy horsemen, as we charge towards them, they loosen hails of arrows. Left and right I saw my people fall but to my surprised they stopped and a lone cavalry charge towards here, "YOU THINK A SINGLE CAVALRY CAN STOP US!" I was so infuriated, but as we made contact and was about to cross blows he passed by me , just out of the reach of my spear and went towards my flank then around to my other flank. After that he retreated towards his horse archers and as I looked, more arrows were heading towards us.

Ian pov:

We finally broke throug , now we have to mopped up the enemy but suddenly I saw Horsemen charging this way, I gave the commands to shoot and retreat and I will deal with them alone, when I'm done resume firing. I charged towards the lead cavalry , but suddenly I slowed down and shifted towards the outside of her range towards her right flank. I did not target the riders but the enemy horses and then turned towards the other flank. As I pass towards the lead cavalry toward back my lines the look of bewilderment was still on her face and as she look above, arrows rained overhead. After the aftermath I commanded my horse archers to charge, they might not have spears but they had the Spatha (Swords) , The Pugio (Dagger) and they were iron much better than the bronze Celtic swords the enemy were using , the level difference between them did not matter at this point I realize that as long as I have the technical superiority I can always win. We rammed at the disorganize mass of dismounted enemy, the first enemy I skewed in the eye and as i passed him I rammed my horse into his companions , hearing their bones and anguish fueled my blood lust even more and then I saw a tall lanky woman and a man age beyond his year fighting back to back. I reeled in my horse and charge towards them, they say me coming and they both side stepped in the opposite direction of one and the other. One swiped his sword toward the legs of my horse and the other thrust-ed their spears toward my chest. I maneuvered my horse between then around them first twisting my horse to move upward then I blocked the spear with my shield while swiping vertically towards the swords man. I drew blood on the old man hand and he let go of his sword then I moved my horse pass them and turned around and attacked again. This time as i charge they side stepped again but i moved my horse towards where the spear-lady was and I rammed into her knocking her backwards and out of breath then i jumped off my horse and dove under thrust-ed my spear getting the man in the eye and he fell down. I grabbed the reins of my horse and continued the onslaught of the enemy and they started to waver, gabbing their fallen they started running and the battle was over "That was just the clouds I though , now I have to deal with the rain".

Jen Toroch pov:

The last thing I remembered was getting hit by a horse them I woke up being carried by my men "Whats happening I though" I was being carried by a stretcher,"my lady the enemy pursuit is relentless and many of my men are trying to stop them. We have lost many men today, "how can such a small force defeat us I though" I tilted my head and beside me my trusted captain was being carried, " at least he is alive I though", "You stop there" riders approached beside us, it was Mezsi, "How sister?" she looked at me, "It was that man , I grinned at her and she laughed". "There is always tomorrow" She implies then commanded her horsemen to the rear to help with the retreat, I though "May not be tomorrow, maybe someday but first come, first serve sister" I grinned at the though.