

Name: Ian Reinmaker (lv.17)

Lv.3 Mid class noble

Reputaion: 40 (well known and respected around yours and certain provinces + 15 For Toroch Provinces and allies)

STR: 37 + 5

CON: 33+ 5

DEF: 40 + 20

INT: 29 + 1

CHR: 40 + 10

WIS: 24+ 1

WILL: 29 + 5

PER:34+ 2

LCK: 47 + 5

Skills: Tier 12 soldiering ,tier 8 archery , tier 8 cavalry , basic smiting 5, Good diplomacy Good management.

Cheat ON: Bronze Skin, Scholar, Golden tongue , Manager , The calm the focus, Double ganger, Task master.

Bronze skin : heals quickly

Scholar: Learns quickly

Golden tounge: Persuasive

Manager : Management

The Calm the focus :During battles you will be calm and focus

Double ganger: Copy the object you are holding)

Molder: Transform objects (Was mold objects)

Drill master: Subordinates bonuses and buff when Training.

Equiptment: low noble Breast plate III, Low noble boots III, Low noble spear III , Low noble sword III, low Composite bow III.

Reinmakers Family:

Pro: skilled in the Art of war,Mostly loyal house hold, Elite troops, good

infrastructure, mid class diplomat.

Cons: Hard headed, uncomfortable with change, low number of subjects.

Family value base motto: One loyal man is worth a thousand.

Emblem : Lion and arrows (the arrows were added by IAN).

colors: Dark green and grey.

Lions are symbols of strength and courage and have been celebrated throughout history


Ian Reinmaker pov:

After the battle, I was brutally attacked by objects and I looked like I took part in the battle.

"Mom! Sister this is all our fault!" I was crying.

"Why did they leave her in my tent" , "sniff"

Commander are you okay? one of the captains walked up to me.

"Yes, I just had something in my eye" I pretended to clean my eyes and wipe the tears at the same time.

We had been marching for hours and I sent Mesze to where my mother was and with the looks of it they were getting along.

"She is the enemy....., why mother?" I saw them conversing and joking around like how did they became friends all of a sudden we were just killing each other a couple of hours ago.

I saw a rider riding toward Misze and my mother, it was Margaret.

she started talking to me and all three of them started giggling all together and pointing at me.

I decided to ignore them and talk to my captain instead.

"Captain how long until we get there" I asked him

"an hour my lord" he answered me with crisp and precise voice.

I just hope that the Saggs are holding out.

Taner Sagg pov:

We were on the retread, our lines been broken over and over again.

"We are sustaining to many cusualties, I hope my brother Presti is doing better in the town.

I was in command in the field outside of town and my brother has attacked the bastion of the Drakks. There was fire and smoke everywhere, you can see it on the outlying area.

"Sir Taner!" we must retreat again and reform our line!" The captain was talking to me aniously. "We have reformed three times and charged three times. Seriously we are down to three hundred men , while the Drakks and their allies still consisted of about two thousand.

We have failed i though, until I saw a lion banner with arrows crossing it.

"Oh by the gods we are saved!"

The Reinmakers cavalry smashed behind the enemy center causing destruction and once the passed a storm of arrows and bolts came crashing down on the enemy, torrent and torrent of it.

After the arrows stopped, the cavalry returned with a charge once again just to delay the enemy from forming a formation until the foot soldiers arrive but when they did, it was like a storm.

Everything within that army was swept by the storm, the damage was so powerful and precise the enemy broke within minutes but the Reinmaker army wouldn't let them escape. they were hunted down on foot and or horseback. Many soon surrendered after witnessing the the destruction they was gonna unfold towards them if they did not.

Ian Pov:

A dozen people were dragged in front of me, The drakks and their entourage were put in chains and were on their knees.

"You bastard!" Don Drakk was yelling at me and spouting curses.

"Shut him up" A guard grabbed his sword and smacked him sideways with the blunt end of it and teeth and blood came flying out.

"FATHER!" Dona Drakk tried to stand up but were push back down by the guards.

"Plea-se you-ng mas-ter I-an spa-re us" the other contingency of nobbles were trying lie their way out of their responsibilities, saying they were forced to fight". " I had all of them chained and they will all be transported back to my agropolis.

After I got the Drakks and the other nobles secured I came to a clearing with all the prisoners.

"You all have heard of me, I am Ian Reinmaker the storm bringer"

I pointed at them "I will give you all a chance to renounce your allegiance but... the price will be your freedom". "Those who swear allegiance to me will be drafted into my army and those that don't will be sold to slavery. THAT INCLUDES YOUR FAMILY!" I started walking towards them and cleared my voice once again. "If you follow me I will make you into a force to be reckoned!, A person worthy of respect and admiration and most of all I will make you rich."

I pointed towards my soldiers and they saw the shining but blood stained requirement on them suddenly my army started chanting my name "IAN! IAN! AIN!"

Many of those defeated decided to follow me and those that did not were separated to be auction as slaves.

After the fall of the enemy outside, we marched into the city and the force that was repelling the Saggs quickly surrendered and pledge their loyalty towards me.

A grand celebration as in order for the victory but before that I decided to thank the victors and myself.

We got into the town square and a makeshift podium was made for me.

"I thank you all for your hard work and sacrifices, because of you and the person beside you, in front of you and behind you...because of them you are alive today. Therefore everyone will get a share of the spoils and a bonus of five silvers when we get back and that is not including the merits you have gained, Thank you all!"

There were cheering everywhere, I instructed that the soldiers get every food and wine within the Drakks and their associates compound to be brought out and shared among each other.

There were a massive surplus of everything from bronze to iron, from copper to gold and food to wine. The celebration lasted until morning, I spent my the whole night being harassed by the three woman I been trying keeping away from. My mother, sister and the Toroch girl had a drinking competition and apparently I was the prize. As the sun rose, I was being dragged around by Mesze... "Wh-y me!, I am the comman-der!". The sun rose that morning brighter than I have ever seen *pinch* "OW!"