Prosperity and Redemption

Prosperity and Redemption

There was a massive celebration in the Reinmakers camp, everyone is merry and jolly at the though of the five silver coins in their pouches. They have made more here in this couple of days than 2 years of hard labor and they were supplied with food and wine, nothing came out of their pockets in a years or two many of this people can retire and find a new profession if they get tired if soldering but that would be unthinkable. Everyone was Sitting by our fires when the neighboring soldiers came to see of they can join and they were wholeheartedly invited , they were shocked at the stories they heard. The soldiers recounted their victories and their fallen friends but what made their ears perk was how generous our young master to us all are, they asked us where the young master lived and were considering to move over their families over there once this was done. Many of these men were militia , so they can come and go to the army as they please. The Reinmakers troops were horrified when they them tell their stories, the pay was bad, the leaders incompetent and every rations they have are almost gone so unless there is a deciding battle many will leave.

Ian Pov:

I went to the commanders tent to report the current situation in the neighboring area, "Come in" A gentle voice commanded me, What a stunning beauty I though but I remembered she is a Drakk and they cannot be trusted. "Well you are a young one aren't you, I give you my thanks for coming to our rescue and I realize now why you refused to move forward". I thank her and handed her the parchment that was in my hands, "my lady my three hundred units have suffered a tremendous blow this couple of days , we are down to two hundred fighting men and I worry about the injured" I empizied the "Injured" to her. "We have suffered too, who would have though three thousand fighting men would almost be defeated by the Toroch, they seem to have countless number of people but if my sons aren't coming back with me we cannot do anything about our wounded" She emphasized "Sons". We both stared there silently towards each other until one of the nobles interrupted our silence. "My name is "Eter Causustan" and these are "He introduced me to the other nobles and captains present inside the tent". I word of advice nobles, captains " these whole region are infested with Toroch, we will not make it into the city and back without suffering extensive losses and I will not have my troops die for nothing". " WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING!" Artist stepped forward and tried to grab my tunic but I just slapped it away. " Yes I am your vassal but, we have defeated the Torroch again and again even without your help, but what use is a vassal that loses everything?, This army is my whole families only army?" "I will not have us lose everything for you, come to my camp when you have come up with a plan, good evening everyone".

After seeing the events today , I realized the chances of our victory over the Toroch were quite slim, we did not have enough provisions or men to fight them, so I did what must be done" As I walk back towards the tent I saw other soldiers from different camps mingling with my soldiers and that put a smile to my face, "Hello everyone" everyone stood up and saluted me. A young boy came forward and asked if its true that if they join they get a good pay and that the food and equipment are free, that startled me but a plan came into head as I looked at the boy and I nodded my head. "See my troops nodded their heads in satisfaction, "The young master provides but the training is hellish" they all spoke up about it. "If you all want to join my army, move into my province and for your family we will find them accommodations then I turned away with murmurs behind my back.

Artist Drakk pov:

"THE NERVE OF THAT MAN" I yelled but the nobles were eerily quiet then I realize what the boy said is true, what noble would want to lose everything they have for the Drakks. They did pledge alligence to us but with these loses, it has weaken our standing and It almost put a tear in my eye when I realize I have to abandon my sons. Also these nobles know that we have sent them to fight a number of times , maybe that's why he feel confident he could defy us and I have no bearing to arrest him. It would cause a massive rift in the coalition if that was to happen, the only man to win victories to be arrested that would be incredibly laughable. Captains I weakly called them, "The plan tomorrow is to retreat, now please everybody leave". I sat there on the chair and cried my eyes out "I am sorry my body, mother cannot save" and I laid my head onto the table.

Ian Pov

The following morning our camp broke, heading towards home and I was in a joyful mood even though we were assigned to be rear guards. " The Drakks and indeed venomous and when I get the chance to build a bigger army I will convince the people that they do not look out for our best interest. No matter how loyal you are it will not hold if you keep being treated like animals, their armies took half our spoils in the first battle then they came back and took three quarters of what was left. I f they though I have forgotten about that, they are surely mistaken and the veteran soldiers and the fallens family have not forgotten about it , I stake my life on it.

The marched suddenly grind into a halt , I set my men into formation and I trotted my horse to the front. It was the heads of Bora and Wilson Drakk impaled on a stake with a placard overhead "COWARDS", "Good riddance" I though, now we really have no reason to stay in this place. I looked over at Arist Drakk offered my condolences and went back to the rear, they deserve everything they are getting.