When it storms, it rains , it pours.

When it storm, it rains, it pours.

Name: Ian Reinmaker (lv.17)

Lv.3 Low noble

Reputation: 25 (known and respected around yours and certain provinces)

STR: 45 + 5

CON: 35+ 5

DEF: 32 + 20

INT: 33 + 1

CHR: 41+ 10

WIS: 25 + 1

WILL: 34 + 5

PER:37 + 2

LCK: 51 + 5

Skills: Tier 12 soldiering ,tier 8 archery , tier 8 cavalry , basic smiting 5,basic diplomacy , basic management .

Cheat ON: Bronze Skin, Scholar, Golden tongue , Manager , The calm the focus, Double ganger, Task master.

Bronze skin : heals quickly

Scholar: Learns quickly

Golden tongue: Persuasive

Manager : Management

The Calm the focus :During battles you will be calm and focus

Double ganger: Copy the object you are holding)

Molder: Transform objects (Was mold objects)

Drill master: Subordinates bonuses and buff when Training.

Equipment: Medium noble Breast plate 1, Medium noble boots 1, High quality noble spear I, high quality noble sword III, Perfect Composite bow 1 .

Inventory: Gaming equipment , files , Quest rewards.

Gere Toroch Pov:

My soldiers drove forward with swords blazing creating a bulged in the enemy lines. Here is my chance I though, "Send in the Feargs I commanded, They were my special household troops of three hundred people that holds two handed battle axes" . They moved forward to support the bulge we have created creating a massive patch work of destruction all around it and slowly turning the enemies center leaving one of the flanks exposed and I sent in my reserve axemen to take care of. As time went by groups of men at the enemies front were now fighting in groups and loosening their formations and us devastating them at every point at the front. The final push I though was in order, but as I was about to ordrer another attack a horn blew behind us. "I see, those girls couldn't hold that tiny army." The commander I though must be very resourceful. " Garrac , Macri" I called both my sub-commanders. " I need you to grab some men at the front an reform a line behind us " as we reform we need to slowly trickle our forces at this front down seeing the enemy are exhausted, we are making a breakthrough". Yes both responded and headed put to collect some troops and I looked at the approaching army. Much more discipline that this rabble, marching in cadence like a flowing river "It is gonna be a good show I though" and I prepared myself to kill kill their commander on the way out of here.

Ian Pov:

As I look over the battle line I realize that the enemy only had their reserves left, this is the perfect time or me to attack. I hurried my troops forward almost to a run and sent my cavalry and archers to harass the enemy while they form ranks. As we got closer they just suddenly charged in an orderly fashion towards us, "halt!" "shield wall" I needed also commanded to stretch the lines as far as possible, it might seem like a mistake but there were so many of them that they can threaten the flanks but for now we are holding. As we held our ground, I failed to notice a mass of people massing behind the enemy and I finally notice , "The center of the enemy made a quick formation and made a push then retreated and my center were created by double handed axe warriors and my center buckled. Cross bowman I commanded I need you to carry lift each other up and shoot those enemies, and within a hurry they did just that, " I might have to send them in too if this continues I though because my horsemen and horse archers were entangle among the enemy rear.

Arist Drakk pov:

"We are saved " I sight a breath of relief , I though I was gonna have to fight. "My Lady" A captain beckons towards the line, "it looks like they are dwindling this front and preparing a break through, please give us your permission to push forward", but as i looked up and down the line there were still massive amount of lose fighting "We are cannot form a line!" They are gonna hold us here!" I was so angry , not just because of the ambush. We were in no shape of form to mount a counter offensive but we could mount a distraction" I need you to pull back some of our cavalry and make a break towards the enemy flank toward the Reinmakers side. So even if the enemy turn the Reinmakers they could reform a line again starting from their flank. " As you command my lady" , I am surprised they are holding strong through. I wonder what kind of training they received to become so discipline, I will have to report this to my husband.

Elise pov:

My shield creaked and buckled my arm felt numb , "these people are strong i though". I tried to thrust with my spear just to have it cut of, I pulled out my spatha trying to find an opening, waiting for them to arch their attack so I can stab but these men were highly trained and he arc vertically I tried to stab him but he suddenly kicked my shield and it bashes me in the face. I tasted my blood for the first time and my word became shaky as I stare at the axe coming towards me, but suddenly a spear came from behind piercing the man at the throat. "Elise are you okay?!" I think that was Ryani as my head is still reeling. I fell down one one knee and struggled to get my bearings, finally I felt my head clear and I stood up, massive amount of pools of blood in front of me. "Thank you" I yelled behind me without looking","Good sister you're back" she patted me in the back with her shield and I hear Culun behind her yell "Thank the gods!, I don't have to rely on Ryani to protect me." I almost had the urge to laugh.

Ian pov:

Good the Drakks are sending reinforcement toward my right flank, I instructed us to move the right flank a bit, all the center and the left to let the enemy pass through but for the meantime they didn't and that puzzled me. "they are after something I though, bur what?! A spear flew towards me that I barely dodge and I saw a woman waving at me then sounding the horn and the enemy slowly but surely left out lines in an orderly retreat. There was a pause in the fighting, like a unspoken agreement between the three armies. The atmosphere was so tense that the battle could have exploded once again but my people held their position, while this was happening I was organizing the wounded to the rear and I though "there will be a lot of promotions and rewards after this battle, also I need to expand the army once again and this is the excuse I really needed".

After the Toroch army left I first organized my army , the places where we would camp and where to place and what is needed for the wounded. I called every captain and sergeant to give me a report of merits and the rewards that should be given" , For now I gave them a pouch full of silver " Five silver for everyone right now I commanded until we get back and I will properly reward every single one of you". My talk with the captains and sergeants spread like wildfire through our camp after I left, restoring the most important thing in an army "our morale" and you can hear the sounds of celebration in our camp, unlike the other surrounding camps.